Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday ~ "Thanksgiving Fun!"-Part 1

Dinner Rolls

Looking for an easy way to add homemade dinner rolls to your Thanksgiving menu? These easy to make, soft and slightly sweet rolls will be perfect!

Fresh from the oven with lots of butter!

At our Seasonal Delights website we post a weekly recipe and this week it happens to be Refrigerator Dinner Rolls. Come on over to get the recipe and see many more pictures!

Refrigerator Dinner Rolls


  1. Kelli,
    How did you know I was in search of a good homemade roll recipe? Wow, I hit the jackpot! The pumpkin rolls were good for last year, but I wanted to try something different....YAY! Oh, and I just saw the cornucopia you have below and that is so Pretty! Just my type of thing~


  2. Kelli, I'm sure that I gain weight just coming to your blog!

  3. These look wonderful!!! I am going to add them to our menu for sure! Thanks!

  4. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Bless you, Bless you !!!

    I have to bring dinner rolls to our family Thanksgiving dinner Saturday,( a long with the ham) and I have on my to-do list today to make some ( to practice). You now how helped me decide which recipe to use.

    Thank you,

  5. Yummy. These look delicious!!! I'm going to have to try this recipe sometime.

  6. mmm your buns look mouthwatering!! yummy!

  7. Wow there happened a lot on your blog since I last visited. I catched a cold and it tokk me completely down. Now I feel a lot better and ready to blog again.
    Great recipe....I can almost taste it.

    Hugs Britta

  8. Wow... Thank you so much for allowing us non-subscribers (yet) to have access to that recipe and it's variations! I know my husband will thank you too when he finds out it was you that made his year! I will be trying this recipe soon and will be (if all goes well) adding it to our "regular make" list!

    I am wondering... do you know what the yield is??? Can it be frozen and get the same results? Right now it is just DH, baby and I and I don't think we could eat all that in one week (unless it's all we ate that is). The 7 cups of flour has me a little frightened of the amount it makes. :)

    Also, have you ever tried it in the bread maker?

    Thanks again! I can't wait!

  9. Oh, those look delicious! And, is that BUTTER oozing out of them? I love butter so much. Really I do.

  10. Kelli- this looks like a great recipe - and so much simpler than mine - I like simple! Wow them with simplicity - that's my motto! I would like to take part in your Thanksgiving week fun, I'm just not up to it right now. I think it is a terrific idea and will try to do some little things to prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving, but I'm keeping it low key for a bit!


  11. Kelly, will you email the recipe to me at mrssnyder@comcast.net. I would love to try it out before Thanksgiving. Thansk so much, Kristie

  12. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Can't believe the link is gone, nor that it is over 3 years ago since I read this recipe and filled it in my brain!!

    Any chance of getting the new link or the recipe - thank s Kelli


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