Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Tea Time

Tea corner
Thank you so much for stopping by on the Christmas Home Tour and your sweet comments! I enjoyed seeing everyone's decorations, too.

Christmas tea try
My friend Revee and her two girls are coming over for a visit today, and I have my Christmas tea tray ready.

Christmas tea try

Christmas tea try

Christmas tea try

Christmas tea try

Gingerbread cookies
We are having gingerbread cookies for dessert.

Gingerbread cookies
I made extra special ones for her girls to take home.

Christmas tea
Have you tried any of the Celestial Seasonings holiday teas? We love Gingerbread Spice and Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride the best. Cookie recipe coming soon!


  1. How sweet this all looks Kelli! Have fun with your tea!

  2. I really enjoyed visiting your "place"! Very sweet and nice. Lots of fun

  3. Oh, I wish it was me coming for tea!!!

  4. Can I come?! ;-) Looks like it will be lots of fun!

  5. Everything looks lovely.

  6. I love the Sugar Cookie tea also! My husband likes the Candy Cane Lane :)

  7. Kelli, when I saw your tea table I was going to tell you about the Celestial Seasons teas. Aren't they wonderful? I've never really liked hot tea but those are delish!! Have a wonderful time with your friends.

  8. This all looks just beautiful! I have never seen those tea flavors! Now I need to go looking for them, they sound delicious:>)

  9. My mother in law has that same set of tea cups..I have always admired them. Love seeing all your creative ideas Kelli.

  10. Anonymous7:28 AM

    What a lovely Christmas tea.
    The white teapot and holly ribboned teacups with white and saucers look so festive together on the tray.
    That's one of my favorite paintings, "The lady with the Parasol, so serene. When we moved into our new house, we didn't rehang it. It also can be found as life-size sculpture in N.J. at a place called Grounds for Sculpture.,it is displayed outdoors on a hill. Monet's bridge is there nearby.

  11. Have fun with your tea party! Everything looks perfect.

  12. Your tea tray looks so inviting, Kelli! Your guests are going to feel so special and the girls will remember your special touches a long time:)

    We are having tea at my daughter-in-laws baby shower on the 27th at my home. Thanks for the tea recommendations:)

    Linda C

  13. Can I come? hehe

  14. Yum! Save a spot for me I will be right over! {{giggle}} It looks and sounds so wonderful!

  15. Awwwww! I want to buy the holiday tea, so yummyyyyy! I love your Christmas decoration.I have the creamer and sugar for the set of your tea cups!!! Thank for sharing!

  16. Oh Kelli - I wish we could get together for a cup of Christmas tea - I've invited a few friends, but everyone seems so busy! Imagine - not having time for a cup of tea? I am loving a new tea from our bulk store 'holiday treat' - spicy and fruit with lots of bold color and fragrance! Delightful!
    I hope you have a delightful time and enjoy the gift of friendship!

  17. Hey Kelli; everything looks pretty for your tea time today. Drink some for me! It's cold and icy here!

  18. Anonymous8:36 AM

    That looks so pretty! No, I haven't tried those teas yet - they sound yummy. I'm more of a coffee drinker!


  19. Herbal tea is the only type of tea we drink at our house and those two are our favorites along with the sugar plum. I stock up on them at Christmas and use them year round :)

    My oldest daughter has even started drinking the gingerbread spice tea instead of hot cocoa.

    I've never used a tea pot before. It looks so pretty.

  20. Sugar Plum Spice and Candy Cane Lane are my favorite teas from them this time of year. Your tea setting is so pretty.

    Mrs. P

  21. Your tea tray looks so pretty. I know that everyone will enjoy it.

  22. What a lovely tea party! Your gingerbread people are so cute:)

  23. How precious is this tea party going to be!?

  24. Oh, I've not tried those teas..but they sound wonderful! I will have to try some Sugar Cookie. Have a great time with your friends.

  25. Have fun Kelli! :-)

  26. Ohhh it looks lovely. Have a wonderful time!!

  27. I love your tea tray!! And the cookies too! Thank you for sharing!

  28. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Tea time at your house looks like a special treat!

  29. I stopped back by to get the Buckeye Brownie recipe and my eyes behold your post from today. What a wonderful and inviting atmosphere. Praying that your visit is sweet from beginning to end.

  30. How lovely and special that looks!
    I've been enjoying candy cane lane tea, but the sugar cookie sleigh ride sounds wonderful!

  31. Anonymous10:56 AM

    I actually have tried Gingerbread Spice and Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride...although I can't say that they are my favorite! LOL! Hope you have a good time with your friends!

  32. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hope you all have a lovely time!
    Miriam :)

  33. Everything is so pretty, Kelli. And, I'm going to have to look for those teas, too!

  34. I'm am NEEDING to buy the Sugar Cookie Tea. I didn't know they made that flavor for Christmas time. I have been so pregnant sick and can not drink any coffee. That would be perfect. Thank you. And the cookies are so sweet and thoughtful. What a great and nice friend you are.

  35. What a beautiful tea you will surely enjoy! So nice to gather with sweet friends to enjoy a cuppa!

  36. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Sounds like a fun day for you and your guests. You are such a wonderful home and on your blog.

    I bought the "Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride" tea. I had some Bigelow "Ginger Snappish" at Thanksgiving time. It was really yummy so I went out and bought that for myself and a some for gifts. I will put a couple of packets in the mail for you to try.

    It is snowing here today Good day to stay in and do my cards. :-) Love, Debbi

  37. Kelli, I have the Braum Bro. Victorian Holiday 'Roses' (You have the Poinsettia)! My pattern is an earlier pattern. Recently I found a coffee pot and salt & pepper shaker in the poinsettia pattern and purchased them as they go perfectly with the roses.

    Your tea setting is lovely!

  38. Hi Kelli, I wish I was coming over to your house for tea. I bet it's nice and warm and cozy. I'm making sugar cookies today, the oven will make the house warm. See you later, thx for sharing. :sip:sip:

  39. Love your tea! The tray is all set and ready for your guest, no I did not hear my name. lol Just this morning I recieved, from my tea swap, my first Christmas tea cup, saucer, and cookied plate. They are the same pattern as yours! Love those gingerbead cookies!

  40. I was looking at those teas the other day at the grocery store. I wasn't sure if they'd be any good so now I'll have to try some. Hope your tea is wonderful. Mimi

  41. Kelli,

    I love your sweet Christmas tea! Those teacups are so dainty and I would love to taste a cookie or two. :)

    I'm late in visiting and commenting and hope to catch up in the next few days. My 3rd daughter was home for a visit and I was thrilled!



  42. So pretty Kelli! I love the candle and the bell along with your teacups. Oh, and the candy canes. It looks so festive, and those cookies are charming. What wonderful photographs!
    I hope you all enjoy a grand time!

  43. What a beautiful tray! I love a sweet cup of tea during Christmas. Gingerbread Cookies definitely give a wonderful aroma to the air as well. :) Thanks for sharing your tea time with us!

  44. Those teas are yummy! I enjoyed your home tour too. So festive!

  45. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I would love to come for tea. Such a beautiful set up.

  46. Hi Kelli,
    You know how I feel about tea time...I have tried both of those teas...mmmmmm...


  47. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Hello Kelli,

    Cute cookies! :) I will have to try out those tea at your recommendation.


  48. Ooh. A tea party sounds so decadent!

  49. Those cookies look great and the tea sound yummy! :)

  50. Everything is looking cozy and Christmasey at your place as usual, Kelli. I'm sure you both had a terrific time at tea today!

  51. How lovely! I would love to come over and have tea with you. I also enjoy the Celestial Seasonings holiday teas, lately I'm into the sugar plum spice. I'm very loyal to the brand because we live about 15 minutes from their factory. The tour is fun and their gift shop is AMAZING!

  52. Are you in Houston TX?

  53. That is a lovely tea and I have never seen the Christmas teas but will look for them now. I bet your guests really enjoyed your hospitality.
    Roberta Anne

  54. What a lovely teatime you're having. We love the gingerbread tea, too. Haven't tried the other one.

  55. Looks like you are ready to celebrate! As usual, Kelli, everything is so lovely, and homey.

  56. Dear Kelli, I want to be you when I grow up!

    Or at the very least just score an invitation to tea... maybe when I am in TX sometime?? :)

  57. Can I stop in fro "tea time". My favorite part of the day is tea time! Love your tea set up! So cozy. thanks for the great tip on which gingerbread tea to get. I just put it on my list!

  58. Your Christmas tea looks beautiful and sounds fun.

  59. Hi Kelli
    It must be lovely to have Christmas Tea at your house. Those gingerbread people look gorgeous. I love the giant bell.
    Merry Christmas

  60. Everything looks so pretty, Kelli. Thanks for the tea suggestions. And thanks for your sweet visit today.

  61. I have been wanting to try all the Celestial Seasoning holiday tea flavors, since I have heard such good things about them! Unfortunately I have not seen them for sale at the stores we shop. I might just need to do an internet search!

  62. I have loved all of your pictures and recipes you have been showing! I received my package and am thrilled beyond belief with everything thank you!!!!!
    I meant to ask you the club at church the girls go to it based on the life of faith books/dolls? Ok talk to you soon!

    Love ya!!

  63. Oh, I'm ready for tea! Your tea time tray looks wonderful and the teas sound absolutely festive. I need to plan some teas next year. Maybe I'll have to cancel everything else so I can do that. ~Adrienne~

  64. A beautiful tea it is Kelli, I feel so welcome at your home. Thank you for the wonderful gingerbread recipe, they look wonderful! I'll have to go and bake some, your children decorated them perfectly :)

  65. Gingerbread tea is one of my favorite treats this time of year. Yum.

  66. Kelli,
    Everything looks so pretty. I wish I lived closer! :) I hope you had a nice visit.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.