Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Evening

Good evening! Tonight is the final part of Pride and Prejudice on PBS. We have our tea and snack ready. Is anyone else watching it?


  1. I enjoyed last week's showing and look forward to the continuation tonight. Did you happen to see Persuasion, which also aired on PBS? I especially enjoyed that one. Incidentally, I enjoy your blog as well!

  2. Woohoo! I just was checking to see if anyone has mentioned watching tonight! and here you were! Can you believe we are *snackless* here :(
    It has been so busy this weekend ....So I had not prepared anything...oh I wish I was there to enjoy your snacks! HA! almost time so enjoy enjoy!


  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I cant say I am, we dont have cable, I just watched EMMA the other night, and I am hooked!!. I have the book, but never read or watched Jane Austen stuff. I really liked the fact that EMMA was even viewable for me to give my DD the ok to watch. She liked it as well. But Pride and Prejudice is another one on my movies to watch while the Hubby is gone on this 3 week training bit in Texas. Which version are you watching? I believe there are different versions to this one, as I know they did one a few years back with Kiara Knightly(the chick from Pirates)..


  4. Enjoy your evening!! I have the DVD of the same production and enjoy it immensely along with Emma and Sense & Sensibility. Even my husband enjoys watching them. What we like most about Jane Austen is the restraint. All of her characters display great diplomacy and consideration of the other party while speaking - regardless of how they truly feel. A technique I could refine myself! :)

  5. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I'm watching Oscars on and off this evening... :)

    Enjoy your cozy evening at home sweet home!

  6. I'm so glad I came across your blog and learned about this showing. My daughter just watched on DVD "Becoming Jane", then she watched "The Jane Austin Book Club", then I saw her reading "Pride and Prejudice". I can't wait to tell her it's on TV.

  7. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Is this the version of the BBC ?? I like that one the most and have got the DVD. Colin Firth is mr Darcy. I didn't like the movie much, it isn't that good after you've seen the BBC series ; )

  8. That is one of our favorite movies! We just watched an awsome movie from the BBC called "Station Jim" Our kids loved it!

  9. The weekends the tv belongs to my hubby, so I usually read.
    I love Jane Austen, and I actually prefer the movie version to the BBC one ~ I guess because I saw that one first. I don't really get all the fuss made over Colin Frith!
    Hope you had a good weekend!!

  10. Ooh, I'm so lamenting that it's over now! What a great Sunday evening treat it's been!

  11. **Yes**....I can never get enough of Colin Firth (the first "Mr. McDreamy") so, I've ordered this version from Netflix to get another fix over the coming week!
    This is far and away the best version of this wonderful story......much better than the brief cliche Hollywood depiction of a few years back.
    Andrew Davies screenplays are superb visuals.......he must be a fabulous man to love Jane Austen.

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    The BBC version with Colin Firth is DEFINITELY the one to watch. Everyone is so perfectly cast and the whole production is wonderful! We have it on DVD and my daughter and I watch it over and over...

    Love, Tina :)

  13. Yes, I watched most of them! Which was your favorite?


  14. Your tea tray is so darling!

  15. My gals and I have watched all of these so far (with cups of tea in hand - lol).


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.