Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12, 2010

Good morning! We've had a fairly cool July thanks to rain almost every day.

My water garden has been very neglected this year. I haven't cleaned it out at all.

It seems to have created the perfect environment for new goldfish babies! There are at least 4 (1 gold and 3 black), but they are very camera shy. The fish in the picture is one of the adults.

I hope your July is going great, as well. The kids are I are about to leave for Rhode Island to visit Grandpa and Grandma. I'll be back to 2 weeks with pictures to share!


Pam B said...

We've been loving all the rain so far this summer in N Texas - we've barely had to water our lawn! So nice, and it does keep the temps down. I'm sure it won't last but I sure have enjoyed it while it did!

Hope you all have a wonderful time in Rhode Island.

Simone said...

in Germany it´s raining too, but after the hot weeks this is also urgently necessary.

Southern Lady said...

Have a wonderful trip! Carla

Anonymous said...

Have fun!!!

Nakamuras on Saipan said...

Beautiful water garden! I love the pictures! After months of hot temps and no rain- we also welcome the rains here in Saipan..!

Susie Homemaker said...

Hi Kelli,
What a pretty water garden you have! You are coming to my area...well, just slightly south of us.
We have been having a heat wave here. Expecting some rain tomorrow...hope it cools things off a bit.
Have a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

The water garden looks lonely without Daisy in it!

Jennifer said...

Have a great trip - will look forward to those Rhode Island photos:)

Jules said...

Your water garden is beautiful and looks so peaceful. I would love to sit near it to think or pray or maybe even read a book. Have a good time on your trip and be safe!

TJ said...

The water garden looks amazing to me! After a very cool, wet spring (which has severely delayed cherry harvest)we've been hit with a heat wave. My tomatoes seem to be enjoying it, but other plants not so much.

Goldfish babies?! How cool is that!

Enjoy your vacation.

Deb said...

Just seeing your water garden in pictures makes me feel cooler. In Va we are in the grips of a heat wave and have only last night had good rainfall. Enjoy your trip and have safe travels!

Paula said...

Such pretty pictures! Hope you have a wonderful vacation. :)

Linda C said...

How great- new baby fish!:)

Have a wonderful trip!

Linda C

Sassy Sites! said...

I featured you on my blog over at Sassy Sites! Come on over and check us out! ;)

Tina Leigh said...

Looks like neglect is a good thing if you have that going on....the pond is beautiful!

Melissa said...

Wow! How serene!

Marie said...

Aren't you lucky! We have had the hottest summer. In fact, it seems like we went from snow to hot and dry. I cannot imagine what our August will be. We did get some rain the other night and cities near by had bad storms.
Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Julieann said...

I would love to have rain everyday~~~Love it! Love the pretty pics too:)


Heather Anne said...

We had a very rainy spring but July has been hot and humid with just enough rain to keep everything green! The corn is over 6' tall and tassling out - our roadways feel very 'cozy' with tall green corn on either side! Your water garden is thriving on neglect - it must be so fun to have baby goldfish swimming about! I hope you have a lovely time with your family in Rhode Island!

kitchen tables said...

Your garden is very unique. The garden I know is not like that. I never thought that a water garden is going to be as beautiful like that.

One of those Pauls people said...

Hi! I just found your blog today and am really enjoying it. I've never made cards, but I'm thinking I will have to start after seeing all of your beautiful tutorials.


Anonymous said...

I`m always following your blog and I miss your posts!! I hope you and your family are fine :) Maria

Carolyn said...

I'm glad to see you active on your blog again. I am a missionary in Honduras who has been following for quite a while. You are very inspiring!

Birds and Blossoms said...

Love it!!!!