Friday, March 14, 2008

"Show and Tell Friday!"

Welcome to “Show and Tell Friday!” Do you have something special to share with us? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item.

Note: Show and Tell Friday will be taking a break next week, so I can celebrate Easter weekend with my family.

I hope you all aren't tired of my decorating pictures because I have few more to show you! :0) These two shelves are in my dining room and hold a some of my special teacups.

I have mentioned my issues with things having to be symmetrical, and I'm trying to work through them! Last week I decided to experiment a little. I had ivy garlands, hankies, and quite a few spring knick-knacks that needed a place to go. Here is what I ended up with...


The top shelf.

The bottom shelf.

I used the hankies that my dear friend, Anita sent me all the way from Germany under the various brass teacup holders.

I wrapped ivy around this miniature grapevine twig wreath and added a few daffodils as well. There is a nest by the teapot.

A pink bunnies hidden in the ivy.

A dish full of Robin's eggs and two garden keys.

A small birdcage candle holder and another nest.

Hopefully I have overcome my symmetrical issues! Thank you for looking at my show and tell!

The Show and Tell Guidelines have been updated since last week, please read them before participating for step-by-step instructions.

If you would like to join in, please leave your *permalink* below, along with your *first name*. If your link has been removed from Mr. Linky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting. Have fun!


  1. Very artistically done! I have not one whit of that artistic bent in my body!

  2. Wow the yellow wallcolor really
    makes the teacups pop! Is this display in a kitchen or eating
    area? I also luv the small bunny
    teapot from the last post. It is
    too sweet! Have a great day!

  3. You did a great job adding texture and personality to your teacup presentation. I really like the mini birdcage! The nests with the eggs are very cute. Very nice for spring!
    Have a happy Easter!

  4. Lovely display! The yellow wall color really makes things look even better, I think.

  5. It all looks very nice and artistic !

  6. Anonymous12:01 AM

    I love the effect of all the little touches! What a warm and homey difference they make. I have trouble being too symmetrical, too, in my decorating.

  7. Very lovely arrangements and NO, I never tire of seeing what you will decorate next!

    Thank you, as always, for being our hostess. You are ever gracious and considerate! Be blessed Kelli!


  8. Your spring shelf looks very pretty, Kelli! Oh yes, I was wondering: "Is it the hankie I sent to you?" Yes, it is! ;-)))

    I especially adore the robin's nest (as mentioned in one of my yesterday's comment), the little glass bunnie (so cute!!) and last but not least, the cup with those wonderful panies on it!

    By the way, we've been in town yesterday evening and stopped at the garden center. And guess what I came out with: some soft purple violets!!!! ;-))

    Have a wonderful week-end, Kelli!

    XoX, Anita

  9. Kelli it is all just so lovely. It is beautiful as always.
    I have written a post but I am not sure it fits your new guidelines.
    Come over and check me out and if so I'll do the linky.

  10. You did great Kelli! I am always against things being symmetrical, and tend to annoy people by always having to group things odd.

    Have a wonderful Easter next week, and enjoy! I am looking forward to sunrise service, yet with the early Easter, I'm not looking forward to freezing during the service!


  11. Anonymous1:59 AM

    votre blog ets magnifique!!!!!!

  12. Just found your blog, and love the spring shelves. We're decorating our dining room at the moment and i feel all inspired now. xxx

  13. Boy what a difference this made. It looks so inviting.

  14. Very pretty. You sure have a knack for that sorta stuff. Lovely!

  15. Hi Kelli, When you added the greenery and other special touches it made your display look great... I love it.I have a Easter display too...

  16. So well decorated. I'd truly love to have a tour of your home...the whole tour, all at once. I bet it's a decorator's paradise.

    Have a GREAT Easter Kelli!!! See you the week after.

    Mine's posted, and I used the permalink on Mr. Linky too.

  17. Anonymous4:59 AM

    You have a fantastic display! I am back! Hope you'll visit mine too...

  18. I love the way you decorate, Kelli. I'm so wanting to do some fun things around my house. What you've put together is just beautiful and so springy. Happy show and tell, and have a wonderful Easter.


  19. I think the added touches look just lovely. Have a Happy Easter.

  20. I love it! Looks great! I have been thinking about painting my spare room in yellow. I have blue carpet and I don't want it to look like a nursery! So I think a darker yellow, like on your walls, will work!

    I love looking at the pictures you post on your blog! You're so talented!

    Have a great weekend!


  21. That's really pretty! I thought the first one, un-embellished was nice but it looks great the way you redid it! I especially liked the keys, that was a warm touch!

  22. Kelli,

    Your shelves are lovely. I think they were very nice before all the greenery but lovelier still now. What a gentle touch of spring you've added.

    Thank you so much being our Show and Tell Friday hostess. I am very much enjoying meeting eveyone and seeing all their treasures.


  23. Of course I love tea cups and eggs!!! Very pretty---dream on about a secret garden;-)

  24. Very pretty, Kelli!

  25. What beautiful touches. I loved the teacup collection from the beginning but the extra touches really bring the shelf to life. It has been great looking at your home. It is beautiful!

  26. You did very well Kelli! I really like how they turned out! It is very balanced and seems symetrical to me, but it is very interesting with lots of depth, texture and color! Beautiful!

    Hugs, Sharon

  27. i love the teacups. they are beautiful. have a nice weekend and enjoy your easter weekend with the family.

  28. Kelli, I love your shelves!! I have the same problem with being symmetrical too. Your shelves look great! I love the birdcage candle holder and the glass bunny dish. I used to have one only it was blue.
    Have a great day and a happy Easter:) Enjoy your family:)

  29. They're beautiful, Kelli! Your displays are always so pretty. :o) I love the attention to personalization and detail that you give your home.

  30. YOur decorating and your teacups are lovely to look at! I will be going to fleamarkets with a friend next week...your post has added to my anticipation of what I may find. (BTW, I'm not sure my link worked on your Show and Tell Friday, but I did post a show and tell this week!) Have a blessed Easter season!

  31. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Love it! It is a beautiful collection!! Thanks for sharing!! :) I think it looks just lovely how you displayed them.

  32. Wow, I love it. It's amazing the difference when you start thinking outside the box. Great job.

  33. The shelf is lovely. I love the before and after photos and all your little touches.

  34. You have done a terrific job. Your shelves look wonderful. The handkerchiefs are a great idea but my favorite of all is the robin eggs and the nests and of course the bunny.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Easter with your family next week.


  35. Beautiful shelves and decorations. I won't be able to do it!

  36. Just Sandy here finally delurking and saying that I have to get my German tea set of the box and display it somewhere. I'm hoping your blog will give me some inspiration.

  37. That's really sweet! I love the wall color!

  38. Your shelves look fantastic, you did a wonderful job!

  39. The shelves look wonderful, Kelli! I never tire of seeing decorating photos. Lots of inspiration there. ;o)

  40. really really cute.....i love the eggs.....the yellow walls made them pop right on out

  41. Hi Kelli,
    I have followed your blog for about two months and I must say you are so talented with everything you do keep it up:) I just started a blog yesterday please come and visit when you get a chance.P.S. Love your tea cup display it looks like it should be in Victoria Magazine!

  42. Pretty, Pretty, Pretty!!!

    Hi Kelli---I am not playing Show and Tell this week--but I linked to you still:) I have to appoligize, for the last Show and Tell--the one before last--I joined and then my computer kept acting up and over the weekend, I was just not able to visit everyone, it made me feel bad:( So I want to say sorry to everyone that played and visited me, I tried to play but for some reason my computer wasn't being nice to me...LOL.

    Kelli, you have a fantastic weekend, and I just adore your blog:)


  43. I just found your blog though Nora Lee. This is a wonderful idea, Show & Tell Friday, and I'm glad to participate. Thanks, Kelli.

  44. That looks beautiful, I would never have thought to do something like that! Great job!

  45. Lovely, Kelli! Your wonderful decorating never fails to inspire and impress me!

  46. GREAT JOB!! The re-do on your shelf just brought everything to life. So, so pretty!


  47. I posted a comment and saw after it went on that this computer was still logged on under my husband's blog and his name and picture came up so I deleted the comment. You're probably wondering "Who was Clif."
    I'll try again.
    I love the items and the way you arranged them. Very pretty.
    Thanks again for hosting S & T. and thanks for the information on how to post the S & T so people go directly to that post instead of the main page. I wondered how some people were doing that but hadn't stopped to figure out how they did it.

  48. I absolutely love the teacup with the violet flowers.

  49. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Well done! It really looks wonderful!


  50. Hi, Kelli,

    I'm never tired of seeing your spring things. I think you did a fantastic job of tweaking your teacup shelves. Good job de-obsessing!

  51. You always have such nice thigns to show and tell! I love your special tea cups. I have some of my grandmothers that I need to show.

    Have a relaxing weekend.

  52. Anonymous6:00 PM

    love the little easter-like display! and the yellow wall is so springy looking too! :)

  53. I love all the teacups! I have a couple old ones from dh's grandmother but I don't have them displayed so neat like yours.

  54. How beautiful is your display! I wish I had the room to be able to do things like that. Have a great weekend. Brenda

  55. How pretty your shelves are! Very festive. I will be posting Spring pictures soon...I haven't been able to get in the mood until just this week. Something about snow on the ground and 30 degree temps!

  56. Kelli, I'm checking in late as it's been a long day. You are really getting there with the assymetrical thing. Is it driving you nuts yet?
    I'm in love with the violet tea cup and saucer.

  57. I love the new look of the shelfs. All the little touches are so pretty. Linda

  58. LOVE it! Such inspiration. I'm ready for sunshine now.

  59. I love your "less symmetrical" arrangement. It's very, very pretty!!

  60. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Your show and tell looks fun! I'll have to join you after Easter!

  61. I love coming here and looking at your decorating pictures. You decorate in a style I love!

  62. Dear Kelli,
    Your shelves look great! You did a great job on them. I love looking at pretty teacup collections! As always I enjoy your blog!
    Mary Ann

  63. I think it looks pretty and homey.
    I love the yellow!

  64. The items on the shelf are arranged in a lovely way! I'm just glad I'm not the one who has to do the dusting at your house. :)
    Mrs. C

  65. So lovely!

    Now, tell me...did you decorate like this when your children were younger? I just feel like I have no energy to put into doing fun things like this...Is there hope for me? :)

  66. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Aren't tiny tea sets cute. They is what I've shown this week. I also love bird nests and pretties...just like you:-) Thank you for sharing. I am having alot of fun taking part in this.

  67. We'll miss you next week BUT
    have a wonderful holiday with
    your family! Jewelgirl

  68. Hi Kelli! I love the transformation. It's very inviting and much cozier. Great job!

  69. I love your new tea arrangement! I am a great fan of afternoon tea and I read your blog daily. Thanks for the great posts!

  70. How pretty! I have symmetrical issues too. :)

  71. I love all your tea cups and saucers. They are all so pretty.
    I have a couple that I have collected.

    Just stopping by to say hello and catch up on your blog.
    I hope everything is going well.
    I miss you and the rest of the blog world so much.
    I've finally found time to post. So stop by sometime when you get a chance.

    Love and Hugs, Lori

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Hi, Kelli! Lovely decorations! Sorry I haven't been able to play lately; the show we're directing opens Thursday, and it's devouring my MIND!!!
    ANYWAY. I tagged you today. :) I hope you can play along!

  74. Simply elegant as usual. :-)

  75. Anonymous2:40 AM

    simply wonderful Kelli!

    Please continue to post decorating tips! Youa re GREAT at it!

    I love the new looka dn I am glad you are finding a way over the symmetrical. It is quite spicier when you FLUFF it up like you did!

    Thanks again!

  76. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Beautifully done! Kudos to you.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.