Saturday, May 02, 2009

Saturday Afternoon

I'm glad to be home on this cold and wet Saturday afternoon.

I did brave the storm to set my flowers out for a drink. I hope it's less wet at your house!


  1. No rain so far and it certainly is NOT cold! I have been working in my yard all day - getting things planted, potted and cleaned up.

    I love your Sunbonnet Sue towels. My neighbor has some lovely towels her grandmother made and she has then hanging on a rod above her pantry - all lined up. I'm glad to see you keep yours out, too.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. That is how our week started here in Texas. Dry right now, but maybe rain tomorrow.
    Catching up on our drought situation.


  3. it was rainy this morning but it's been dry all afternoon and in the 70's. hopefully your rain will end soon too!

  4. It was raining earlier Kelli, but it has let up. Nice to be at home though, rain or not. Take care and have a great weekend.

  5. Lots of rain; yesterday and today. However, it is 70 degrees here. Have a great weekend.


  6. Some rain here today, but we needed it. Probably the first rain in a couple of weeks.

  7. I hope we get some of that!! :)

  8. If it only would rain like that down here in South Texas!!

  9. No rain here, but we sure need some. Hope it clears up for you soon. Hugs, Marty

  10. We had a thunderstorm then a snow blizzard then it started to hail, then it was sunny....
    Northern Ontario for ya

  11. Anonymous8:31 PM

    We are less wet, and wishing we were not. Send the rain our way.

  12. Hey Kelli,
    Feel free to send the rain on over towards Alabama. We are dry and our garden could surely use some.

  13. It sprinkled a little today. The fields look so green and beautiful. The Brown burnt grass is finely disappearing! :) Have a wonderful weekend...Julie

  14. At least your flowers didn't seem to mind the rain! Hope things dry off a bit though. It's nice to see the sunshine too. :)

  15. That is how our Friday looked. Today was just overcast and chilly. Thankful to have a dry warm place to call home... :-)

    Have a great night!

  16. Ugh. Im so tired of rain! I worked outside in the rain today. Its the only way to get things planted seeings that it never lets up!
    Your pots look great tho :)

  17. Nope... just as wet here :(

  18. Your flowers will enjoy the rain. We've had a few dreary days this week, but just a little rain and drizzle. It's cooled down a little, but the flowers are finally beginning to open up.

  19. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Hi Kelli! I figured out that "Storybook Woods" and "the hearts of hartman" are neighbors of mine (in the NW) just by their comments about the rain. When it rains here it seems like it will never let up but from about July until October you couldn't find a prettier place to live. Today it rained, blew, thundered and sometimes the sun was shining around the dark clouds. We get to look forward to the same all next week. :-(

    Loved your pictures. Have a relaxing Sabbath.
    Love, Debbi

  20. Your blog is so beautiful....I love the colors..I enjoyed reading your blog today.

    I am still new to the land of blog, but so loving reading others stories.

    Everyone has a story and so many of them are so touching....
    Hope you will stop by for a visit.
    The May give-away has started and this month there will be 10 winners. I will be blogging from Disney World soon...


  21. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Hi Kelly. Beautiful pictures. I haven't participated in any of your stuff lately, but you are still in my thoughts.
    God bless

  22. We had a beautiful Saturday for which I'm thankful since we had a barbecue. :-)

  23. We had a lovely day yesterday. I'll send some sunshine your way!

    Ali @ Moon Garden

  24. No, it's just as wet AND stormy! I need a few dry days to work on a project!


  25. Here in Arizona it is already getting HOT!

  26. Wish we had some rain here in Arizona, it's already hot and annoying LOL

  27. New York forcast -rain for the next 5 days. We had gotten spoiled buy a bit of "Southern" weather during Easter week and last week...but it is pretty chilly and very rainy today. Funny to think, if we look out our windows, we are seeing the same thing! (almost...not many things blooming here,yet)
    Looking at the Sunbonnet Sue towels. I love them! I did the cutest cross-stich pictures several years back for my "little" girl, who is not so little anymore! They still hang in her room, tho'!
    Have a nice day.

  28. Great to give the plants a drink.

    We had lots of rain forecast, and it is a long holiday weekend here too - typical!

    However, they got it wrong as far as our cottage here in N Ireland is concerned - we have enjoyed some lovely sunshine, and I have the photos on my blog to prove it :)

  29. wow, those are lovely pictures! it does look wet and cold though! :)

  30. We have been super wet here too Kelli. I am looking forward to seeing the sun again!

  31. We had rain last week and we will be getting some rain again this week. Our river is pretty flooded at the moment and is flooding over in some areas so we really don't need anymore rain.
    I love your pictures tho.

  32. It has been wet here in PA. to.

  33. Saturday's storms were something, weren't they? We were grateful to be at home during them, too!

  34. Of course we weren't less wet but my tomatoes' apparently loved it because I have more blooms than I can count. I am just glad it was a little drier today (Mon.)
    Have a blessed week. BTW I enjoyed your Monday post too.

  35. Nope, No less wet, we are becoming a It is nice for the garden and flowers though!



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.