Monday, January 05, 2009

Our Christmas ~ 2008

I haven't had a chance to share our family Christmas pictures yet. For the first time in 12 years, Phillip was able to take time off in December and it was wonderful. We went to a few parties, had family and friends over and had lots of time to relax.

New pajamas on Christmas Eve.

Most of the pictures involved silly faces.

Making reindeer food with oats and cookie sprinkles.

Uh-oh, don't tell Santa!

Christmas morning smiles.

Webkinz are popular at our house.

Later that afternoon, we had Christmas dinner with Phillip's family.

Now it's time to get back to our routine, schoolwork, violin lessons, Boy Scouts, etc. Thank you for taking a look and I hope you all have a great start to your week!

And now let us welcome in the New Year,
Full of things that have never been.
~Rainer Maria Rilke


marie said...

Love the expressions on your childrens' faces ~ that's surely one of the best things about Christmas. Sounds like you and yours had a good one!

Have a joy-filled New Year!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing. Great pics.

Can you tell me what was on your menu?

Arlette said...

Lovely holiday pictures. The photo of your furry child lapping up Santa's milk made me chuckle.

Tina Butler said...

Awee how sweet. We do Christmas eve Jammies as well, its so fun my kids look forward to it. Love that dog he is to cute. The tree and the table are beautiful.

letterstoelijah said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos! Happy New Year!

Liesel said...

You have beautiful children, I love their pajamas. The pink one looks a lot like a pair I have myself =)

Sounds like you had the perfect Christmas

Paula said...

Kelli, I hadn't noticed how much your kiddos are growing up until I saw that picture of them in their Christmas jammys. Time sure is flying! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the Christmas season with your precious family. ;)

Arlene G said...

Love the pix you I am ready to get back to a routine. I think vacations are fun but routine is good for the soul. Happy New Year.

Jen said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful Christmas...loved the pajamas.

Mrs. H. said...

Hi Kelli,
Thanks for sharing your Christmas pictures! :-) I am so glad you had a nice holiday. Happy New Year to all of your family! :-)

Stacey said...

Looks wonderful. Love all the pajamas and the puppy having a drink. :)

Happy New Year!

Happy@Home said...

Great pictures. Your kids look adorable in their new jammies. And the picture of the puppy drinking Santa's milk is so funny.

Happy New Year!

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Great family photos! Sounds like all had a wonderful holiday!

Reviekat said...

How fun! We love the new pajamas and Daisy drinking Santa's milk made us laugh.

I love the happy looks on your children's faces - very sweet.


Wendi said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures. I love the dog helping himself to Santa's milk... very funny!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics esp the puppy laping milk, that was so cute!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun Christmas! My kids also lurrve Webkinz! It is very addicting!

dot said...

The kids are growing up fast. It's amazing how much they have changed since I've been coming to your blog.

Kelly said...

Happy New Year Kelli! I have missed stopping by here! I am going to get caught up now and look forward to coming back daily!!
Things have just been so busy!


Anonymous said...

Thank, Kelli! I have been waiting to see the pics of your Christmas. They were worth the wait. Your oldest daughter sure looks like you. Loved the picture of Benjamin being silly. He always looks so serious in your other photos you have posted. But the real winner in my eyes was Daisy drinking Santa's milk. :-)

Have a great week at your house. I am still putting decorations away. :-( Love, Debbi

Bovey Belle said...

What lovely photos (your tree looked stunning). Happy children too - loved the smart new "jammies".

Nancy and I have been trying to get into SD forum, but it won't load for some reason - is there a problem?

Happy New Year anyway.

Lindsay-ann said...

Thanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful family enjoying Christmas.
Sending you my very best wishes for 2009.

Anonymous said...

A very happy New Year to you and your family, Kelli!

Linda C said...

I enjoyed peeking in on your Christmas celebration, Kelli:) Love the new pajamas!

Everything looks lovely. So glad you had a nice time with family! Even Daisy enjoyed the snacks:)

Have a blessed new year.

~Linda C

Divamom said...

Thanks for sharing your photos! Your kiddos are so cute! I see you have a little comedian on your hands too! I see your pretty smile in all their faces--sorry Phillip! I'm sure somebody looks like him!!!(smile)

I might have to borrow your Christmas Eve pjs idea. So cute!

Be Blessed and have a Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

You Christmas looked wonderful !!! Those pajama's are great !!!
I love Daisy being naughty ; )
The dineer looks so delicious.
Happy Newyear Kelli !!

Anonymous said...

Your christmas photo's are wonderful I laugh when I see your Boy make a silly face mine too.
I hope you can understand my english (I'm french).

LBP said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Love the photo of Daisy! Too Funny!

GlorV1 said...

Hi Kelli, those are fun pictures. I love your dog Daisy. (remember dogs can't eat chocolate):))) I hope she didn't eat the chocolate. Just concerned. I'm an animal lover as you know. Kelli thx for sharing, you always have good things and yes now it's back to normal. Take care.

Heather said...

great pictures Kelli! It looks like you all had a great Christmas together. We have a tradition of new pj's for Christmas morning too!

Michelle said...

Kelli, looks like you and your family had a wonderful, cozy Christmas. Ya gotta do Christmas eve (and Christmas day) in jammies! :)

Carrie P. said...

Don't you just love the faces of the kids on Christmas morning?

Mimi Sue said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas with food, family, and fun. Mimi

LADY JANE said...

Love the dog in the milk glass, you could win a contest with that one...
Looks like fun was had by all at your house this sad to have to start to pack away our Christmas Treasures!

Julie said...

Happy New Year, Kelli!! It has been so fun to read your posts this past year. By-the-way, thanks for sharing with me the make of camera that you have. We gave one to my daughter for Christmas, and she LOVES it!! It takes the BEST photos. She has a photography class next semester, and she is so excited to use it. Have a wonderful day. Julie

TJ said...

I love Daisy in the milk! How cute.

My kids almost always get new jammies from my parents on Christmas eve. Glad you enjoyed time as a family!

Love Bears All Things said...

Loved seeing your photos. Thank you for sharing.
Mama Bear

Anonymous said...

Cute pics! The kid's expressions were so lovely! :)

Elena said...

Great pics! I really like the one of your dog drinking Santa's milk:)

Kathy Butryn said...

Hi Kelli...thanks for dropping by and visiting my blog. How lived right down Highway 401 from where we are now. It's been a pleasure meeting you. Loved seeing the pics of your kids on Christmas day...looks like you all enjoyed your holiday. And how lovely to have some time off with your hubby. Have a great evening,

Jennifer said...

Great pictures - thanks for sharing the fun! Love the Christmas jammies!!

Barb said...

awe.... love the pjs... my kids always get pjs too and we have to take the annual pic in them too....but now I am realizing that we didn't take one this year..yikes!!LOL
Also love the kids expressions Christmas morning and of course the dog getting into Santa's bad

Lois Christensen said...

Thanks for sharing! Loved the pajamas! We do the same every year as well! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful and lovely Christmas you had! Loved seeing the photos! Happy New Year!

Jackie said...

Kelli, thankyou so much for sharing your Christmas with us. I love the silly faces.

God bless.

The Raggedy Girl said...

What a lovely post and your children are beautiful and good sports too. The table looks so special and inviting.
Roberta Anne

Ms. Tee said...

What sweet photos, Kelli, and I absolutely *love* that quote about the New Year being full of things that have never been - so lovely. Happy New Year to you!

Janet, said...

Uh-Oh, looks like the dog beat Santa to the cookies and milk. Great pictures.

Jodi said...

I love the pictures, but I really got a kick out of the picture of Daisy!

Cathy said...

Such a cute picture in the pajamas, Kelli ~ and your dog always makes me laugh ~

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Kelli ... I LOVE your dog, he made my day (or night, since it's past midnight :o) Also enjoyed seeing so many fresh veggies on your dinner table. It's always a treat to visit your blog!

Tina Leigh said...

Oh Kelli those are really great pictures! The one of Daisy eating the cookies reminded me (for some reason) of that movie Fred Clause. New PJ's!! Wow! Happy New Year!

Jenn said...

Beautiful as always, Kelli. The children looks so sweet and happy, love it! Especially charming, was the pup getting some treats! hehe =)

GranthamLynn said...

Oh what lovely photo's. I loved the pj's. Brings back memories. I bought cowboy pj pants and slippers camo from Old Navy. I couldn't resist came in handy in the cold spell! Looks like you had a lovely feast. The table was so pretty. And, I loved Daisy's photo I'll have to steal it! We didn't leave out milk and cookies. Daisy would have liked that!
Have a great week and enjoy all your daily activies in the sunshine today! Yea.

Linda said...

I loved the Christmas Eve pajamas...we do that too, it's a wonderful tradition. Enjoyed seeing you happy Christmas pictures...hugs, Linda

Kathi said...

It looks like you had a beautiful Christmas Kelli. I love seeing pictures of your family. Happy New Year. Kathi

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

So glad you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, Kelli!

The kids look happy in their new PJ's.

Your Christmas table is so very pretty!

Anonymous said...

How cute are your children? Your son looks so much like you (well they all do). I remember the PJs with the feet in them.
Glad you had a great Christmas.

Tardevil said...

Don't feel bad - I haven't taken down any decorations yet! At the rate I'm going, it might be February! Love the dog drinking Ho Ho's milk!

Simply Heart And Home said...

Sweet Christmas pictures! The children look so precious and Daisy has the right idea about snacking for Santa!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli,

You are definitely NOT the only one with Christmas things up. I leave mine up till the end of the January! ;)

Linda Q said...

Bless your lovely family! And wow Santa sure looks different drinking his milk, Hmmm?! lol
Thanks for sharing!

Lady Katherine said...

Your Christmas table, looks wonderful! The children in pj so cute, and their faces adorable Christmas morn. I miss those times.

Robin said...

I love the picture of the dog drinking Santa's milk! Naughty dog - I hope he didn't get a lump of coal!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Oh my, your children are priceless but that Mz Daisy is precious! Thank you for sharing your family memories Kelli :)