Thursday, January 03, 2008

Show and Tell Pictures

Below you will see the code for the smaller picture. Just copy and paste!
<a href=""><img src="" height="100" width="150" alt="Show and Tell"/></a>


  1. I would love to paste this onto my blog, but I have a "newbe" question.... where do I put it? Im too new to this to figure all these fun things out?

  2. Hi Stephanie!
    Just paste it in your show and tell post and it should show up!


  3. The new button is beautiful! I hope I can figure out how to do it as well!


  4. That's pretty! I will try to attach it to my show and tell page. Is it a link as well?

    Happy 2008!


  5. Yes, it should work as a link too!

  6. Kelli, I copied the code, but can't find where to put it! Duh!


  7. Well done, Kelli and Phillip! That's a very very need arrangement!


    P.S.: I still havn't fingured out how to add a link to a photo so that the blog readers may just click on the button. I just tried to add the link to my S&T post but it suddenly had a blue frame....???

  8. Anita, the linking code should already be a part of the picture code. I just went to your blog and it looks good!

    Hi Katherine! Just copy and paste it inside your blog post!

  9. i love it, kelli. i just got done posting my show & tell and did it with the old graphic, but i'll make sure i use the new one for my next post.

  10. I am going to join in - inspired by Susan's show and tell.

  11. I am a newbie here... hope you'll accept me in your fun too...

  12. The new and beautiful button is on my blog, but only in my post that shows the book I sent in for "Show & Tell Friday's". I have had a link to your post in my "Blogs I Read" column for gosh... almost a year. I think I will go back and see if I can put the button there too. I love your recipes and have mentioned them on my blog. I need to take a better look at the Seasonal publication you have. It looked great!

  13. The button is on my side bar and it's a link and everything. Whoo Hoo!!!

  14. Hi Kelli
    I managaged to get the show-n-tell button onto my blog but I can't get it to link back,says erro, I copy/pasted but ti still has a kink in it,thanks

  15. Oh dear, I think I have done something wrong already, I posted my front page URL, I can see this is going to take me sometime to figure this out..hopefully before Friday, because I am already thinking about what I will post!

  16. Well, I did get the link onto my Blog, but I think there is still something else that I need to do, but I don't know what it is, to showcase the Friday pictures and notes. I am not a very good "copier paster" I'm afraid!

  17. I am still trying to find the Email which was sent to confirm my has evidently been sent but doesn't show up in either of my Emails

  18. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I so want to join in on the fun but #2 of your instructions is not coming up. I'm not able to paste the code on my sidebar. I'm also new at this and need a bit more help. Thanks...Amanda


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.