Thursday, March 20, 2008

Decorating Easter Eggs

We've been going a little egg crazy around here! Crafting, eating, watching...

EggsI first saw these decoupaged eggs on Dawn's 4:53 am blog. All you need are those cheap plastic eggs, paper (we used sheet music and various scrapbook paper), mod podge, glitter and ribbon.

I used white, pink, purple and blue glitter with matching ribbon.

I think I like the white ones the best. Amy from Inspireco has a great tutorial if you would like to make some too.

The girls had a friend over yesterday and ended up making about 20 of them. The glitter was a big hit!


I also made a couple of moss covered eggs that I heard about from Katie at Harrington House.

I just hot glued moss onto a styrofoam eggs and added a bow.

We ate some egg shaped biscuits with our dinner last night.

The leftovers are great for breakfast the next day and I added a few surprise sprinkles for the girls and Benjamin.


We are watching the mama Mourning dove on her nest. They were having trouble building the nest on the top of our electric meter last year, so I attached an empty kleenex box up there, which them seem to like.

And finally, a card making project. These decorated paper eggs are actually little pockets for holding a note card or letter.

The card slips right inside...

And is hidden away. I'm putting one in each of the Easter baskets this year. Scroll down or go HERE for the instructions.

~Happy first day of Spring!~


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What lovely eggs Kelli! They are beautiful!! I love your ideas! We are decorating eggs this weekend and I am so excited for our Easter feast on Sunday. It should be a lovely weekend! I hope you have a blessed weekend and a beautiful Easter with your dear family!! *hugs*

  2. LOVE those cute little eggs, Kelli! Thanks for sharing the pics & instructions...I'm so tickled that I have all the supplies to make some!

    Happy first day of spring to you, as well ~ enjoy a lovely Easter with your family!

    Smiles :)

  3. I especially like the note cards; they are so cute! My girls would enjoy a project like either of these today!

  4. You are SO talented! Thank you for sharing your great egg decorations - maybe I'll find some time to try them out.

  5. Those eggs with the sheet music on look fabulous!! Great ideas!!

    ~Quintin and his army won the game of sequence :-)

  6. Wow, you guys are eggragous!!!

    Love all the projects but especially the moss covered eggs. Lovely!

  7. Kelli it must be so fun to grow up at your house! I love all the things you've been doing, and the fun things you see and try.

    Have a blessed Easter weekend!

  8. I love the eggs! What a fun idea. Can you use any paper? I'd like to try this with my kiddos.
    Thanks for the idea ;)


  9. I especially love the moss covered ones....whata neat idea! :-) Rosie

  10. I LOVE your moss eggs the best! I am all about moss right now - my hubby thinks I am crazy - but after seeing Martha Stewart's Cushion Moss Wreath project ( when searching for her yummy spiced pumpkin bundt cake recipe), I began my quest to find cushion moss at an affordable price! It was indeed a quest and now it is in my possession - thanks to a local florist who 'went to bat' for me! I finally got the last item needed for the project today - straw wreath forms - who knew they were 'out' right now and hard to find too? I am so looking forward to crafting with moss - as always, you my friend are an inspiration!

  11. Oh, I just love those eggs! I have been so out of touch with all of my blog friends. I have missed seeing all of your creative ideas. I, too, actually have all of the necessary items for making those eggs. That will be a great project for the girls tomorrow.

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  12. The eggs are beautiful and the cards are too, and all so clever! I think I'm going to have to try decoupage. The things I've seen you do are gorgeous. Do you think I need to find a tutorial, or just the instructions on the product?
    Kelli, you are so much fun!

  13. Oh the tissue box... it's like Habitat for Humanity, Mourning Dove edition! What a nice person you are.

    The eggs are adorable, too (those ARE chicken eggs, right??)
    LOL, kidding....
    :) T

  14. Kelli, I love the eggs! Never seen any like those before.

  15. I absolutely love the idea of the sheet music wrapped eggs. I also like the moss eggs.

  16. The eggs are very special, they look beautiful !
    Is there no Show & Tell today ? It's already 10 am here in Belgium.
    If not have a Happy Easter !

  17. Happy easter Kelli! I really like the music note eggs, thank you for the link to the tutorial, you have done lots of great things for ester, the biscuits look tasty too!

    Priscilla x

  18. What beautiful eggs. I especially like the music ones. It sounds like it was a fun party while creating such a terrific project.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  19. I'm so glad Spring is here. My trees are starting to bud and some are already blooming. The temps today are in the 70's so so nice.

  20. I love the musical Easter eggs. What a unique idea.

  21. What creative eggs! I'm sure all the kids, young and old, had a great time thinking of those treasures.

    I love how you always seem to take care of the details in the day... like making egg shaped biscuits. Your kids will look back on those one day with such fond memories!

    Hope you have a wonderful Easter, Kelli :o)

  22. Hi Kelli!
    I just popped over from Jen's of Dust Bunny Hostage.

    I love your beautiful eggs! They are so unique. Thank You for sharing all your crafting with us.

    You have a very warm and cozy blog, I am happy I came to visit.

    See you soon.

    Easter Blessings.

    Olde Lavender Prims

  23. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Kelli I am looking for seeds for the moonflower Bush.... you have a lovely website here you are very crafty . I work in the activites Department at Good Shepard Nursing Home in Lockwood Mo...out barber that comes in was asking about this plant and wanting some seeds he is an elderly man himself and said his mother had this plant... if you can help me out I will gladly reimburse your postage... or if you have any ideas on where I can find this seed... please email me at thanks alot Diane

  24. Did you make those buscuits from scratch? They look so fluffy! I can never get my homemade biscuits to be that fluffy. Could you share your recipe??



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