Sunday, October 05, 2008

Weekend Chit~Chat

Thank you to all who joined in for show and tell and for your sweet comments about my Little Woman treasures! Several of you asked about a tutorial and I will try to put one together soon.

Golden Rod
Yesterday morning we headed out to our favorite nature preserve. Phillip brought along his camera and captured some great photos, especially of the goldenrod that was in full bloom.

The girls met with their Faith Keepers group to work on earning their "Survival in the Outdoors" badge.

Daisy was happy to tag along, too.

As you can see, the tiny puppy days are over.

Daisy just turned 6 months old and while she considers herself a lap dog that loves to snuggle, she has plenty of energy to go around.

Especially when it comes to swimming! Thank you for taking a look and I hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. Seems like a wonderful Sunday! Your children are wearing t-shirts, mine are wearing mittens and woolen jumpers. The first snow fell today.....

    Have a blessed week!

    Love, Tove (Norway)

  2. beautiful pictures......daisy is so cute :)


  3. Wow, that looks like a great time.

    I love GR dogs, we have one and she also thinks she's a lap dog and loves the water.

    Have a great week.

  4. I love that adorable dog! Oh how do you put those lists on your posts like on Show and Tell Friday? You know the ones where people list there posts for what they want to show? I just need to know for a post.

  5. Sounds like you and your family had a wonderful day. Your Daisy is so beautiful. I love golden retrievers. Mine right now is a ChiPoo-chihuahua/poodle mix and my Chorizo who passed last October was a char-pei/chow. But the GR's really capture my heart. She looked to be having sooooooo much fun. Take care.

  6. Hi Kelli
    I enjoyed your pictures from the nature preserve. Daisy is gorgeous. It's been a bright day here today but we have the first frost of the season forecast for tonight.

  7. I wanted to comment on your "Little Women" post...

    Seeing the picture of that book brought back so many memories! One of my aunts bought me that book in 1961 when I was 8 years old. Seeing those pictures made me pick that out of a bookshelf where it hadn't seen the light of day for many moons! (That is how I remembered the year of purchase: from the inscription).

    Thanks for reminding me of a favorite childhood memory!


  8. How cute is Daisy ?Love the name btw.Have a great day.

  9. Looks like a fun day! Daisy is growing up into a real beauty, too:)

  10. What a wonderful day Kelli :) I love the photos and I just absolutely LOVE Daisy, she is the sweetest dog ever :)


  11. Looks like you all had a great day. Cute dog too. We have one (Gracie) and she thinks she's a lap dog too and she loves the water.

  12. Hi Kelli :) We are having a nice weekend, thanks! It has flown by - lol.

    My sweeties asked me to send you a hug and thanks for the Daisy-girl pictures. Love to you! Q

  13. Wow Daisy really has grown!! Looks like a fun day...the golden rod picture is nice.

  14. Hi Kelli,
    Thanks for stopping by.--Yes, family weekend gatherings are great. Looks like your family had a great outing! And the photos of your dogs are great:) Getting a little nippy up here in the north- but saw on the Dallas football game it is 85 degrees there--enjoy!

    Linda C

  15. Looks like a great day for an outing.
    I think that maybe Daisy had the best time of all! LOL
    Hope that y'all have a great week. :)

  16. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Daisy is a cutie! They don't stay small long do they!


  17. Looks like they had a beautiful day to be outdoors.

  18. Great photos Kelli...I love days like this where you can enjoy the beauty of the season outside!

  19. i love the pictures of daisy. she is such a cute puppy and growing up fast. my puppy turned 2 in august, still acts like a puppy, and would love to have us allow him to be a lap dog =)

    the goldenrod is beautiful, too.

  20. Daisy is sure growing.

    We are windy and rainy today, which is fine by me. I got to stay home after church and do some baking, reading, knitting and of course meditating on the sermon. My kind of day!

    God bless.

  21. Love these pictures. Daisy is so cute!

  22. What a glorious day! I just love Autumn!!! Sounds like some quality family time!


  23. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I just have to tell you that your Daisy looks just like my 5-month old golden retriever, who is also named Daisy! And I just love your website.

  24. Oh what a great outing you must have had! Thanks for sharing the photo's.
    She looks like such a fun dog.
    Aren't you glad we're still able to wear t-shirts! I love the weather.
    Have a great week.

  25. Looks like a fun day...would you mind sharing the name of the nature area. We just relocated (we are in Allen) and I'm always interested in natural places to take the kids. Conemara is practically in our backyard, but from what I understand it is closed!

  26. Kelli, you have such a lovely blog. I enjoy it very much! Thank you for sharing your delights with all of us!

  27. Anonymous10:31 PM

    daisy has grown so much! she looks EXACTLY like our daisy when she was that age. our girl is 7 1/2 now and already getting a little gray around her muzzle. they are wonderful dogs though- so sweet and loving. great with the kids too- not to mention cute! i will have to post some pics of our girl sometime soon.
    your daisy is a sweetie.

  28. Hi Kelli! You're invited to "My Favorite Things Monday" inspired by the Sound of Music! You sharing a picture and story of your current 'favorite thing' that cheered you up when life got you down, would be a blessing! I hope you can come! It looks like you had a lot of fun over the weekend! I'm going to have to check out the Faithkeepers as my kids get older. Take care!

  29. Daisy looks so healthy and happy! She's having a great life with your family.

  30. Anonymous12:49 AM


    Looked like a fun and beautiful day. Your dog Daisy is SOOO adorable!! Those puppy dog eyes are too cute. :)

  31. Kelli,
    What a great day you had! Looks like Daisy had a great time too :)
    She has grown so much!
    Love Kerri

  32. I love Daisy! I have always loved golden retrievers, but my husband and I decided on a mastiff for our next dog. So I guess I have to wait! I love seeing the photos of Daisy growing up though...they are such wonderful family dogs!

  33. Our "puppy" is now nine months old. He too is a bundle full of energy.

    I like the picture of yours swimming. Daisy is one cute dog. :)

  34. I loved the picture of the goldenrod. Your puppy dog looks so sweet! When my daughter gets a little older we would love to get her a dog:)

  35. What a fun weekend! Daisy is a cutie pie!

  36. Oh my...look how Miss Daisy has grown! Wonderful pictures Kelli!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.