Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Can I get your opinion?

Phillip got a new photo editing program yesterday and I'm wondering if it helps my pictures look better/brighter.

The first pictures in the set are unedited. The second ones have been brightened. Which ones look better on your computer?

First set...

Second set...

Thank you for your help!


  1. Hi Kelli,
    The second photo in each set is certainly sharper and cleaner, but I somehow like the "patina" of the first photos in the sets. Guess it depends on what you're using the photos for. Your photos are always wonderful!

  2. The second photo is brighter but, really, I like the look of the first photos...that probably did not help, did it? You are a fantastic photographer either way...I loved your icy photos yesterday!

  3. The 2nd picture in each set is MUCH better...brighter, crisper, clearer!

  4. The first photo looked better in the second shot. The second photo looked better in the first shot. Is there some sort of setting for text vs. photo?

    This is coming from someone who has spent the last three hours scanning old family photos and trying to figure out how to use photo software....and still banging head over it, lol!

  5. The second ones give it a little more life. Hope I helped.

  6. The first ones look good, but I definitely like the brighter second set! ;)

  7. The second photos in each set were brighter. However, I think I liked the first one in each set the best.


  8. ummmmmm, what look are you looking for? the first one is darker....the second is brighter......good luck!

  9. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Hi Kelli! The second set is brighter on my screen but I agree with "Deb"....I like the patina of the first photos the best. Don't worry about it. We all love everything you post. So you do what you like. Love, Debbi

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    P.S. I forgot to ask you who the darling little girl in the photo is. Could it be you? Debbi

  11. Nope, it's not me! Just some vintage style images I found. I'm off to bed...I stayed up way to late tonight. I'll email you tomorrow!

    Thank you for sharing your opinions!

  12. The second picture in each set is brighter and clearer to me!

  13. I'm not a pro when it comes to editing software, but I've worked a little with freebie software. The thing I notice about most digital photos is the gray cast they have. This shows more in your first set. I like using software to brighten the colors and take out the gray. Most of my photos have been doctored a bit, usually I at least bump up the saturation. has a very helpful section on photography/photo editing.

    I hope this helps! Enjoy playing with your pictures! I hope to get some "real" software soon! :)

  14. I prefer the first set too. Maybe not as bright, but nicer looking.

  15. to be honest, I like the brightened ones better because I can see them better.

  16. Both second photos are brighter and clearer but somehow they both lost some detail in depth and look a little duller, a little less vintage. So it's the question which look you are going to capture, which is also a matter of taste.
    Hope this helps!

  17. I am in the middle - I think the second is brighter, but maybe a touch too bright for I compromised and would use the second, but tone down the brightening if that is possible.

  18. Yes it helps! The second one is crip and bright looking.

  19. Hi Kelli,

    I like the brighter photo of the journal, but the darker photo of the little girl. I've learned that with my editing program, that I just have to play around a bit with each photo. Lots of times the best photo is simply the original, but clarifying seems to help a lot of them.

    Happy New Year to you and to yours!

  20. the second photos definitely look better. I love your blog!

  21. The second set looks more clearer and brighter.

  22. The second photo in each set looks better.

  23. They look brighter...Darn I didn't think your pictures could look any better! Kelli everything always looks good on your blog...Its not just eye candy but eye CHOCOLATE!!

  24. Hi Kelli,

    In the first set you can see the brighented one better but the lettering and the top of the card are not as sharp as the unbrightened picture.
    The second one again you can see the brightened on better but the texture seems grainy. Can you adjust the brightness?


  25. Depends on what you have in mind. The second photos are easier to see on the computer but seem less authentic than the first versions, which have a sepia look.

  26. I really like the first set of pictures for greeting cards. They look vintage and I think from the theme of the cards that is what you are after. Maybe use the new printer for a more contempory card.

  27. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Definately the second picture in the first set. The second set is a little too bright in my opinion. What's the software?

  28. The second set looks brighter!

  29. In each set the second photo is much crisper and clearer on my computer. They look great!


  30. The second picture in the first set is MUCH better, but the first picture in the second set is better- because I like the sepia tones with the photo :)

  31. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Maybe a strange comment, but the first pictures look cozier. The second are very bright !! You can see things better, but the first are softer !!

  32. I also agree... the second in each are brighter, but the color is better in the first... I have the same problem. I'm always trying to decide between the more natural, pretty pic or the brighter, easier to see one :)

  33. The second pictures show up much brighter to me!
    Did you also get a new camera recently? I've notice a difference in your pictures in the last month. (They just get better and better!)

  34. It does help. They are both sharper in the second set.

  35. The brightened ones ~ they are clearer

  36. Hi Kelli,
    I like the first photos in each group, but my eye tends to like softer looking photos they express a warmth to me. I do like the crispness of the second photo (first set) also. It would depend on what you were trying to express to your viewers on which picture I would use. The second set I like the first photo, it has a look a softness to it that goes well with the old photo. Hope this helps :)

  37. The second photos are definitely brighter, but I would use it cautiously. I think that it also makes them harsh. So a photo where you want to show detail I would use the editor, but for a more natural photo the first is better.

    We have this same problem with many of our editors (yes we have several) and I try not to lighten photos unless necessary.

  38. The second ones are definitely brighter. It looks like a huge improvement in the first set, but in the second set I think it's TOO bright and detracts from the quality of the item.

  39. Definitely the second one looks better in both cases.

  40. Being a photography I have my monitor calibrated Monthly...the first one is much better...the second is better, but blueish tint.

  41. The 2nd set is brighter, more clear.

  42. The second set it brighter, however there is such a thing as too much. In the first group the second picture looks better... crisper, brighter clearer. In the second group, it's too much... it takes away from the vintage quality of the photo, and the picture now has a bluish tinge. So I'd say use it in moderation, hope that helps.

  43. Anonymous3:54 PM

    The 2nd photos in each set are definitly brighter.

  44. It helps a lot, but a little bright on the eyes to me.

  45. The second set is brighter--but I think I like the first set better--

    But all the pictures are nice either way---I am so not any help....LOL.

    Hugs Kelli!!


  46. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I think things with lettering should be brighter, so I like the way the second one looks in that photo. The vintage one could be a bit more in focus as you didn't scan it, but it looks better muted. I think we have the same camera, I saw what it was on Flickr. Speaking of Flickr, they have an excellent free editing program-picnik-under edit photo. And you need a little avatar there too-please?

  47. Yes it looks brighter , and more detail. Yet, I love the look the others have they look like days gone by.

  48. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I like the first set better


  49. Yes second pictures are cleaner and sharper but I prefer the first.

  50. Definitely brighter in the second set.

  51. Definantly clearer and crisper in the second shot. But in your second picture I actually like the first one better.

    What new photo editing program is are you using and do you like it better than anything else you've used? I'm looking to buy an editing program and have my eyes on a Photo Shop program, but am open to other options if their good. :o)


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.