Saturday, September 06, 2008

Signs of Autumn

Thank you to all who participated in show and tell and also for your sweet comments on my cameos. We are starting to see some signs of Autumn around here...
Guess what I found yesterday? The first pumpkin of the season! I will share how I displayed it next week.

Benjamin knows how much I love acorns and he brought me this one he found a few days ago.

Lastly, a special thank you to Phillip for giving my blog an Autumn look. :0)


We made ourselves a castle
Once after school was out;
We raked the leaves together
To wall it all about.

We made a winding pathway
Down to the school-yard gate.
And there we worked with might and main
Until the day grew late;

Until one bright star twinkled
Above the maple tree,
And lights shone down on village street
As far as we could see.

We planned that every recess
We'd come out there to play,
But in the night it blew so hard
Our castle blew away.
K. Pyle


  1. I love the new fall look! Fall is one of my favorite times of year, and I look forward to reading and seeing your decorating ideas!

  2. Beautiful new fall look. I am hoping to redecorate my blog soon as well as my house! (The house will probably come before the blog though, unless I can get hubby to help.. hmmm...) :)

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    the fall look is great! I love the picture at the top. I love this time of year. We've found alot of pumpkins in our garden already. 'Guess we planted them to early.

  4. I like your new look for fall, Kelli.

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Kelly I love your autumn look!
    I will have that to look forward to when I return home from Europe late Sept. I'm now in Venice and then off to Tuscany!Hugs from across the sea! xo aNNa

  6. I love the new blog look Kelli, Phillip did a wonderful job, my blog too also has a new fall look, so stop by and see it, and I am looking forward to what your creative mind will come up with for your pumpkin and acorn.

  7. I love the new fall look! It's been fall here all week :).

    Have a great weekend Kelli :)

  8. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Hi Kelli, can you believe I actually grew a pumpking this year (I have a terrible time with all squashes). It turned orange and it was big and I cut it off the vine. Two days later I went to pick it up and it fell apart. It was all soft inside! I was so proud of the pumpkin! Thank goodness I have lots of fake ones.


  9. We must all be in the fall mood because I changed my blog this morning too. I love the new look!

  10. Pretty new header picture! Fall is my favorite season.

  11. Looking forward to seeing how you display that pumpkin.

    Happy Fall.

  12. Hi Kelli,
    I love your new picture and this post. The poem made me feel like I was ten years old again playing in the leaves in my backyard. :-)
    Have a great weekend. :-)

  13. Kelli,

    Your fall look is lovely. I also have my new fall look done. I love the changing of the seasons, which gives us an opportunity to decorate our blogs.

    Your pumpkin is magnificient and I look forward to seeing how you display it. I will have the boys next Saturday and we will go to a U-pick farm near here to see if the apples and pumpkins are ready.

    Take care, Kelli and enjoy the rest of the weekend.


  14. I heart the new look.....its perfect...Happy Fall friend.

  15. I love your new Fall look, Kelli! Phillip really did a great job. If I look closely I can find a few signs of Fall in Virginia, too. That's okay, though, because it definitely looks like Fall in our home!! Am eagerly awaiting your Fall decorating ideas. Have a wonderful weekend with your family!

  16. Love the fall banner! Autumn is my favorite time of year. Funny you should have the acorn, with the winds being 25-30mph with tropical storm Hanna, acorns were blowing out of the trees at warp speed. One hit my son on the head and bruised his forehead! My dad told me that an abundance of acorns meant a long bad winter was on the way...oh dear! Have a great weekend!

  17. Your new blog header is very appropriate for the fall season...very nice...

  18. I love your new fall look and the September poem - it's wonderful!

  19. Love the new look! I put a link to you on my blog :)

  20. What a sweet acorn! And I love your new fall look, too.
    I hope the apple cake turns out well for you if you make it. I actually made another one today. We had eaten so much of the other one that I needed another one tonight for friends:)

  21. Your new fall header is beautiful! Congratulations on your first pumpkin for the season!

  22. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Oh I love acorns too, love the look of your blog with the Fall touch:)

  23. Love the autmnal touch to your blog!!

  24. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hi Kelli! I love the autumn picture your husband put on your blog. The little "September" poem was cute! :-) Look forward to seeing what you do with your pumpkin....I always look forward to seeing what you and your family are up to.

    Have blessed ane beautiful autumn Sunday. Debbi

  25. I absolutely love the new picture at the top of your blog!!

  26. Love your new Fall look dear Kelli! I changed by blog to a Fall theme as well this morning:-) It's cool and rainy out today so it truly does look like a Fall day.

    I haven't seen a pumpkin around here yet but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I love this time of year:-) xoxo

  27. Your new look autumn blog is super and I love the September poem. Thanks for sharing.

  28. HI Kelli, your Autumn look is great. England is just very very wet at the moment, Im looking forward to see your ideas for a pumpkin and an Acorn. Take care.

  29. Beautiful blog Kelli! I get so many nice ideas for my home.

  30. Wow did you grow the pumpkin? We had a couple one year purely by accident. I tossed the pumpkins into the side yard and we actually got a couple the next year!
    I love your new fall look. I am going to wait another week to do it myself. I just love the little black number!
    BTW Daisy wrote about a new friend today. Come by and visit and if you haven't already found the blog I know you will love it.
    Have a Great week.

  31. Yes, I guess it is that time of the year. The autumn look is lovely.

    Your cameos were beautiful. I have always loved them as each is so unique.

  32. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Acorns and pumpkins, now I know that fall has arrived in all its splendor.

    Your new fall look is just great. I love it.

    God bless.

  33. I love the new look! I'm so ready for Fall! My favorite time of year is just about here!

    Have a wonderful week

  34. Anonymous7:18 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I love signs of Autumn and your new fall look :)


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