Tuesday, October 20, 2009

In the Kitchen...

Hello! Our week has started out with lots of time in the kitchen. Emily's Faith Keeper's group is working on their cake decorating badge. Last night, Emily baked and frosted a lemon cake all by herself.

At the class all the girls learned different icing techniques, including how to make royal icing flowers.

My brother-in-law's girlfriend arrived Sunday night and we are having Mrs. H's Country Ribs, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, and Choco-Hoto-Pots for dinner.

I've been using my Autumn tea tray as a centerpiece. Here's a sneak peak at my new teapot and cups. I'll share more pictures soon!


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Lovely table and that cake is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
    Blessings, Sarita

  2. What a lovely tablescape, as Sandra Lee says on the Food Network!!

  3. I had never heard of "Faith Keepers" clubs before... what a fantastic idea! I am going to send the link onto my friend who has a 5 year old!

    That tea pot is beautiful! Who makes it? Looks really old :)

    Love you blog,

  4. It all looks great....tell her she did a great job on her cake. :-)

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Love the teapot set and the cake looks delish! Just wondering where you store all of your decorations/tea sets/etc. when not in use? I'd love to collect more, but don't have the room in my cupboards to store them : (

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Hi Kelli!
    Emily's cake is beautiful! She should be proud! I love your Autumn tea tray. You have me hooked on "Constant Comment." I tried it last fall after reading about it on your blog. It is my favorite tea flavor. Enjoy your week.
    God Bless,

  7. Hi Kelli

    I love your Fall table setting - so elegant. I wish I could visit for that scrummy meal or just a cup of tea. Delicious! Oh, and the cake looks wonderful too! Well done Emily!

    Cheers - Joolz

  8. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Hi Emily! Your cake is beautiful. Did you have fun making it? Lemon is one of my favorite cakes. Wish I could have a piece of yours.

    Tell your mom I love her tablecloth with the leaves. Keep us posted on other things you are doing to earn badges. I would love to know.

    Love to you and your mom, Debbi

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Dear Kelli,
    Please congratulate Emily on that beautiful cake - clearly, she takes after her talented mum! I love the beautiful tea tray too - and am so glad that you are continuing to post a little, as autumn would not have been the same without your inspiring blog.
    Thanks and God bless,

  10. Emily's cake is wonderful! She did a fantastic job. Love the bright icing colors. You're fall table setting is really pretty as well.

  11. Nice table setting and that cake looks delish. Thanks for sharing.

  12. And I bet that cake tastes as good as it looks!!! Wish I could have a chunk of it right now!

    Kelli I love the tea set! I want to know where you got it too.

  13. What great teaching! I love the beautiful teapot and cups as well!

  14. Hi Kelli :) I love your autumn tea tray/set. So, so pretty! Love & hugs, Q

  15. Ooh I love the teapot and cups. So pretty as a centerpiece. The cake is wonderful too!

  16. beautiful cake & beautiful fall table! i recently just discovered your blog & i have been so inspired by reading it to start holiday baking traditions. i also love the victorian era, little house on the praire books & fairy gardens. i am charmed!

  17. I love the tea pot centerpiece! It's absolutely beautiful. Emily did a great job of decorating her cake. It looked yummy! :) How long has she been part of Faith Keepers? One of my friends has a daughter involved in it. Just thinking about my daughter joining...

  18. Well, if it was the first time she did it all by herself, I have only one word to say: BRAVO!!

  19. Anonymous10:56 AM


    What a great idea for a centerpiece! It truly is a work of art and the dinner sounded yummy too.

    Hugs, Gretchen

  20. Your tablesetting is beautiful!

  21. Great icing job Emily - it looks good enough to eat! I love your new tea set Kelli! there was a green bunny set at our goodwill recently that caught my eye but I couldn't figure out where to put it and by the time I circled around to get it anyway, it was gone! So sad. I should remember to put the 'maybe's' in my cart and re-shelf them if I decide against it! I love brown transfer ware and anything to do with tea! Have a cup for me!

  22. love your post. awesome tea set.

    I hope to come back tomorrow and post into SnT Fri...hope I remember.

    Blessings, DeniseMarie-Bloomin'

  23. What a pretty cake. I love going to cake classes.

  24. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Wow, Emily did a *fantastic* job on her cake! (o:

  25. What a beautifull cake, your daugther do a nice job!!!
    Kisses from France.

  26. What a lovely cake!!! She did a FANTASTIC job!!! Looks like birthdays will be extra special from now on with such a talented baker AND decorator in the house!! What a treat!!!!

    Mrs. U

  27. they did such a great job with the cake! it looks so good! I love your tea pot pictures too!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.