Thursday, May 08, 2008

Homemade Lined Envelopes

This week I received such a cute card in the mail from my friend, Dot. I hope she doesn't mind if I steal borrow her ideas. :0)

Not only do I love the card, but I love how she lined the envelope with matching paper. I've never seen this idea before!

Basically you cut a piece of paper so the sides are slightly smaller than the envelope and about 1-inch from the bottom.

Slip it inside the envelope and glue the top edge down. Here are a few I made...




EnvelopeAny leftover pieces of paper can be used for a little color on the front of the envelope.

Thank you for the pretty card, Dot! BTW, Dot is a wonderful photographer, so be sure to visit her at her blog, Strolling Through Georgia!


  1. How pretty! I love hand made cards and envelopes...Kathy

  2. Thanks for posting this Kelli! It just so happens we are putting together Baby Shower invitations today and this will be some great inspiration! :-) Rosie

  3. Hi Kelli, I make my own cards and now I will be looking at my envelopes in a whole new way - thanks for shairng the pictures and thanks for stopping by my blog. hugs, Linda

  4. What a great idea! I just made some cards for friends...I wish I would of seen this post first. :) I will have to do this next time. Thanks!

  5. Glad you got the card Kelli. It would have looked better if I'd brought the paper on the envelope up higher. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

  6. I have tried to make cards lets alone envelopes. You inspire me so much with your wonderful talent.

  7. That's just the flap showing, Dot. I made mine exactly like yours!

  8. Anonymous8:36 AM

    How elegant and pretty! This is a great tutorial.

  9. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Kelli and Dot, what a great idea! Those are adorable.

  10. What a great idea! Thank you for sharing.

  11. Anonymous11:04 AM

    OH I miss my Mama's blog & I miss yours Kelli! I'm at the library on the internet. What a bummer to not have internet!! I miss you!
    Love Tina Leigh

  12. You make things sound so simple with your step-by-step... these are so pretty!

  13. Those are so beautiful!!

    JOYfully in Him,

  14. I keep trying to get the card thing right. Your envelopes are great. Nancy

  15. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I am having a love hate relationship with strawberries this year, as far as planting goes. The tomatoes shot up like crazy but the strawberries, yea not so much. Well girl thanks for stopping by, I will catch ya on the lounge and anywhere else in blog land that I see you.

  16. I am here for Show & Tell because my plane leaves in 2 h to Greece, so I can't put my name in Mr. Linky. You know in Belgium it is already Friday since a few hours. Could you please do it for me ?


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.