Friday, January 08, 2010

Weekend Chit~Chat

Hello! How was your first week of January? All of our Christmas decorations are put away and we eased back into our school schedule.

After Christmas, my parents went to Houston because my sister was expecting a baby (she had a beautiful girl!). My Dad is back home now, but my mom is on her way here for another week.

I worked on my menu, cleaned the fridge, grocery shopped, and tidied up around the house.



I just need to finish the laundry and then relax and enjoy the weekend. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, too!


sweetjeanette said...

what an adorable egg holder! I love Christmas, but it is nice to get the house back to normal. LOL

Lulu said...

Happy New Year..
congrats to your sister, how lovely..
Have a great weekend..

Patricia said...

congratulations on the new addition to your family!
many blessings for the new year

WendyBee said...

I admire your industriousness, you inspire me!
Congratulations on the new family member, sweet baby, nothing more precious than new life. (Unless it's New Life.)
Thanks for sharing,

Heather said...

Isn't it nice to put all the decor I love your egg holder!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli. I just found your blog. You've been at it for sometime. I've done a little peeing at past posts. And I can't wait to go back to peeking some more. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Rosie

Mike Golch said...

Great egg holder!(so I'm a guy)I enjoyed Christmas as well.I have not put up a tree since 2003 the year Mom Died,that year I just did not have it in me to do it.Now with the seizures happining so much I just don't take the risk,we have too many precious orniments that I dare not rish destroying them.

Anonymous said...

Loved your pictures today, Kelli. Everything looks nice and tidy.

Congrats on your new niece. Have a fun week with your mommy.

Love, Debbi

GlorV1 said...

Congratulations to your sister Kelli. I love that egg holder. Enjoy your weekend.

Mahek said...


Julian said...

lovely Kelli! Houston? Should of come over!
I keep drooling over your bird stamp stuff on etsy. Maybe someday! .... our car transmission needs help, and my husband is going to have stints put in next Thursday. Think about you often, take care!
Christina Gomez

Lara said...

Such pretty photos! I find it so sweet and endearing how you describe how you tidy up your house. Doesn't having a clean 'fridge feel great? I like your chicken egg holder. Congrats on your new niece. My sister just had a baby girl too! I hope you have a relaxing weekend Kelli! T/C!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelli!

Sounds like you have been busy getting things back to normal. I love the holidays, but it sure is a good feeling to pack everything away and start the new year off fresh, clean, and organized. Congratultions on your new niece! How wonderful. Enjoy the week with your mom. Take care!

God Bless,

Sherrie said...

Happy New Year! I was back at school this week and I swear it was the longest five days of the school year. ;)

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

I love the egg holder.....Enjoyed my stop at your blog today.....I have a fun giveaway on my blog...a $100 prize ..comments will be closed on Monday night, but today's entries get extra stop by and join in the fun.

Terri said...

I love your centerpiece on your coffee table. Did you make that, Kelli? It sounds like you've had an enjoyable week!

Everydaythings said...

love the new header kelli and happy new year too!

Rosemary said...

Kelli, enjoyed your post.

Tina Leigh said...

Kelly....all I want to say is ........IT IS COLD HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoyed your post!

Love Bears All Things said...

Enjoy the time with your Mom.
Mama Bear

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Jennifer said...

Well, is that egg holder just too cute!! Congrats on that new niece:)

Brooke said...

Congratulations, Auntie! Have a wonderful visit with you Mom. Does she love to shiver and build snowmen? :)

What is that adorable little white cup hanging from a hook in your photo?

Kate said...

Your blog is very inspirational and I enjoyed looking around.
Thanks for sharing.

Mindy said...

I LOVE the egg holder! Where did you find that?

Shawnee said...

Congratulations on your new niece. :) I love the egg holder!! I pray you have a blessed week.

Debbie said...

Considering you now have 26 comments, I'm not sure you'll see this one. I just wanted to say hi to a fellow Texan. We are near Beaumont, so feeling all your frozen pain lately!

Come visit my blog some day.

Have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

love your blog to pieces. soooooo inspirational.