Thursday, July 01, 2010


Happy July and Happy Canada Day to all of my fellow Canadians! It is also my brother's birthday, so it's a good day. I received an email requesting that I share pictures of a flower cake from the May 2000 Victoria magazine, so here they are...

So pretty! I wish I could make roses like that.



As you can probably tell by the lack of posts, I've been struggling a bit with finding the time to blog. My style is to share a lot of pictures and have some sort of theme, but Phillip and Grace have been encouraging me to try shorter, more simple posts. I've spent that past two weeks thinking I couldn't do it, but now I'm going to give it a try! Hopefully, it will work out better and you won't be too bored. :0)

I'll be back soon!


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Dear Kelli, The roses are stunning! They remind me that my mom used to make hand rolled roses for special occasion cakes when I was a young girl. It was fascinating to watch a rose 'bloom' between her fingers. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Thank you SOOO MUCH KELLI! LOVE IT! More beautiful than I remember.

  3. Wow!
    The cake is wonderful and the roses are amazing!
    Love from Spain

  4. Hi Kelli, I haven't been on for a while but wanted to stop by and say hi to you. This cake is beautiful! I hope your summer is going well. Happy summer time to ya!

  5. Kelli, your posts are never boring whether short or long. You always have something to say/show. You're the leader of the pack. Have a great 4th.

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Very beautiful!

    And your blog should be whatever *you* want it to be and you should feel free to post however *you* wish!

  7. What a beautiful cake - how could anyone bear to cut it! And I agree, whether your blog is long or short or full of pictures or not, it doesn't matter. Have a lovely day,

    Cheers - Joolz

  8. Everyone seems to be having a hard time blogging. Glad to see you made it back.

  9. Gorgeous looking cake!
    Good to see you back.
    Happy 4th of July to you!

  10. I've missed your posts Kelli and will be happy to read whatever you find time to write! Hope your family has a wonderful 4th of July.

  11. i love that cake! Yes, i am glad you are back, and your kids are right. Ive missed you! Cant wait to see pics!

  12. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The cake looks great but it is wonderful to have to blogging again.

    Missed your posts very much.

    I love Victoria magazines too and I have all of the issues from the late 80s to December, 2000. After Nancy Lindemeyer left in 2000,the new Victoria was not the same.


  13. We all have times when we just can't blog because life gets in the way.

  14. Excited to see you. You always inspire me!!

  15. Its good to see a post from seems a lot of us have slowed down on blogging which is only natural in the summertime with so much to do and the children home...I do love to visit with you, though.
    Mama Bear

  16. Anonymous8:52 AM

    oh kelli i am never bored with your posts. i look so forward to reading your blog. i always check it at least 4 times a day to see if you have updated. i'm amber's mom.

    diana from oklahoma

  17. Any post from you will have me clicking on There is No Place Like Home!! I have missed you...

  18. It is always good to "see" you. :)

  19. I love hearing from you - no blog post of yours will ever be boring!

  20. Your blog is always beautiful and refreshing...thank you for sharing.

  21. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Kelli, I was in Canada on July 1st for Canada Day. We went to a lovely little town in BC called White Rock for my daughter's wedding.

    I don't think anything you post about would be boring. I have missed hearing from you on the computer.

    Happy Fourth of July, Debbi

  22. I too have missed you. Keep the posts coming, long or short. Have an awesome week!

  23. What gorgeous roses. They look sooo real.

    Happy 4th of July!

    Irma :)

  24. Love the cake and I love that magazine! The Victotian era is my favorite! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Isn't it wonderful that there is no "right" or "wrong" about blogging?! That cake is just tooooo pretty to be real!! (at least prettier than anything I've ever made!!) LOL :)

  26. Happy (belated) Canada Day to you too, dear Kelli! I've been struggling as well, trying to find time to blog and visit...this time of year there are so many things that need doing away from the computer!

    That cake is just gorgeous. My mom used to make icing flowers like that, must ask her if she still knows how to make them and maybe give me a crash course:-) xoxo


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.