Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Cozy Winter Home

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home." ~Edith Sitwell

Hello everyone! Thank you for your sweet comments about the Hidden Surprise Valentines. It's hard to believe January is almost over and the time for red hearts and roses is almost here.
Before I put up my Valentine banner, I want to show you this "Home" banner that I made a few weeks ago.

I used simple paper ovals with gold letter stickers. I also added small beads along the ribbon. They remind me of little lanterns.

My banner got me thinking about ways to create a cozy home for winter. I know many parts of the country are buried in snow and have awhile to go until spring. Here are a few ideas to celebrate this cold and snowy season...

The soft glow of candlelight creates a sense of warmth and comfort.

So does snuggling up with an old quilt and favorite book.

Enjoy the pleasures of a winter kitchen with a pot of soup simmering away on the stove and buttery slices of homemade bread. I made this Chicken Tortilla Soup that my friend Sandra recently shared and it was delicious.

Hot chocolate
Mugs of Hot Chocolate are always a nice treat too.

While it's cold and windy outside, fill your home with the fragrance of citrus and spices. It will be a welcoming aroma for loved ones returning home at the end of the day!

Winter Spice Potpourri

Peel from 1 orange
Peel from 1 lemon
1 tablespoon whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
2 cups of water, plus more as needed

Place ingredients in a saucepan. Simmer on low, adding more water as it evaporates.

I would love to hear how you make your home cozy during this time of year too!


  1. Love your banner :-) I love candles and blankies....coffee and cookies.....decorating and crafting. .....all this makes winter somewhat bearable for me :-)

  2. Your valentine cards are precious--I keep meaning to share what I bought at Target--it is something similair to your cards--I bet yours would have saved me money though. I love the banner you made, I keep meaning to make one, hopefully I will have some time to make one for Valentines :o)

    Have great day my friend!


  3. Kelli your house is always cozy!

  4. Winter is such a cozy time. I love it--as long as I don't have to go outside! :) There's nothing better than curling up on a blustery winter day with a craft or good book!

  5. Kelli, your home has to be so inviting! People must walk in and feel instantiy cozy and at home! I am striving for that in my house too. I love your banners and hope to make some soon.
    The soup looks delicious. That will be tomorrows dinner.

  6. Everything looks wonderful...will have to try adding orange peels to my cloves and cinnamon that I like to simmer

  7. I could use some of that soup today!

  8. Thanks for the warm and cozy images today. I think I'll go get some hot chocolate! I loved the new banner especially the beads on it. What a cute idea and the ribbon too was pretty.

  9. You make everything look so nice! That soup really looks good, and your citrus spice simmer is one of the variations I use all the time! It's so easy and so effective. To answer your question:
    In the winter time, we leave throws and quilts out for use on the couches and overstuffed chairs. It's not unusual to find someone snuggled into one with a book (or a game). Lots of candles around in the evenings and music music music in the part of the house that has no TV (about 3/4 of the first floor). I get books out from the bookcase and leave them on the little teak table in the living room, kind of as a kind of an invitation for the children. Sometimes they are library books, sometimes from the book shelves.

  10. That soup recipe sounds great. I love Chicken tortilla soup and it is so perfect to fight off a winter chill.

    For me...a blazing fire and a cup of hot tea (and maybe a cookie or two) while I work on a needle project is my way of "enjoying" the winter blues.

  11. I love it, your so good at what you do. Love it, really love the cup of cocoa, yum!

  12. Anonymous11:06 AM

    What a darling banner Kelli!
    I hope that all is well and that you are staying warm and cozy!!
    That hot chocolate looks scrumptious!
    Have a blessed day!

  13. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Such great ideas, the book you have there on the couch, I have the same one in Dutch, that is funny ; )
    I love the banner and can't wait to see the Valentine's banner and all the other decorations!!
    At the moment I'm making a bedspread for my daughter, to keep her nice and warm during winter. It's a crochet project in the colours soft yellow, soft blue and white. She has a moon and stars theme in her room !!
    Have a great day !!

  14. Hello dear Kelli:-)

    You always have such fabulous ideas on how to decorate!! Love your HOME banner, that is so pretty. I love having candles lit throughout the house in the winter time...also a bowl of chili warms me right up:-) xox

  15. I just love you, everytime I come over you have the best posts and you share the best pictures it makes me want to climb through the monitor LOL

    I will have to try that Potpourri, I can almost smell it from here :)

    As for the soup, I'm so glad you enjoyed it, it really is great on a cold day. :)


  16. that soup and hot chocolate look so delich..

  17. What great ideas! We are currently "buried" under huge piles of snow... so staying in and being cozy is what it's all about! I use candles, and lots of throws... fuzzy socks and hot beverages.

  18. Hi Kelli,
    Thanks for your visit. The link worked this morning. I am having fun making the cards. I enjoyed seeing your cozy home.

  19. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I really love your banner.

    To make my home cozy I have scented candles burning, lots of quilts and knitted afghans to curl up in, and mugs of tea and hot chocolate. Many nights we pop corn and snuggle under the afghans to watch an old movie.

  20. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Everything looks wonderful. I think today is a day for some of that Flavored Hot Chocolate.

  21. I love your HOME banner, I made several for Valentines after I saw yours. I just think they are the best.
    To stay warm and cozy I do just as you. Comfort food, candles, baking, and snuggle in a blanket. I'm going to make your potpourri. I can already smell the sweet aroma. Thank you for the recipe. Linda

  22. I love your banners! I did one with my Sunday School class, but of course they weren't near as gorgeous as yours.

    I honestly don't go for cozy this time of winter. I try to send us into spring as soon as possible by adding color. Actually I posted about that in my winter cheer post.

    And I will definitely share some of my baby hats. I gave up on the light blue. Instead I used my sick days to start and finish a pretty dark blue hat. Nothing else to do while I wait to be un-contagious.

  23. You have such neat ideas, Kelli. I wish I had your imagination.

    And your home does look very cozy.

  24. Well, we're in Arkansas looking at a winter weather advisory but having to go to Nashville for the memorial service...so, I'm thinking I'd be cozy at home in my bed (not in Days Inn), with three cats, hot chocolate, a cozy fire in the fireplace, chicken noodle soup simmering on the stove...oh, well, we can be cozy next week!

  25. ok kellie, come over right now and show me how you come up with so many great ideas!


  26. Oh Kelli, I love your little banner! Any your glass cabinet almost look like ours!

    Well to be honest, my winter home decorations are still "work in progress". In my spare time, I almost spend every single minute at my creative space. I am so much looking forward to spring and bought some indoor spring flowers like primulas!

    Have a great day!

    Hugs, Anita

  27. Oh what snugly pictures! I love to clean my house all up, put on soft music and light candles. I also love the smell of something cooking in the oven like a ham or a roast and have a fire in the fireplace. It is always fun to play a board game with the kids too and have cookies baking!

    Fondly, Sharon

  28. What a pretty banner - I love your hutch too.. I keep cozy with candles, throws to cuddle under, hot cocoa and chocolate :)


  29. The Home banner is great.

  30. I think the warmth of family at home...but today it is White Chili....and brownies....hot cocoa...and warm quilts.

  31. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I found your blogspot thru a friend of mine. Yours is so inviting and warm!
    I felt at "home" with you. I love candles, baking, Nature, and sharing about family as you do! I've added you to my "reads" Thank you for a nice visit!

  32. What a beautiful blog and ideas you are sharing! Thanks for the potpurri,I'm starting to simmer some now :) Blessings!

  33. Oh my goodness, does hot chocolate always look like that at your house? It looks fantastic! I can almost taste it...

  34. Absolutely love your home banner!!!



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.