Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday ~ Giving Thanks

Giving Thanks

Welcome to the day two of our "Giving Thanks" celebration! Doesn't it seem like Thanksgiving is being pushed aside more and more each year? The stores are already playing Christmas music in many parts of the country!

Let's take this week (Monday-Saturday) to prepare our hearts and homes for this wonderful time of year. Each day I will be posting a Thanksgiving related activity, cleaning challenge and Words of Thanksgiving. They will be located directly below this post!

I would love for you to join in the fun! Mr. Linky is available for you to sign and here are some things you could share:

-What you are thankful for
-Thanksgiving traditions or memories
-Craft Ideas
-Decorating ideas
-Your menu
-Cleaning/Organizing "before" and "after" pictures
-Anything having to do with Thanksgiving!

Remember, everyone who participates and signs Mr. Linky will be entered into a drawing at the end of the week! Go HERE to see the prizes. Each day you participate, your name will be entered into the giveaway drawing. If you participate two days, your name will be entered twice, join us all five days for five entries, etc.

Please read the participating instructions carefully:

1. Write a Thanksgiving post on your blog. Link back to There is No Place Like Home so that others can join in. You may use the "Giving Thanks" button located at the top of this post.

2. When signing Mr. Linky, you must link directly to your "Giving Thanks" post and not your homepage URL.

3. In order to make the Mr. Linky list easy to read, please type your first name only. You may also add a 1-2 word description of what you are sharing. Example: Kelli-Recipe.

Note: Mr. Linky will be up at 12:00am Eastern time each day.

Have fun! We are looking forward to what you have to share!


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    You have been a busy lady with all these wonderful tips and cleaning...

  2. I am truly enjoying this so far. It is such a blessing to visit others and have a peek into their special activities! Thank you for doing this and for sharing all of your wonderful ideas, recipes, etc... I don't know how you find the time to do it all! I'm going to try to get ONE area near my kitchen done this week - I wish I had time for more!

  3. Thanks for hosting Kelli! (sorry, I put my first post under Monday by accident)

  4. blessings to you Kelli. I love this idea and all your craftiness !!!


  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Hello, I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Thanksgiving is a moment to remember
    How little we can do to move the stars.
    All we are and have we must surrender,
    Nor is Earth less inscrutable than Mars.
    Knowing this, we know the need for friends
    Sharing both our pleasures and our pain,
    Giving, though it may not serve their ends,
    In joy the love that will our love sustain.
    Very much like water in a lake,
    In sum we serve as mirrors to the sky.
    No one alone can heaven's picture take.
    Given friends, we know the reason why.
    In Canada, we have celebrated our Thanksgiving in October.

  6. Anonymous7:30 AM

    This is fun, Kelli -- thanks!

  7. Thanks for hosting Kelli! I am a bit confused as to how this should work, are we to keep with the daily theme each day or do we share what we like according to your suggestions? If I am doing it wrong you can let me know! :-)


    Hope all is well with you and yours!


  8. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Hi there. I think you do a great job on your website.:) I want to add the picture but how I do that? I am new to blogging. Thank you for all your hard work.

  9. Anonymous9:44 AM

    I'm sharing a new recipe that my daughter just made for the first time yesterday.

  10. Hi Sharon! I tried to comment on your blog, but my computer wouldn't let me log into wordpress. I love the verse that you shared, it's one of my favorites! I would be happy to send you the picture code. Just email me at kwinn@hotmail.com.


  11. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Thanks for providing an atmosphere that's just plain "relaxing!"

  12. Hi Kelly. I've read your blog for a while now, but I've never participated in one of your activities. Ever since I read your post last week about your "Giving Thanks" events, I have wanted to try a little harder to appreciate the things I am grateful for. Your blog is so uplifting. Thanks for hosting!

  13. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I was told to check out your blog on a forum I belong to. She was right I am really enjoying it. I make sure I give thanks every day for one thing that makes my life happy.

  14. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Thank you, once again, for hosting this celebration. It's really inspiring me to do some extra things around my home.

    Have a wonderful day!

  15. what a fun excuse for me to dig around in my favorite Thanksgiving things. Thanks again Kelli!

  16. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Thanksgiving is a wonderful family time. This is my first year celebrating thanksgiving with my family of my own. :) I have been married only 8 months. I am so excited to be making this first Thanksgiving special with new traditions. I'm thankful for my wonderful husband!

  17. I just so appreciate all of your wonderful ideas for pulling us all together to share with one another!
    Thanks so much, Kelli!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.