Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lunch with the Morning Doves

Yesterday, I made myself a toasted tomato sandwich for lunch and went out onto the patio. Fortunately, I took my camera along because the Morning Doves came for a visit. Feel free to click on the pictures to make them bigger!

The babies in the nest are almost full grown. The bigger one was stretching out his wings.

The mama dove flew down.

And had a little drink.

I noticed that the baby was getting very close to the edge of the nest, so I held my camera up for several minutes.

His first flight out into the world!

The mom gave him a quick snack.

Then the Dad came for a drink.

And the happy family went for a walk. It was a great lunch!


  1. Anonymous3:37 AM

    That is so very sweet !!! I love to watch birds too, who needs television, when you can watch this ; )
    Your sandwich looks really yummy.

  2. I'm surprised you even got your yummy sandwich eaten with all of the "goings on" of the little morning dove family. I can't think of a nicer way to spend a lunch time! I'm like you, I could watch birds for hours, I just love them!

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    It's so neat to watch a nest of baby birds. We get them often and enjoy them everytime.

  4. What a fun lunch, indeed! We have lots of doves here. I have instructed the kids to keep an eye out for a nest. They love our feeders. The doves look like they are swinging in them as they fill the whole feeder when they are in it.

  5. Oh I always love your posts. But the ending of this one was the best. How sweet!
    BTW thanks for visiting yesterday. Keep thinking about my project please. Can I just have your yard instead? LOL

  6. How wonderful! I love to listen to the Morning Doves at my neighbors feeder. They don't seem to mind the kids and I as long as we stay in our yard.

    I cannot wait for fresh ripe tomatoes! Your sandwich looks so good.

  7. Isn't this such a wonderful time of year? I love seeing the birds return and the gardens flourishing. Your pond and your roses are very pretty Kelli. Seeing your doves return this year feels like a visit with old friends for me too. I hope they have good luck with their baby this year.

    I love tomato sandwiches too!

    Best wishes to you!

  8. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Hi Kelli. Been reading your blog for awhile and just had to comment today. Could there be any more toys in the sandbox :). Pesky Patti

  9. I'm sure there could be more sand toys, Patti. ;0)

  10. I too love watching birds. We had a family of birds build a nest right on the wreath on our glass front door. My boys and I had such a great time watching the nest being built.

  11. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Sweet post!
    Just right for spring!

    For some reason I'm craving tomatoes.........

  12. What a lovely lunch you had! You are so blessed to have those doves living right there on your patio! I really like your pond too!

    :) Sharon

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Your sandwhich looks so yummy! I enjoy watching birds too, and hope as we fix up our garden that we get more of them around here. Love the photos! :)

  14. Hi Kelli :)

    Those birds are so cute! That sandwich looked tasty too!


  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Dear Kelli,
    So sweet to see the dove's first flight. Thanks for sharing!
    Julie D.

  16. Oh how wonderful that you caught the first flight! My robins took off this week as well. I had one land on my head! No pictures of it though! : (
    I miss them!

    I really enjoyed seeing your porch and the birds...

  17. oh, how i love your blog!!! Maybe some day mine will be this great!
    If it's okay I would like to add you to my blog list? Nancy


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.