Thursday, August 21, 2008

End of Summer *Giveaway!*

*~*Scroll down for new posts!*~*

This week, I am having a giveaway in honor of all the wonderful blogging friends I have made in the last 2 1/2 years. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by for a visit and am also thankful for the kind comments.

Some of you may remember I bought this fabric to make an apron for my friend that got married last weekend.

My friend, Christina gave me the vintage lace for the pocket.

I actually made two aprons, so this one is for the giveaway! Also included...

Two burgundy kitchen towels. I had small strips of fabric leftover that I added to the bottom.

Two coffee mugs and dessert plates for you and a friend.


A butterfly notecard and envelope set.

Peony hand cream.

Garden Moment Getaways by Emily Barnes

Four Mammoth Sunflower packets that I made last week.

To enter the giveaway all you have to do is leave a comment before Thursday August 21, 08 at 11:00pm EST. You don't have to have a blog to join in, just leave an email address, so I have a way of reaching you. Good luck and thank you for joining in!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 347 of 347
Rob, Jen and three little monkeys said...

Hi there! This sounds like a wonderful giveaway and the items look beautiful! You are so talented!

Eleanor said...

What wonderful gifts, dear Kelli! A pity I live so far away. I think if I was lucky, the postage to South Africa would be exorbitant. But I can admire them and your generosity. Have fun with the giveaway! Love Eleanor

Angie said...

How sweet of you! I am a long time lurker and love reading. Please enter me into your giveaway!! :)

Anonymous said...

I've recently found your blog and love it. I am a homeschooling mom, too! Your giveaway would look great in my kitchen.

I'm getting some good nesting ideas from your blog!

Anonymous said...

what a lovely things. I would be honored to win.

Marsha said...

Everything you do is SO incredibly lovely! What a generous thing this is...fingers firmly crossed! :)

Julieann said...

OHHHHHHHHHHHHH--I have to have that apron!!!! Happy Tuesday Kelli!!


The Proverbs Wife said...

Do you take bribes?

Hey Kelli. Just stopped in to say that I tried a variation on the jam (fruit) filled oatmeal bars and it was de-lish.

I made it just the way your recipe stated but layered the jam with with thin slices of banana. I sliced them thin (the thickness of a quarter). I baked them right in and it came out great. Just wanted to share in case you like the taste of banana.

Also, I am drooling, please enter me in your contest. I love everything that you are giving away. I wished that we lived closer so that you could help me to become more crafty. I desire to send letters and handmade pretties to friends but I can never get the pretty look.

My things turn out looking like a first graders art project:0(

I'll stop coveting now. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

So many beautiful things! Please enter me! I enjoy reading your blog so much and seeing all of your wonderful ideas.

mommyofmany said...

How beautiful... and so generous! You always do things in a lovely way. And I do so enjoy Emilie Barnes. It must be a great book! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the blog! Keep it up!

jilldaughety03 at yahoo dot com

kamewh said...

What an incredible giveaway!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,
I love your blog and creative ideas
you share with many...please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.
Thanks you:)

michelle at

Carrie said...

What a wonderful giveaway...count me in!

Lori said...

Your blog was the first one I discovered and started my own as a result about a year ago. I love the blogging world. Like everyone else, I hope to be a winner. Thank you for your blogging inspiration.

Nancy M. said...

How fun! I enjoy visiting your blog. Its so homey and encouraging.

Pink Slippers said...

I can't believe how many comments you have. SO EXCITING! Include me too! FUN FUN!

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog but stop by almost daily to enjoy yours. Please enter me in the end of summer giveaway. My email is as follows:

Martha said...

What a beautiful gift(s)! You are so generous. I am thoroughly enjoying your blog...I check it every few days and also have a link to it from my own. Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Martha (memaof5 from Mitford)

Carole Burant said...

Jumping up and down, trying to be seen in this huge crowd! lol What a fabulous giveaway, dear Kelli...please add my name to your draw:-) I'm just so happy that we "met" through this blogging world of ours when we both started blogging!! xoxo

Wanita said...

Kelli, what a lovely, generous giveaway. Please enter me!

I must echo what everyone else has said. I enjoy your blog very much. Thank you for all you share with us.

Anonymous said...

Hello Kelli,
Thank you for the chance to win so many wonderful things! I enjoy your blog so much, you always have so many wonderful things to share with all of us. Thank you again.
Pam Watts

Jennifer said...

I stumbled upon your blog from another blog I read. I've enjoyed reading it. We home school too and I love your recipes...we are trying the garlic twists! You're giveaway looks fun so I thought I'd leave a comment to enter.
:) Jennifer

Heather Anne said...

What a lovely generous offering Kelli - you are very sweet - I guess that's why we all love you so much! I'd be delighted to throw my hat in the ring for a chance to win! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelli,
I am going to take this opportunity to simply say "Thank you!" At first I was going to take part in your giveaway but, I thought that just being able to see these lovely things and how you always share your ideas was a blessing in itself.(Perhaps a new mom with many little ones and little time to spare from the "daily needs" would be a good choice for your giveaway,just a thought :)
You are always so willing to share your receipes, gift making ideas,etc. The manner in which you display step by step is so encouraging and helpful in learning new things. Thanks again and continue in this ministry which is yours for this season. Blessings, a sister in Christ Lydia K <><

Anonymous said...

Wow!! What a beautiful giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity. I have enjoyed your blog for several months now.tammyp-teapitts at bellsouth dot net

VictoriousMommy said...

Wonderful! I would love to be the winner of these lovely items. Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! You have such a way with femininity and homemaking! I have enjoyed many of your recipes and articles. I would love to be entered in your drawing. My address is onehoppinmom at yahoo dot com Thanks! Beth

Thru Pink Curtains said...

It's wonderful getting to see all the ladies and the crafts that you do.....

Teresa said...

What a great site. I try to visit yours at least once a week (I just don't have time throughout the week). If I could have my own blog, it would be like yours. I just love your collections and you have such creativity.I would love to be entered in your give away. I love aprons, tea parties and Emilie Barnes. It gives me ideas for great combination gifts. Thank you for considering me. :-)

Teresa said...

Oops, I don't have a blog and forgot to include my email address - Thanks again!

It's a Fantastic Life said...

Hi! I just found your blog and can't wait to read your archives!

jlindholm at hbci dot com

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog!!
And adore Emilie Barnes! What a great giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.


Jill said...

How lovely! I have been sitting at my computer for hours today just checking out blogs. It's been so much fun and now look! A giveaway! This is my first time here, but not my last! Thanks for entering me!

Kelly said...

Oh My gosh!!!! I would freak out if I won all that awesome stuff!!!!!!
You are too kind!!!
And I am sooooo glad to have found ya!


Julie said...

Kelli---I have an award for you--stop by when you can. Julie

Heather said...

What a gorgeous giveaway! I haven't been by for awhile, but am trying to play catch-up now on my favorite blogs. ;o)

Happy end-of-summer!

Shirley said...

Hi Kelli,
I just discovered your blog today. I am new to this as I just started blogging 2 days ago. What a kind, generous person you are to think to do this giveaway to bless someone. You are a wonderful encouragement! God bless you for your thoughtfulness!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway! Count me in!

kymk99 said...

I just love your blog and all of your creative projects. What a fun giveaway! I would love to win these from you!

Yvonne :o)

kymk99 at yahoo dot com

Lura said...

What a beautiful and generous giveaway!

Anonymous said...


I've been following links tonight through the Brillante Weblog nominations and stumbled onto yours. :)

You have a beautiful blog!

Anne Fannie said...

What a great giveaway! Please include me!

Missy said...

oh my goodness.....244 comments. you are one popular girl :) i've have enjoyed your blog so much.

looking forward to many more years :)


Anonymous said...

beautiful things! I would so love to win. I am just excited to have a chance to try! lol

Anonymous said...

Kelli, what beautiful gifts! I would love to be entered in your "End of Summer Giveaway". I really enjoy your site.

Sharon said...

Kelli, how sweet to do a end of summer give away. I'd love to be entered. Just want to say that I sooo love checking your blog every morning to see what sweet things you have posted for us. I love the Friday show 'n tell too. Thanks for the opportunity! Sharon (

Cyndi said...

What a wonderful give away!

Kindra-At Home With K said...

What a wonderful giveaway, Kelli!! You are just too kind! I hope I'm the lucky winner! And I'm having a giveaway also, come on over if you have time! There are giveaways all over the place!

Anonymous said...

I,m a newbie to your blog and have enjoyed it very much. I appreciate the opportunity to participate in your great giveaway.

Tina said...

How very nice of you to offer such a plentiful giveaway.
I would love to enter and I'm glad to see you have so much interest.

Kayla said...

My mom just told me about your blog recently. I love your style! It just makes me feel me that warm, fuzzy, comforting feeling. I love the selection you have made for the give away. I absolutely love the extra touch you have added to the dish towels! What a wonderful idea!

Anonymous said...

I just recently found your blog, and have made several of your recipes. My family has enjoyed them! I would love so much to be entered into your drawing! Thank you for offering such beautiful things :)


Anonymous said...

Please enter my name in the drawing...Thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

wow now that is a giveaway
so generous of you to honor us when we are the ones who get the enjoyment of all your knowledge each & every day on your blog

Charlotte said...

What a wonderful giveaway. 257 comments. My goodness. I guess I'm #258. I love the pattern of the cups and saucers. I have two salad/dessert plates in this pattern. They are on the wall in my dining room.

Heather said...

Thanks so much for this wonderful give a way!

Deb said...

Hi Kelli,
I came over to your site from Mary Beth Whalen's blog. Your breadstick recipe looks really good. I am going to have to try it. I also enjoyed reading some of your other posts.

Take care,

cathieb said...

You are being very generous as always.
Please enter me to - I don't comment enough but do visit often.

Just Me said...

Wow that apron is gorgeous! Just wearing it would making cooking even more enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Kelli~

WOW....what a BEAUTIFUL giveaway. Please enter me in your drawing. This would make a wonderful wedding gift for Goose!

Thank you for being the sweet, caring "sister", you are!


Mom of Many Hats said...

Wow! I love all the items. What a great idea to sadly say goodbye to summer. Please enter my name into your drawing.



Kat said...

How lovely! Please enter me as well. Thank you!

momsal13 said...

I came here by way of Marybeth Whalen's blog.

Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge! You have an absolutely lovely site! It is so beautiful!


Lois Christensen said...

Would love to win some of your pretty things. Love your site!

Chris said...

Kelli, this is a very generous giveaway! Pretty things too.

Thanks for all the inspiration you give us!


Michelle said...

What an awesome giveaway! I've been very lucky of late so I'm not asking to be included in the drawing, just wanted to tell you I really enjoy your blog and always learn something when I visit.


Mrs. U said...

Oh my, Kelli!! What a wonderful giveaway!! I almost missed it- we just got back in town from vacation!!

May I enter, please?

Thank you!!

Mrs. U

Anonymous said...

Wow, how generous you are. I am new to visiting blogs and I am enjoying reading yours. I am thinking of getting my own but don't have the courage yet!! I hope I have a chance to win-thanks,

Karen said...

Beautiful! and of course I would love to be entered to win:)

Anonymous said...

You are so generous Kelli, what a great summer's end party.

I love the way the fabric strips look on the burgandy tea towels. Such a great use of leftovers.

God bless.

Jodi said...

Wow Kelli - what a beautiful and generous giveaway. Your blog is always brimming over with creative ideas ... and yet you maintain such a sweet, humble spirit. I love popping by here. :o)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful stuff, what a great giveaway! Cassie A

Anonymous said...

Wow! Kelli. What a lovely give-a-way. It would be awesome to win, so please enter my name. I have to agree with the others that expressed an appreciation for you and your blog. I really enjoy coming here. Your creativity is so inspiring and I love to see the projects that you're working on.


Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog and my daughter is making your fruit filled oatmeal bars as I type!


Cora from Hidden Riches said...

What a beautiful giveaway!!!! So generous of you to do this! YOur blog is so refreshing to read and always love coming here! I feel honored to be a part of your celebration so please drop my name in your hat!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a fun give away! I just saw that the Seasonal Delights Magazine is finished. I'm so disappointed......we really did enjoy it. Thanks for the magazines you made!! We will continue to use them.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I forgot to leave my email.

~Niki~ said...

Wow, you sure have a lot of entries!~ Mine as well at least try LOL. Hugs to you, my new blog friend!

Anonymous said...

Just recently found your blog through a friend. It's a transition time in my life as the kids are grown, moved out into the world, and a new part of our life is starting. Sometimes scary but your blog is a wonderful comfort. Please enter me in your giveaway. Comfort in new friends.

Sue said...

It is so sweet of you to do this for your blogging friends. All of the items are so lovely, but my eyes were drawn to Emilie Barnes book as, she is one of my favorite authors. the other ladies are so right ,you are very gifted by God,I so enjoy reading your blog.I have just started blogging myself and I am having so much fun, even though I have only posted a few times; I get so busy reading about everyone else.My daughter and I really liked your strawberry jar cap as we have made jams this year,we're going to try it. Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Oh - what beautiful and inspiring pictures! Makes me want to put on an Edwardian outfit and sip tea!

Please Enter Me

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love, love, love, these beautiful things. You are so creative and I love coming to your blog for ideas. It is so relaxing to come after a long day with a cup of tea and see what you have now!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! I would love to enter! :)

marysetzer AT

Anonymous said...

You're too sweet! Your blog always starts my day off on a great note. It's like visiting with a dear friend! Thanks for being so genuine, inspirational, crafty, generous, and lots of other stuff!
God's blessings to you and your wonderful family.

Melanie said...

Hi Kelli,

Your blog is just lovely. I check in frequently for updates! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Time is running out an my chances are slim,BUT I'll have to try =)

Sharon said...

Just love all your special treasures and who ever wins will be blessed to win and also to be part of your blogging family.

Anonymous said...

Kelli, I love your blog that I found today. How generous of you to have a giveaway contest. My DD loves sunflowers so count me in if this is all I have to do!

Barb C

Rebecca said...

What a gorgeous and generous prize package. Please enter me and even if I don't win, it was fun to look at!!

tchrmom said...

Every time I visit your blog, I'm encouraged to remain feminine and to perservere in homemaking, though my flair for creativity cannot begin to compare to the gift you have for embellishing the plain to make it perfect.

Maybe I'll get out the apron pattern and material and see what I can create after all....;)

Iwona said...

hallo ! I love your beautifull blog - I read it very often. And your give away - there are so many lovely things. you are truly kind and sincere person :) Thank you for beeing my inspiration to become better mother and homemaker . Warm greetings and hugs from Poland, Iwona

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful giveaway. Please enter me in :)

being molded said...

What a lovely giveaway, Kelli!
My email is

Mrs. M. said...

What pretty things and how fun! Enter me also in the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Those are beautiful - pick me!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful

Nita in South Carolina said...

Oh, what a gorgeous giveaway! I love looking at your blog, and seeing your enjoyment of your home and family.

My youngest - my 11 year old daughter - loves to have tea, and we would really enjoy this lovely set.

A Hint of Home said...

What a beautiful giveaway coming from such a sweet person.
I always enjoy your blog. Just made some aprons myself this week for my granddaughters.
Please add me to the drawing.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a generous giveaway. Please add my name to the mix too!

Joyfull said...

How beautiful and dainty is everything! I would love to win!! Please enter me. Your blog is such an inspiration for us to keep our homes cozy and warm!

Anonymous said...

Enter me! What a bunch a goodies!

June Cleaver in Sneakers said...

Kelli, You have the coziest blog out there! Between your yummy recipes and your adorable projects it's like winning a giveaway on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing so much of your talent.

mrs. h

GiGi said...

Adding another comment in hopes and prayers that I may win all of your lovely summer treats!!!!! Your so kind... THANK YOU

Needled Mom said...

What a wonderful picker upper to our end of the summer blues. You are such a creative person and have inspired so many of us through your blogs.

savedbyhim08 said...


You are so generous. The items are beautiful. I would love to be entered in the giveaway.


Bugg's mama said...

Beautiful! Thank you!

The Liberty Belle said...

Geez, I'm too late to enter the hoo hoo. It's so good of you to have the giveaway though and send good luck wishes to all.

Kellie said...

OMG!! The Prettiest giveaway I have ever seen! I would LOVE to win this. I loved having you as a tea swap partner and I have loved visiting your site. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

i love your blog - please dont enter me in your draw as it wouldnt be fair on your other readers as i have never posted before but i just wanted to say i think your blog is fantastic and very inspitational.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how very generous!! Everything looks wonderful!

love, Tina :)

Anonymous said...

You always have the sweetest things to give away..I enjoy reading your blog and have tried several recipes that you have on her and my family has loved them...I collect bunnies to and loved your collection of them!
Please enter me in your contest for all the beautiful things!
I hope you have a Blesses day!
Kelly Bryan

Amity said...

What beautiful things I would love to win this!!! You have such a special touch :-)

Ways of Zion said...

wow I'm amazed! your blog is such a breath of fresh air! keep it up!

I would love to be entered in the giveaway


Mary Ellen said...

Wow what a beautiful give-away......Am adding you to my favorite file for blogs.........

Anonymous said...

Wonderful giveaway, thanks!

Martha said...

Kelli, thanks for your comment on "A Day in the Life" re: the post about my son-in-law. I am addicted to your blog and get so excited when I see a new post. Your give-away would absolutely make my day/month/year :). You are a dear! Martha (memaof5 from Mitford)

Anonymous said...

I foun your blog this past winter and love it. Especially the cards and crafts.
Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway!
Melinda B.

Tori Leslie said...

I'm not entering the give a way, I just wanted to tell you that this is one of the prettiest give a ways I've seen. Very nice!

Heather Wheelock said...

Love your blog! Always has great ideas and such fun to look at even if I don't try it myself :-) Keep up the good work. My e-mail is

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is all so pretty! I sure don't want to miss out on this.


The Liberty Belle said...

I've been thinking all morning that today was Friday! I'm so glad I'm not too late to enter the giveaway!!!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Wow Kelli, you have had a wonderful response for your giveaway! No wonder, with such great items you are offering! That is so nice of you to do!

I love your painted napkin idea! What a great idea! ~Rhonda :)

Amanda said...

How sweet is that set. I would love to win something like that. I wish I could sew some aprons for me and my daughter. I will learn one day.

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

What a lovely giveaway! Happy end-of-summer!

bj said...

What a generous giveaway...just beautiful.
Of course I want to win it!! That's MY hand and arm, way back there at the back of the room, saying "PICK ME...PICK ME !!" LOL
Thank you for giving us the chance at such pretties!
Love, bj

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hi Kelli ~ WOWOWOWOW!!! Look at all of the entries you have!! That is fabulous! Please add my name to the list. You have wonderful things to giveaway!!! How generous!!!

smiles your way,

Ilissa said...

beautiful items! I especially like the apron. Thanks for the chance! :)

emily said...

Wow what a bundle! Just came across your blog and love it! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Mary said...


Your giveaway is so generous. All of the things are lovely. Please add my name to the list.


Rose of Sharon said...

Wow! What a lovely gift! I would love it if you chose me....I collect that Rose Chintz pattern china! I want you to know how much I love your blog and am so thankful that even though you are so popular and have many readers, you always take the time to drop by and say hello! You are a wonderful person Kelli!

Hugs, Sharon

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

"Fay" has allowed me to get on the computer, and I just found your giveaway! Last day too! It's a great one, please put my name in the pot!

Thanks for your prayers about TS Fay.


Peggy said...

What an exciting give away! I love all the colors. All those items are just my taste. Thanks for the opportunity to be picked!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I hope I'm not too late! I haven't been on the computer much this week. :)

Jody said...

Please enter me, too! And thank you! I really enjoy your creativity - thanks for sharing.

Hannah said...

I love it all!!
Enter me!

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway! I'd love to win it this week in celebration of my birthday!


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! I almost missed this!! What a sweet grouping of goodies! Kelli, I don't do a lot of commenting, but your blog is one of my favorites. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Susan Graben said...

Just found your blog and really enjoyed the neat pictures and ideas. Your give away is such a considerate offering.

Anonymous said...

I think I just got in! Hope so anyway. :)

Thanks for the giveaway, and all your terrific ideas. I love your blog.

MelanieKS (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Hi there. Im probably too late for the drawing but I wanted to say I love the things that you make. Everything looks so beautiful in your home. I hope you have a wonderful night.


A giveaway! Wow, you have wonderful things! I have no idea what time this will post...........????????
Jewelgirl :)

Unknown said...

OH! I might be to late... What a great give-a-way!
~~Liz ~~

Anita said...

345 comments??? Oh my! That's seems to be a new record!!!

Unfortunately, I did not make it in time to be entered to your drawing. Well, nevermind, shipping those precious gifts to Europe would cost a fortunte!

XoX, Anita

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Goodness Kelli, you are so thoughtful. Everything is so beautiful.

I am extremely thankful for everything you do. Look at all the wonderful people who stopped by to say hello and thanks!

I know I missed the deadline but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you do.

Kathi :)

quilt'n-mama said...

What a beautiful give away!
I'd love to be a part.

Anonymous said...

That is a great giveaway Kelli!

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