Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, July 27, 09

Good morning! It is a dark and rainy day here in Texas. I gave my bedroom a quick new look by reversing the comforter.

I prefer the patchwork, but will enjoy the change for awhile.

We kept the house tidy this weekend, so there are just a few chores today. I need to figure out what is wrong with my vacuum cleaner, so I don't have to vacuum the entire house with only the suction hose! But first, I'm off to enjoy another cup of coffee. Have a great start to your week!


  1. I like this comforter. I like the colors and patterns. Looks fresh and comfy!
    Enjoy your day.

    PS good luck with your vacuum...

  2. I wish our house had been kept neat and tidy this weekend. lol I just looked around and thought I NEED TO CLEAN!

  3. Comforter is pretty. I'm with you ...another cup of coffee...Jo

  4. How neat to have a reversible comforter and be able to change the look occasionally!

  5. It is nice to have two looks with one comforter. More things in life should be reversible.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sounds like you are having fun playing house.....except for the vacuum cleaner problem. Your comforter is very summery looking. I like it both ways.

    Have a good day. Love, Debbi

  7. Hmmm! You've got me thinking. What can I do today to create a fresh, new look somewhere? Creating changes is always fun.

  8. Love your pretty comforter!
    thanks for sharing. I made your
    delicious salad you posted last week
    and it was a big hit! thanks-nancy

  9. Anonymous1:19 PM

    That's beautiful!

  10. Yeah for Mondays when the house stayed tidy over the weekend!!

  11. Hi Kelli. Enjoy your coffee. I always love to have a second cup of coffee. I like the colors in your comforter. Have a great week.

  12. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Very nice 2 looks in one.

    Today is my daughters 30 th
    birthday. Where did the time go! And she is my baby.

    Pamela in OH

  13. that is one thing I *love* about being a homemaker...changing things up a bit...move this and that around...the variety...having a different look...coming up with ideas....gotta love it.

  14. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Just popping in to say hello. A clean house, some changes, both are good things. :)

  15. I love the comforter too. I have been mopeing around the house...gotta get some gumption today. (my sinuses have made me miserable & unable to spell correctly!, lol).

  16. wow, JUST the suction hose!!! Yikes, Now that is an all day job, lol.....But I have done that myself when the main part is just not picking up, its a back breaker for sure!! See you soon~


  17. It's very frustrating when the vacuum doesn't work. Mine is always getting something stuck in it.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.