Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Ham and White Bean Soup

Raise your hand if you made a ham this Easter! I've been making this soup for many years and not only is it yummy, it very quick to throw together, which is nice after all that Easter kitchen work.

It's even better the next day!

Come on over to Seasonal Delights for the recipe and have a wonderful day!


the said...

mmmmmm, thanks for the great idea!!

Nancy M. said...

I will be trying this one. My husband loves beans and ham. Healthy too! Thanks.

TJ said...

This sounds so good! Believe it or not I didn't cook on Easter, but I did plenty of eating.

Rebecca said...

Looks SO delicious! I am having a little competition with myself to see how many dishes I can make using one Ham. So far I am at three. But I have about 6 more pounds to use! hehehe

Jen said...

It looks wonderful. will have to try this one...thanks.

Just Mom said...

Oh, thank you for giving me an idea for what to do with the leftover ham. I love ham...but not. this. much.

dot said...

Oh boy does that look good! I hope you got my e-mail and noted my new address.

Melissa E. said...

Mmmm.... I love ham and bean soups and I am sure yours is no exception. My mouth is watering!

Anonymous said...

Sounds really good!

Tori Leslie said...


Linda aka yellowroseli said...

Looks oh sooo good. Thanks for sharing

Charlotte said...

Usually I could raise my hand that we had ham for Easter. This year we decided to break with tradition and have fried fish. We all like it better than ham, so we decided why not? It was delicious.
The ham and bean soup looks delicious. We had a couple of pieces of fish left over. We ate it for lunch Monday. It wouldn't be good to make soup with.

Needled Mom said...

I love this soup. It has always been one of our favorites.

Michelle said...


Perfect timing to read your blog post! I have leftover ham and yes, this is something hubby was asking for last night. I'll try your recipe - it looks delicious.


Anonymous said...

that looks awsome. I didn't have ham,but sure will be getting some.
I would love to have you to yard sale with. When they really start here we have about 35 on Saturday.I have to map quest and when I drive I need someone to help me =)

Mississippi Songbird said...

I made ham for Easter. We finished it off this evening with Ham Sandsiches.. The soup looks good. I'd love to try it. I enjoyed your blog.I will check back again. Have a good week.

GranthamLynn said...

Oh it looks so yummy. My mother always saves the ham bone for me to make pinto beans. I would love to try your recipe. Thanks.

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I love beans and ham soup!

To answer your question - yes, I mean vegetarian, but doubt we can ever achieve that totally, my husband is a real meat lover. He had cancer last year and we've heard a vegetarian diet could prevent it returning.

Why did you stop being a vegetarian? Do you feel the same with both diets? It seems I do feel better when I only eat veggies!


Anonymous said...

I had planned on making Split Pea soup on Friday, but this looks absolutely divine. Thanks for the idea and the recipe.

Jodi said...

Oh, that looks yummy and it's still cold enough for a good, hot bowl of soup. We used our left-overs in a pot of black-eyed peas. Yum!

Rose of Sharon said...

MMMMMM that looks so cozy and warm! I hope that you had a beautiful Easter Kelli! Thank you for my sister's birthday wishes!

Hugs, Sharon

Anonymous said...

That really looks delicious. It looks very nice too with all the veggie colours !!! I never heard of this soup, so I will hurry over to your other site to look at the recipe !!! Thank you very much ; )

Doreen Frost said...

Hello Kelli. This is my first visit here. What a beautiful blog you have...great pictures and wonderful recipes. I shall be back.


RC said...

now i'm wishing we had ham for easter not turkey :-)

Jennifer said...

oh my, that looks delicious for this chilly Spring day!

I just jotted down the recipe -- I will definitely be making this soon!

Mommy said...

Yum Yum! I made *Ham*burgers. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I did make a ham, but shared the leftovers with my married children to take home and enjoy too.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Looks delicioius! Thanks for the recipe!
Hugs, pat

Kimberly said...

We had a "natural" uncured ham that came from the 4H pig my dad bought at the fair. Turns out that it's not a ham in the traditional sense--it is basically a pork roast. I tossed it in the crockpot the night before since we wanted to do Easter lunch. It was good, but not what you'd expect. It's too bad since I'd love to try this recipe, but I doubt the pork would have all the necessary flavor. Your recipe sounds delicious though. Next time!

Kimberly said...

We had a "natural" uncured ham that came from the 4H pig my dad bought at the fair. Turns out that it's not a ham in the traditional sense--it is basically a pork roast. I tossed it in the crockpot the night before since we wanted to do Easter lunch. It was good, but not what you'd expect. It's too bad since I'd love to try this recipe, but I doubt the pork would have all the necessary flavor. Your recipe sounds delicious though. Next time!

Sweet Woodruff said...

I love ham and bean soup. It's one of our favorites.

Cris said...

It looks so comforting!

Julie said...

My husband was so disappointed that we went to my sister's for Easter. He wanted us to cook a big bone-in ham that he could make soup from. I took pity on him and told him we could have ham again at home this Sunday and he can make his soup (and cornbread - yum!)

Britta said...

Hmmm yummy, this reminds me when my mom cooked that kind of soup, I can almost taste it and I bet it tasted very good.

Have a great day, hugs Britta

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Yummy! Looks so good.

Kelly said...

Pefect idea! I just cannot do the split pea!


Jennifer Hoots said...

I have my ham bone in the freezer waiting for the right moment! Seeing yours makes me think I need to make some sooner than later! Yum!

Anonymous said...

I just posted a recipe for my soup using ham!

Thanks for sharing

Shop girl said...

Today was a project day with our Son-in-law Doug...getting his camper ready for summer..they stored it here for the winter. Now it goes to it's home. It was cold today, but the sun was warm. Doug brought us a load of wood for our woodburner too. Jenny, Summit and I walked around the farm and then watched a really good movie. It is called August Rush...I think you would enjoy it.
After reading your post, I gleaned the Ham and White Bean Soup recipt. I sent Arney to the store bright and early to get a few things I needed. Thank you for sharing, it was a real hit...I will do it again one day. Nice on a cold spring day. Hugs, Mary