Monday, January 26, 2009

National Pie Day

Thank you to all who joined in for show and tell this past Friday and your sweet comments on my baby cross-stitch hangers! Did you know that Friday was also National Pie Day? I heard about it from Mrs. U who has several wonderful pie recipes on her blog right now.

When I mentioned the special occasion to Phillip he suggested Cheesecake Pie, so the girls and I put on our aprons and got to work.

Cheesecake Pie

1 (9-inch) baked graham cracker crust
1 (8-ounce) pkg. cream cheese, softened
1 (14-ounce) sweetened condensed milk
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In large mixer bowl, beat cheese until fluffy. Gradually beat in sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Stir in lemon juice and vanilla. Pour into prepared pie crust. Chill 3 hours or until set.

We also made RuthAnn's Hillbilly Spaghetti Pie. She uses a cast iron pan, but since I don't have one, a 9 x 13 pan worked great, too.

A few minutes under the broiler got the mozzarella nice and bubbly. Definitely a repeat recipe!

This week we'll be getting ready for Grace's 11th birthday. I can't believe the 1st of February is right around the corner!


Bethany Hudson said...

There's just a day for everything now, isn't there. But, pies are definitely worth celebrating :)

Linda C said...

Pie? A special day for pie and I missed it? Gonna have to make up for that!:)

Linda C

Ms. Tee said...

I've never heard of spaghetti pie, but it looks so good! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli! The pies look good. Pie is a favorite of our family too.

Have a good week. I know that you and Grace will have fun planning her birthday party. Love, Debbi

Shawnee said...

Hi Kelli,
The pies look wonderful. I have never had Spaghetti pie but definitely will have to try it. I hope you have fun getting ready for Grace's Birthday! Parties are soo much fun!

Have a blessed week!


Elizabeth-Plain and Simple said...

Both pies look delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe for the cheesecake and the link for the spaghetti pie.


Tina Leigh said...

Looks good to me too! Grace's birthday!? Time is flying by Kelli! I wish we could stop it!

Vera said...

Good looking pies. But they are not on my diet.LOL

Terri said...

Everything looks delicious!

Jennilee said...

Don't forget Chinese New Year today!

Heather said...

everything looks so delicious! i guess i better get my apron out and start making some pie too!

Stacey said...

Now Kelli ifyou are going to be a Texas girl you've got to get a cast iron pan! Go to Wal Mart they have them. I grew up in TX and couldn't make it without mine.

Your food all looks wonderful. We celebrated National Pie Day with chocolate pie. Yumm!

The Raggedy Girl said...

I am reading and I am hungry as I skipped breakfast and the pie and the spaghetti look so good. I love it when recipes are shared as I am working on a computer recipe file/blog thing and I will snatch recipes where ever I can find them :>)
Good wishes for a really nice day,
Roberta Anne

Lois Christensen said...

As if we need an excuse to eat pie??? Everything looks yummy!

Deb said...

Your cheesecake pie looks yummy! Ruthann's Hillbilly spaghetti pie is making it's debut! It's cooking now for our dinner tonight! I blogged about it last night! Wonder how many folks will be consuming the goodness of Hillbilly pie this week! Thanks for all the great food and decorating ideas! I'm going to try to get a jump on Papercraft Thur. today. It's snow flurrying here and there's nothing I'd rather do than "play" in my craftroom!

GlorV1 said...

Cheesecake and spaghetti are two of my favorites. Your's look pretty good. Thanks Kelli. Have a great week.

the said...

I saw that recipe ... I guess Im going to have to make it!
Happy Pie Day :)

Susie said...

Hi Kelli,
Both of those pie recipes look very tempting! I didn't realize it was National Pie Day which sounds like a great reason to bake something yummy!
I agree that it's hard to believe how fast Feb is approaching. Didn't we just celebrate New Years Day??

Georgia Girl said...

Both of these combinations looks yummy! I love pies so much more than cakes. Never made a cheesecake one so gotta try that.

A Hint of Home said...

Both recipes look inviting. I headed over to get the spaghetti pie recipe. Thanks for the tips.

rohanknitter said...

Mmmm, it all looks so good. I'm glad to be reminded of that spaghetti pie recipe - yum!!

LBP said...

YUM! Pie! I printed that recipe too! We may have that tomorrow.

Babies grow up way too fast, don't they?



Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

My goodness, I need some pie! I love spaghetti pie and you have the perfect dessert to go along with it.

Have a happy day,
Kathi :)

TJ said...

Yum! We had spaghetti pie (similar recipe) on Thursday last week. Had I known it was pie day, I would have waited.

I can't wait to hear all your plans for Grace's birthday.


Anonymous said...

I Love your recipes and can't wait to try this one! It looks delicious!!

Me said...

Thank you, Kelli. It looks wonderful!

Kelly @ Growing.Learning.Playing. said...

Okay, YUM!! I'll have to try that spaghetti pie. Yummy!

Just His Best said...

Hi from another Kelli! Can I come for dinner?? Yum!

Jennifer said...

Oh, I got that recipe and have been wanting to try it - I don't have a cast iron either...glad to see it looks just as delicious in a glass pan!! Definitely on the menu this week...

Unknown said...

We celebrate "Pi" day on March 14th. 3.14... pi.

GlorV1 said...

Kelli, how did you make that badge that says kellis show & tell. I'm trying to make myself a little box with my info on it. I'd appreciate it if you can give me some feedback on it. Thanks.

Heather Anne said...

Yummy! I wish I could get away with a no bake cheese cake around here, but as I was once upon a time a 'cheesecake chef' and my dh loves his cheesecake 'dense' I only make the really thick rich NY stick to your hips kind of cheese cake! Onle once a year! I miss my Mum's light fluffy Cheerio cheesecake with the cherry pie fill on the top!

Judy said...

I totally forgot about National Pie day. Your Cheesecake looks good and funny I posted about making that exact same Hillbilly Spagetti Pie and my family loved it.

Lady Katherine said...

The pie looks great! Start selling them and ship me one! lol I have never heard of the spaghetti pie!

Carrie P. said...

Yum,Looks really good.

Anonymous said...

Is that a lasagna? uhm... nope I guess.. it's spaghetti pie!

Anonymous said...

Both recipes look delicious!

Naturegirl said...

Kelli both recipes look and sound like comfort food! Yumm!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh Yum! Thanks for the recipe! You have a delightful blog! ~Maryjane

Belinda said...

I did NOT know about National Pie Day, but it definitely sounds like my kind of day! Your cheesecake pie looks delicious, and the spaghetti pie, with all of that melted cheese...YUM! :-)

Me said...

I also wouldn't mind knowing how you did the personalized sign. I think though that you have a different blog template than I do. I don't seem to be able to do a lot with mine...?

Mimi Sue said...

Love pie. I saw that recipe too. I'm going to have to try it. Mimi

Janet, said...

The pie sounds great and so easy. If I had the crust I could make one today. Don't know if we'll be going anywhere or not today, kind of snowed in. I never knew there was a National Pie Day.

the voice of melody said...

Your cheesecake pie and Ruthann's Spaghetti pie both look wonderful! I don't have a cast iron either, glad to know it worked well without it.

Many sweet blessings!

Linda said...

I love pie....and I missed this special day. I need to celebrate. The Spaghetti Pie looks yummy too...hugs, Linda

Elena said...

Both pies look very delicious!

Barbara said...

That looks delicious and oh so easy!

Lulu said...

that pie from RuthAnn just looks so delich..i have to try it soon..
love cheesecake pie also, i know i would eat it all up if i made
have a wonderful day.

Pink Slippers said...

We were going to have spaghetti tonight but I think I should try that recipe instead. Thank you!

Shopgirl said...

There goes another holiday I missed. Do Brownies have a day...I made some yesterday.
Love your blog, Mary

nancy said...

That spaghetti recipe looks so good. I'll have to try it. And your cheesecake recipe seems so easy.
Now, Kelli, I'm gonna have to scold you.
You. Need. An. Iron. Skillet.
I'm just talkin' to ya' like a mother!

Michelle said...

I just ate and after looking at this I'm hungry again! That cheesecake pie looks so delicious!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

OOH, you made her hillbilly pie? I was thinking about it too but I don't have a cast iron pan either. I'm thinking about getting one for sure now!

teachermomof2 said...

Your Spaghetti Pie looks delicious! I knew there was a pie day, but not when. How great to celebrate it!

Cris said...

Hi Kelli, I was reading your blog and I had to comment on the cheesecake pie... it looks so easy to make and I have to confess, I love the taste of non-baked cheesecakes! When I make cheesecake I have to try it before taking to the oven...

Farrah said...

Thanks for the recipes! Mmmmm!