Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School...

Good morning! Today is our first day back to school. Grace is going into 6th grade, Emily into 5th and Benjamin into 3rd.

We are using the Sonlight curriculum (core 3 and 5) and the girls are taking a Creative Writing and Spanish class once a week. Boy Scouts and Faith Keepers is also starting back up this evening, so it will be a busy day. Wish us luck!


  1. Isn't it amazing it's school time already? We are starting day 12 today. :-)

  2. I don't think I would have had the patience to have home schooled my boys. Plus, I don't think they would have listened to me anyway. One is now a teacher in a classical Christian school. Started his first year last week.

  3. Good luck, we are starting next week-hope your day goes great


  4. Have a great year. Isn't it nice to get back into a routine after summer?

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Kelli, Grace, Emily and Benjamin,

    I hope you all have a wonderful and exciting school year.

    Kids, I know your mom is a wonderful teacher and roll model. You will have a lot of fun learning from her. Faith Keepers and Boy Scouts sound like fun, too. Enjoy!

    Love, Debbi

  6. It seems that vacation time is really over down there....
    Good luck to anyone!

  7. Wonderful! As a mom of six and a teacher (until about 5 yrs ago:) I feel your excitement of the first day of school:) Today is also the first day of college for our "baby" Amanda.

    Have a wonderful year!

    Linda C

  8. Good luck and have a wonderful year! :-)

  9. Hello, happy return to school for you and your children. In France, we don't practice homeschooling. My children go back to school the 3 of september.
    Have a nice school year.
    Kisse from France

  10. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Happy School days to you! I hope it is a lovely year for you and your children. We are using Sonlight still and just love it! Have a glorious day!

  11. Hi kelly! =)

    Sounds very excitting! Im itching to start with one of my children (My son will start first grade homeschool) but we are estimating that the curriculum won't come in until begining of Sept. My 2 older daughters will be starting their 2nd year at a christian school from having been homeschooled. Thus far they have been blessed by it.

    You will have a busy,full day! May God bless it richly!

    God bless! =)

    Mrs. Preston

  12. School started for Yngwie today too! He is a senior!!!! How did that happen so fast??



  13. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Have a wonderful school year you guys! The first days back at the the fall routine are filled with so much excitement! My daughters are starting their college coursework this week, but we will not begin our subjects here at home for another two weeks. Still trying to finish up gardening stuff, school planning, last minute decluttering, etc. Hope your year is off to a GREAT start!

    ~Kelly in MN

  14. I hope school goes wonderfully for you and the family! Also that the busy-ness of all the activities is fun.

    Kaia starts school tomorrow and is so excited for 1st grade. I think Mo is looking forward to getting rid of her for awhile too.

    Have a wonderful week!

  15. I hope you all had a wonderful first day back in school!


  16. how exciting! good luck to all of you, you too mom! I'm looking at Sonlight for kindergarten next year for Ella. I'm excited!

  17. Good Luck!

    Wish I had little ones again...I miss the whole "back to school" excitement.


  18. Anonymous7:40 PM

    We started back to school today. We are using the first half of Sonlight 3/4 and 100, the second half is for next year. Had a wonderful day outdoors at the picnic table this morning working. Hope your day went as well.

  19. Have a wonderful week - the beginning of a fantastic school year for all of you!!

  20. Hope you had a great day! My kiddos started back today too. I wish I had the patience to homeschool!

    Be Blessed!

  21. Happy first day back! We started today.

  22. Wonderful!! I LOVE back to school!! All the new books, new pencils, crips white paper- LOVE IT ALL!!

    I pray y'all enjoy this year! Children grow up FAR too quickly, don't they? :)

    Mrs. U

  23. Yea!!! For school starting back. Mine is only 2 and will be homeschooled, but for now it just means the grocery store is less

    I love reading about your homeschool so any posts you have about how you do things is wonderful for us future homeschoolin mommas to take notes!!!

  24. I was just reading about someone else using the same thing. Sounds like a well organized source. You'll be fine. I know everyone is excited to get started.
    Mama Bear

  25. Kelli,

    I miss those homeschooling days! Enjoy and good luck!


  26. Just stopping by to say Hi!!!

  27. School seems to come sooner and sooner every year. Wishing you luck on your first day, and on your busy week.

    God bless.

  28. Happy and fruitful new school year! We do not start until September 15th! I so miss Boy Scouts!

  29. Have an absolutely wonderful school year.

  30. I love that always find the prettiest pictures!

    I was looking at that curriculum trying to find something to start with Little Package. I really dont know what I should do. She will be two in a you have any suggestions? She is really smart & I would like to help her as much as I can.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.