Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Autumn Kitchen

Autumn Kitchen
Welcome to my Autumn kitchen! I had lots of fun putting my decorations up this past weekend.

Autumn bouquet
An Autumn wall pocket bouquet.

Autumn stand

Autumn towels

Autumn Kitchen Display
A corner on my kitchen counter.

Candy jar
If you tie ribbons around jars of candy it will last longer. :0)

Autumn jar topper

Autumn shelf

Pitcher and mugs
My favorite Autumn pitcher and coffee mugs.

Squirrel salt and pepper shakers
I found this squirrel salt and pepper shaker set at Cracker Barrel last year.

Autumn cake plate
A bit of berry garland on a cake plate handle.

Autumn candles
Thank you for looking at my Autumn kitchen decorations!


Heart 4 My Home said...

How beautiful! I just love Fall decorating. It's so much nicer to look at your pictures than the ones we have been seeing on the news of our post hurricane area. *sigh*

Thank you for adding a bright spot to the day.


Anonymous said...

What a lovely fall kitchen..love the pictures and great ideas. I love to decorate for fall . Thanks for sharing :) Have a great week..Holly

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! I was looking forward to seeing how you were going to decorate for autumn. You didn't disappoint me. The pictures of your kitchen are beautiful. Your family is lucky to have such a talented wife and mother.

Have a wonderful and blessed day. :-) Debbi

Anonymous said...

Oh how PRETTY Kelli. I really must try to do something similar in my kitchen this year to ring the changes a little. I just love those little acorn salt and pepper shakers too. You have a real flair for decorating.

Little House By The Sea said...

I love your decorating. You seem to get such lovely "Fall" decor over in America. Over here in England it is unheard of and nobody would think of decorating for "Autumn". You have some wonderful ideas on here.

Sarah x

Katy said...

It looks great Kelli!!!

Primrose Hill said...

Oh, Kelli...it just looks lovely~ I love to see all you can do...very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

Love the fall look in your kitchen! The wall pocket is is cute and that squirrel s&p shaker is adorable!! I haven't been in a Cracker Barrell yet, but everyone always finds such cute things there (there's one about 20 minutes from me but my DH never wants to eat there?).


Wanita said...

Kelli, your kitchen looks so pretty. Fall decorating is so much fun, especially since fall is my favorite time of year.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I love the little touches like the berry garland on the Nature plaque and lamp.

Anonymous said...

Very lovely, Kelli. Your kitchen looks so warm and inviting. I love the little squirrel with the acorn s&p shakers.


Paula said...

Your kitchen looks great! :)

Jenn said...

You astound me! I would LOVE to live in your home...better yet I will just work on mine...LOL But seriously I am never disappointed. You just have a way with pretty things!

Heather said...

Your kitchen looks lovely Kelli!!
I really like your salt and pepper shaker.

I am so glad that the storm missed y'all!

Love, Heather

Adrienne said...

Hi Kelli - Your kitchen looks so nice. Cozy and home-y. Wish I lived close enough to stop by and see it 'for real'! I especially love that little squirrel salt and pepper. Thanks for sharing your home with us. ~Adrienne~

The Proverbs Wife said...

The little squirrel holding his acorns is so cute.

I haven't pulled out my fall decor yet. I had the ingenious idea to store them in a empty suit case in our storage closet back in the Spring.

Now I don't feel like unpacking the closet to get to the suitcase with is strategiaclly placed way in the back of the closet.

It seemed like such a good idea back then.

So I'll just stop in to enjoy your pictures for a few more weeks. Thanks for sharing.

TJ said...

This is beautiful Kelli! I got my decorating done, only to find that my kids are enjoying tearing apart my centerpiece and bouquet. Oh well... the 90 degree weather is making it hard to feel Fall yet. I'll have some time to hunt down the gourds and flowers and replace them before it gets cool.

Thanks for sharing! I love how big your kitchen is

Dani said...

Your kitchen looks so warm and inviting, beautiful! Thanks for sharing photos of it all, but could you please take down the comment about tying ribbons around candy jars before my mom sees it? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Kelli - love your decorations and your site. I love to stop by and get inspired and refreshed while viewing your posts. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Very lovely, Kelli!

"If you tie ribbons around jars of candy it will last longer"


Terri said...

Kelli, you do such a beautiful job decorating. I love your fall decorations!

Carrie said...

This inspires me to go get out my two boxes of fall decorations!

Michelle said...

Hi Kelli
Oh your home looks just lovely ;-)

Anonymous said...

Kelli I LOVE your blog. I read it from England. I love the way you live your life, its like that famous quote, "preach the gospel, if necessary use words," Anyone reading your blog and seeing your lifestyle can't help but find your true Christianity appealling.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Kelli, I love this. How beautiful your kitchen looks, and it is so warm and inviting. I love visiting your blog, it feels like a wonderful look through a favorite magazine or book.
Thank you,

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your decorations are lovely. I love the jars of pear honey on the hutch...so homey!!

Anonymous said...

Your kitchen looks so fallish. I just love your decorations. I'm slowly getting mine out. The squirrels are so cute. I've got apples in my kitchen year round so it's easy to make it look fallish with a few extra things.
Happy decorating!

Lois Christensen said...

So beautiful! I can almost smell the apple pie cooking! Enjoyed looking at your pictures!

Tracy said...

You have a beautiful kitchen! I love the squirrel salt & pepper holder....so cute! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,
Your kitchen is lovely! It looks so warm and inviting. That's a great idea about tying ribbons around the jars to make the candy last longer. I'll have to try that! Rosie

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

It all looks wonderful Kelli - I especially like the ribbon on the jar tip! :-)

Julie said...

Your kitchen definetly says fall---love it all..julie

Pink Princess said...

I LOVE your autumn decorations, so cosy!
Thanks for showing and for giving me some ideas too.

Hugs from Marian from the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

Everything is so pretty. I love your Autumn Kitchen. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

Anonymous said...

looks so warm and cozy at your house!

i got out some candles.. but thats about it so far.

Pattie said...

Your kitchen is so warm and inviting, Kelli. I can almost smell the apple crisp baking... ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love your kitchen! So cozy :)

Frazzled Mom said...

You are cracking me up... tying ribbons on candy jars to make them last longer. It wouldn't work here. We know how to untie! LOL

Tina Leigh said...

Kelli I love your fall decor! Everything looks so warm and cozy. I really like the ribbon idea. I went to Walmart today and they had the fall Oreos out. You know they are WAY better than the regular ones. I got 4 packs!! lol Tell me something...I see you have your tart burner out...how many times do you re-use your tarts and where do you get yours?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

I love all your autumny knick knacks! :)

cryssi said...

Pretty! I love the squirel so cute. Thank You for visiting my blog.


Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm very interested in the book I saw pictured. "Pumpkin..."

A Hint of Home said...

Everything looks very pretty, Kelli. I love the Fall colors and the candles on the leave plates.

Mel said...

So lovely! I adore that squirrel salt and pepper holder!

LadySnow said...

So pretty!

Susan said...

Your home always looks so lovely and picture perfect.

Susan said...

I'm not sure if I've commented here before, but I just had to say how homey and inviting your kitchen is - beautiful!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Kelli, Your fall decor is so pretty! I love the towel rack and towels on the island, and the squirrel s&p is so cute! I need to tie ribbon around my candy jars if that works to keep little hands out of it! :) ~Rhonda

Kelli said...

I LOVE your squirrel salt and pepper shaker - sooo cute! Decorating for the seasons is not commonly done in Australia (at least not in these parts). It's a lovely idea I'd like to adopt!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

You are amazingly creative. I love your fall decorations. It makes your kitchen look so warm and welcoming, a place where friends can hang out.

Mimi Sue said...

What a darling kitchen. Your fall stuff is fabulous. I especially like those jars with the ribbon. They'd make cute little gifts. I'm going to have to try to make that pear honey. It sounds delish.

the said...

One word : BEAUTIFUL!
I want to come visit you ! I want to go decorate my kitchen some more now!! LOL

Susie Homemaker said...

Thank you so much for the inspiration! I love all the colors of Fall...warm and inviting, like your home...

Warm Regards,

Unknown said...

Hi Kelli,
Love all the little fall touches you've added to your kitchen. It all looks so warm and inviting!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE autumn but must be frugal w/ decor. You inspire me to change w/ the seasons. Any frugal ideas? I don't want my home to look "cheap" just cozy. Yours looks absolutely fantastic.
So glad you and yours are doing great and that Ike missed you.

Anonymous said...

And it actually feels a little bit fall-ish around here these days! (I also live in the Dallas area.)


Unknown said...

Beautiful decorations as always. Love the ribbon on the sweetie jar.

Lindsay-ann said...

Your fall kitchen looks BEAUTIFUL. Decorating for fall is not something we do in England but you are inspiring me to start. Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Your Home is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing it!


Jada said...

So lovely and welcoming! I haven't gotten my Fall decorations out yet, though it's on my To Do list.

Thanks for sharing your pictures. I always enjoy looking at them and reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

It looks so great, I love all things Autumn and you have made our kitchen such a cozy place. It always is a pleasure to visit your kitchen this way and I love what you have done with it now !!!
Have a great day !!

Trixi said...

Absolutel, Beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Your kitchen is so warm and cozy.

P. said...

Wonderful kitchen and wonderful blog. I'm so happy I found you. You have a fan now. I will come back everyday.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized that, before mine, you had, already, 63 commnets! No wonder, with such nice blog!


Nancy M. said...

I love your decorations!! thank you so much for sharing them!! I made "blueberry muffins" from the book you posted last week for my mothers birthday breakfast! They loved them and it was a nice recipe!

Anonymous said...

Very cheerful kitchen!

Julie said...

I love to do the same. I am so glad I got started before my trip to AZ...and before the storm hit us!

Linda said...

Hi Kelli...your kitchen looks so warm and inviting, I love all your touches of Fall. I'm getting ready for the season change too...hugs, Linda

Carole Burant said...

Oh Kelli, it all looks just beautiful and so welcoming. It's no wonder this is my favourite time of year, I so love the Autumn colours:-) xoxo

The Liberty Belle said...

Your kitchen looks warm and welcoming. I'm sure all the things you do serve as such special blessings to your family and friends...and us blog friends too!

Laurie said...

Such lovely Autumn decorations ~ your kitchen looks so cozy and inviting. Love that little squirrel salt and pepper!

Janis Rodgers said...

What a beautiful job you did. I have never thought of decorating my kitchen for the seasons. You have inspired me!

Jennifer Hoots said...

Beautiful as always! My question for you is how do you organize and store all your seasonal decorations?
Also, I am so glad that your weekend was not too bad with the weather. Sounds like we in Indiana got Ike worse than the Dallas area! Too funny!

Unknown said...

I love all the autumn pizzazz you created all around your kitchen! It made my eyes light up, so pretty! I love corn candy this time of the year and especially like the way the ribbon dresses it up. My sis-in-law had her corn candy mixed with peanuts this year and I swear it was like having a Payday candy bar.

Blessings - Debbie

Grandma Faith said...

I commend you for decorating for fall. Your kitchen looks wonderful, so warm and inviting. Take care.

MamaHen said...

I love the pitcher and the squirrel salt and pepper shaker. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelli, I just love your blog. It gives my inspiration. I also love to decorate for every holiday, season, occasion. Thank you for sharing with us. Mari Pearson

Nancy Rosalina said...

oh your kitchen looks so cozy! I love your blog! I want to add you to my blog list, so I can remember to visit often. Blessings, nancy

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

Beautiful, Kel! You have my favorite pumpkin candies in that jar! ;o)

gma said...

I came by here from Lilas. Your decorations are great. Love the idea of putting a ribbon around the candy jar.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Dear Kelli,
I'm sorry that it has been so long since I visited with you. Your fall decorations are so pretty...you really do have a cozy and inviting home.
Love, Kim

LBP said...

Your autumn kitchen is so homey and cozy looking. Just beautiful.



Ribbonwood Cottage said...

Hi Kelli, thank you so much for coming by. The exact address for the fall group at flickr is
I tried to copy and paste it here but there is no little line. Sorry about that.
Anyhooo, love your fall post here. I enjoy so much looking at the fall warmth in everyone's home. Thanks

Missy Wertz said...

Beautiful and cozy.

Jackie said...

Kelli, your kitchen looks lovely all decked out for autumn. I really like the tea towels. Where ever did you find them.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely adore your blog and pop in to take a peek oten - especailly your decorations when the seasons change. I printed out that pear jam and my freind will be making it soon! keep up the wonderful work in your corner of the net! love it!

Kathy said...

Your Autumn kitchen is beautiful! I love the squirrel salt and pepper shakers and all the bittersweet and berries look perfect for fall!

Farrah said...

It looks like fall over there! Lovely fall! :-)

The Hamilton's said...

It looks so beautiful Kelli!

Anonymous said...

Wow how warm and inviting. I felt like grabing one of those coffee cups and joining you for a cup of joe and some of that beautiful pear butter on one of my grandmother's biscuits!

-Frixie Frog

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so lovely Kelli, great job! (o:

Jen said...

I love your kitchen. Can I come over for some pumpkin spice coffee? I'm getting my stuff down tomorrow afternoon....cant wait..ready for life to get normal around here.

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...


Can I be you when I grow up? Seriously, my family would love it if I had half of the creativity you do, Kelli.

If I ever make it up to visit with you, maybe some of your homemaking goodness will rub off on me!

Love ya, Friend!

Anonymous said...

How pretty!

Elizabeth said...

You've done a great job! I love all of the special touches. Also, your kitchen is really pretty. I am looking at everything and getting ideas for myself.

Thanks again.

Love Bears All Things said...

Are those crab apples in the last photo? We have a tree in the front yard in Memphis that is just loaded with fruit.
The towel bar on the end of the cabinet gives me an idea for doing the same in the new house. I'll be doing some Autumn decorating myself this week even though most of my stuff is somewhere else. I'll share what little I do next week.
Mama Bear

Julie said...

Wow, I am commenter 97!! How you you manage to even read them all? Anyway, everything is lovely. My autumn decorations are still sitting in Rubber Maid containers in the basement.

I really do remember those Cracker Barrel squirrels. I had to run out and get some myself. I checked out CB last week but fortunately for my pocketbook there wasn't anything I couldn't live without.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Don't you just love Cracker Barrel for seasonal decor? Also, love the "cabinet" your oven is in. I've never seen one like that--very cozy.

Anonymous said...

I love autumn and your photos are
an inspiration.

Jane said...

Oh, I just love your blog and have so enjoyed the decorating corner. What I like about it? It's so simple, cozy and warm. Thanks for some new ideas for the holidays! God bless.

Come visit me sometime at my blog. I love to write devotional type articles, so you probably won't find lots of decorating tips. Still learning how to navigate my way around blogging.

In Him,
Renee Peebles
homeschool mom in NC

Julie said...

Your blog is so fun, and I love the fall decorations! I just took mine down, including my copy of Pumpkin Moonshine! My mom found it for me, at the Tasha Tudor store in Vermont. I have loved her books all my life! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with us!

- said...

Kelli, I love how you decorate your home. It seems warm and inviting! The Fall decorations are very pretty, and I love your "Autum Kitchen"!!

Kreatív konyha said...

I love your autumn kitchen very much. Thanks for showing it. If you don't mind I showed it to my readers of course with a link to your site. Regards, Mónika from Hungary, Europe

Horváth Emerencia said...

Kelli, your kitchen looks so pretty.Thanks for sharing.Emerencia.