Thursday, July 23, 2009

Coming up for air...

I'm making good progress on my to-do list. All that's left is grocery shopping and Daisy's vet appointment tomorrow. I got a good night's sleep and made banana muffins for breakfast. Hope all is well at your house, too!


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    YEA KELLI! I envy you with almost having your "to do" list done.

    The banana muffins look yummy. I have made the Blueberry Crumb Cake twice this week. ( I found the recipe somewhere on one of your blogs,) I made the first batch on Sat. Since it makes two cakes I gave one to our pastor and his wife. I made two more last night. We have already been nibbling on one of those.

    Thanks for sharing all of your recipes and wonderful pictures. I hope you and the kids have a wonderful summer day.

    Love, Debbi

  2. When you finish your list, please start on mine. :) Muffins look good.

  3. There is just something so invigorating about a completed to do list!! Life just feels good that way! :)

    Glad you are enjoying summer!!

  4. I am glad you are seeing the light at the end of the 'to do' list tunnel - that is always a blessing!
    I am making banana muffins for lunch today! The bananas are ripening too fast even though it has not been hot. Our A/C bill should be quite low this summer! The blessing of a cool summer - but our pool time has been so limited! It feels like September in Ontario ... quite a nice change from our usual summer heat!

  5. I just do believe I can smell those muffins! Who cares about the to do list....pass me some of those warm muffin & a cup of coffee PLEASE!! lol!

  6. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Way to go on the to-do-list !!!! Great work !!
    The muffins look so delicious. I wish I could smell and taste them ; )
    Have a great day !!

  7. It's so nice to stay on track or up with appts. Glad you're having a good week. The muffins look sooo good!

  8. Those look so good.
    Mama Bear

  9. Kelli, I love banana muffins. I have some frozen bananas and that sound reallllllllly good. Thx for sharing your to do list.


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