Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Welcome June!

Hello! Happy first day of June! I hope you all are doing well. In the last month and a half we have finished up with Boy Scouts, Faith Keepers, Spanish and Creative Writing classes. We are having temperatures in the high 90's, so summer is definitely here!

We had friends and family over for Memorial day. In the morning I went to the grocery store for a few things and found these beautiful peonies. They were completely closed, but within a few hours had bloomed.

Phillip got a new grill for his birthday/early Father's Day, so he grilled burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. I made potato salad, macaroni salad, and we also had artichoke dip, chips and humus, and watermelon.

For dessert, we had strawberry and blueberry shortcake and I also made these fun jello cups for the kids.

Thank you for stopping by for a visit, I've missed visiting with you!


  1. Kelli!!!! It's so good to "see" you. It sounds like you had a great holiday weekend.

  2. What a wonderful post; welcome back! Care to share/post your macaroni salad or jello cup recipe -- they look delish!


  3. So glad to see you back, Kelli!

  4. Nancy8:40 AM

    I just love your blog. In my area, it is overcast and stormy looking. What great pictures to remind me that Summer is here! Yay! Hope you enjoyed your break--it sounds like you were pretty busy. Welcome back! :)

  5. Welcome back! :-)
    Love the jello cup idea.
    Down here in central Texas we've got 100+ temps forecasted for next weeekend!

  6. It's so good to see you back!

  7. Kelli, I'm very happy to read you!!!
    You Jelly cup are funny.
    Kisses from France

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Happy to see you are back. Loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing!


  9. It's good to hear from you again. :-D

    Sounds like a very full life. YAY!

  10. It's so good to hear from you again!

    Your Memorial Day sounds wonderful! Ours was rained out and we had two sick people. so we were pretty low key this year.

  11. welcome home! glad to see you here! and what could be appropriate to celebrate with sooo yummey sweet treats!

  12. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Glad you are back :) Hope you have a restful, fun-filled summer.

  13. Great post, and I'm so glad you are back! (I'm the fellow North Texan who emailed you not long ago.) I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing photos of your creations. It sounds like you had a nice holiday weekend!

  14. Welcome back, Kelli!! Glad you had a blessed holiday! And I know how good it feels to finish up some things! We are schooling through the summer, though, since my appendectomy and Drs. appts. have skewed our schedule! No biggy...we almost prefer it!

    Have a glorious week!!

  15. The peonies and your food look amazing!!

  16. I'm so glad your back... I just love your blog!

  17. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Oh, Kelli,
    It is so wonderful to have you back! And what a beautiful post too. Please keep blogging - we have missed you so much.

  18. You always have such beautiful photo's of your creations. Thanks for sharing. And welcome home! Glad to see your back.
    Hope the rest of your week is Blessed,

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi Kelli
    It's so good to have you back! I have missed you and pictures of your yummy food and beautiful home.
    I hope your blogging batteries are recharged and I look forward to some nice summer stories while we are 'chilling' down under in Australia (1st of June was the start of our winter).

    Cheers - Joolz

  21. How nice to hear from you! Looks like you had a wonderful holiday!

  22. Kelli!!!! I'm sooo glad you're back, I've missed you! You made my day!

  23. YEAH...welcome back! So good to see your post - always enjoy them! And the jello cups - too cute! Wish I'd seen this post two days ago?!? :)

  24. fun times Kelli! So glad to have you back!

  25. Looks like you had a lovely day--quite festive!
    Glad to see your post! :)

  26. So glad you are back. I have missed you! All the food looks yummy!

  27. Wow, your maceroni salad looks really good. Forget the kids...the little jello cups look good enough for the adults to eat! I just happened to come across your blog and thought I leave a comment.

  28. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Hi Kelli!

    What a sweet surprise to see that you are back to blogging! Your beautiful posts have been missed! I am glad you had such a wonderful holiday weekend. School is finishing up for us this week and we are off for vacation to Florida! Welcome summer!

    God Bless,

  29. Yay!! Glad you had a nice "break", but I am so glad you are back! I thought about you as I was getting my patriotic decorations ready for Memorial Day, Flag Day, and OF COURSE, Fourth of July. Welcome Back!!

  30. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Hi, you're back !!!!
    I love the flowers. I've got a bush in my front garden, but the buds are still closed. There are buds in that bush for the first time since I planted it. I can hardly wait for it to bloom.
    The food looks fantastic. Happy birthday to your husband !!!

  31. Christa5:49 PM

    Warm Welcome back!! Your macaroni salad looks so yummy.

  32. Those jello cups look so perfect for a hot day! I'll have to make them soon!

  33. Anonymous3:09 AM

    beautiful photographs =)
    i love them
    x x x loulou x x x

  34. I'm glad your back - we've missed you too, but of course, everyone needs a break now and again! It sounds like you've been super busy! I'm glad you are jumping into the joys of summer!

  35. Oh the food looks so yummy! I'm so glad June is here, we are finally getting some nice weather here in the Northwest after a cold and rainy spring.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.