Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh, Happy Day!

Bleeding hearts
My favorite flower is the Bleeding Heart. I've tired growing them for the past 5 years, but other than pictures, I have never seen an actual bloom. I bought a few more bulbs last week and went out to plant them today.

Many of you know how much I love the book, The Secret Garden. I have my own secret garden that I've been working on for the past three years. It's in a little corner between by house and backyard fence, but there's not too much to see right now. Phillip trimmed up my overgrown climbing rose this weekend and this morning was the first time I've been in the garden since last fall.

Bleeding hearts
Imagine my shock and surprise when I looked down and spotted a little pink.

Bleeding hearts
My dream of seeing a Bleeding Heart has finally come true!

Bleeding hearts
They are more beautiful and delicate than I imagined.

Bleeding hearts
Benjamin said "I wish we could stay out here all day." I feel the same way! It doesn't take much to make me happy. :0)


  1. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I am so glad your dream came true. I am the same way. I could stay outside and look and tinker around my flower beds all day.

  2. I love your secret nook and am also a lover of bleeding hearts because they are a favorite of my grandmother who always had them in her garden.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Kelli how lovely!! Congrats on the gardening success. Flowers are so rewarding aren't they?

  4. Oh how pretty. I am so happy for you. What a nice surpise this morning! Enjoy your day. And thanks for sharing.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    The flowers are just adorable and pretty too boot!, I hope you had a wonderful and blessed weekend.

  6. So pretty! I'm excited for you that they are growing in your Secret Garden! I'm never known anyone whose favorite flower is Bleeding Heart! They really are beautiful and a unique shape!


  7. That's exciting! We made a makeshift little patio, since we rent we couldn't actually pour cement, but used cement blocks. I can't wait to get my furniture set up out there again. We do school work out there as well as meals.
    Have a great week!

  8. That's great that you got some blooms at last!! They are so pretty. Years ago when we lived in town, our neighbors had a really nice bleeding heart plant right next to their house in a shady spot - that thing always bloomed like crazy.

  9. Yea for Kelli the gardner! I've never seen those before but they sure are pretty.

  10. Such sweet words from your boy. :)

    I love bleeding hearts too. We can't have them here in FL anymore, but I loved them under my deck in MN. They're so delicate; I understand the appreciation!

  11. I'm so happy for you. I know how this feels. I'm waiting for nice enough weather to get out into a new yard with new beginnings....we bought our home last June but didnt move in until last's all so new for favorite flower is the star gazer lily and Scott planted it for me in the front yard last October...fingers crossed it comes up.

  12. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I am glad that it bloomed! I would love to start a Seceret Garden. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Hi Kelli :) One of the things I love most about you is the way that you look for, find, and delight in beauty. It's a blessing to be able to see beauty around you - in simple things, in the things the Father made, in things you make...

    You are a joy! Have a lovely week, Q

  14. So beautiful!!! That is one of my favorite flowers!!

  15. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I love bleeding hearts. We had one at our first home.

  16. Wonderful! For some reason bleeding hearts just grow like crazy here. We have one that was at our home when we bought it. Nothing else will grow in this small front bed, and we almost never water it. It gets so big that we cut it back because it blocks our walkway.

    I hope your bleeding hearts become just as successful! They are sucha wonderful old-fashion flower.

  17. How sweet. I just love Bleeding Hearts. Just to early here in the Northeast for anything. So I will enjoy looking at yours.

  18. too am a fan of the bleeding heart. What a great example of GOD'S awesome beauty.

  19. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Isn't is so special the way the Lord gives us little gifts like that? Just a little surprise to brighten our day! He is an amazing God. I've never thought about planting bleeding hearts, but since it worked for you, I might try some as well. I didn't realize they would grow in our planting zone. Blessings.

    Theresa in TX

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM

    This is so great. I'm so happy for you !!!
    My bleeding heart is a bit darker then yours and also in bloom at the moment. Yours has a lovel pale pink colour, beautiful !!!!
    Have a great day !!

  21. I love your bleeding hearts. I have always had them. They were my Mother's favorite and are very special to me. I just noticed today that mine are up about 3/4 of an inch. YAY!!

    :-) Rosie

  22. They are so pretty Kelli! I do hope they will they survive the summer heat in Texas, or will you bring them in to the a/c and put them back out in the fall?

    I just posted pictures of some of my mossy fun! Drop in for a visit anytime!

    Can you take your laptop out to your Secret Garden and do school work out there too? We live on the back patio as soon as it warms up enough! That's the great part of homeschooling - it's portable!

  23. Anonymous7:50 PM

    So glad. The flower is beautiful.

  24. Anonymous7:55 PM

    So happy that you have a Bleeding Heart growing. I used to have a fairly large one, but I noticed last year that it was not doing well. I just may have to plant another one.

    Your secret garden is so cozy. What a lovely place to pass some time.

  25. I love the Bleeding Hearts and yours are such a beautiful color. What a lovely surprise for you. I can imagine your thrill of finding them. Now the new bulbs will have company!

  26. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Hi Kelli, I've posted a picture of my bleeding eart in the snow, just for you !!!!
    Have a great day !!

  27. Congrats on your lovely plant!

    I have tagged you for some fridge fun, but I won't be hurt if you don't do tag games!

    Love, Farrah

  28. Anonymous5:07 AM

    They are so beautiful Kelli! flowers make us smile more each day!!!

  29. I am so happy that you were able to see your beautiful flower. I agree with you that they are truly delicate and lovely!!!

  30. Anonymous9:38 AM

    That is so beautiful! Our spring in NV is just starting. My bleeding heart is just starting to pop out of the ground. Believe it or not, I could grow these in Alaska. They were one of my favorites. They also come in white.
    I have ONE now, but Nevada is hard on them.
    Thanks for sharing.

  31. Now THAT is a blessing! They are so beautiful.
    I know how you and Benjamin feel. I used to be in my yard and garden 6-8 hours a day in the summer season in Alaska. It was like a full time job and I loved it. We had about 5 acres and there was always something to do - flowers, vegetables, berries - we even had an apple tree! I do miss those days.

  32. Yay for the Bleeding Heart. That is my favorit flower too. I have two and they come back every year. They always remind me of my grandmother - she always grew them! Good job!

  33. I love bleeding hearts, we used to have a pink one before the hurricane, unfortunately the salt water killed it ~
    I love the idea of your own Secret Garden!

  34. I too love the bleeding heart flowers, however, they do not grow here in Arizona. It was a good memory to see yours!

  35. Your own secret garden....I love that! The Bleeding Heart is so pretty.


  36. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I see you are itching to garden already too!! Spring comes early here as well, and I am aching to get out and start gardening!! I have so many plans this year.

    I am so glad that you had lots of gardening success!! YEA!!:)

    Have a gorgeous day today dear friend!

  37. Gorgeous!!! I`m thrilled to see bleeding hearts here, and what a beautiful color! I only know them on blogs... and I still dream of seeing them one day. xoxo

  38. Wow, how neat is that? I am so glad you got to see one in bloom. They are very beautiful.

  39. They are so beautiful. I planted one last year. I do not think it made the winter...

  40. Anonymous10:35 AM

    They really are very delicate.

  41. Bleeding hearts are one of my favourites as well and the earliest of my perennials to come up every spring! I have them across the front of one side of my house.

    I also have some lily of the valley in my backyard and I love the smell of those.

    Mrs M


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