Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21, 1887 ~ October 21, 2010

Hello and Happy October! This is my favorite month of the year and I'm enjoying the cooler weather, pumpkins, and a few changing leaves.

I have a special treasure to share today. When we visited Rhode Island this past summer, there was a break-in at my parent's house while we were out for the day. I had left my wedding band on the dresser and it was one of the many things stolen.

When I returned home I started my search for a special replacement. I wanted it to match my engagement and be old.

I found this simple 18K band on ebay and was especially excited about the initials engraved on the inside.

W.A.B. ~ M.E.D.

Along with the previous bride and groom's wedding date, which happens to be today, October 21, 1887. 123 years ago!

I wish I had more information about it, but that is what an imagination is for, right?

Thank you for taking a look at my new treasure and Happy Anniversary to W.A.B. and M.E.D!


  1. Hi Kelli, long time no post. Hope you are okay. Sorry about your wedding band being stolen and happy that you found another and how great that today is the anniversary of these people whose ring now belongs to you. Happy Anniversary to them. Makes you wonder about them. Nice to see you post. Have a great Friday.

  2. What a sweet find! Though I am sorry your band was stolen in the first place.

  3. While none can take the place of your original wedding band, this one has so much to delight in. What wonderful stories you can dream up because of it!
    Be Blessed!

  4. That is a God sent! Wishing you love, joy and happiness always.

  5. I'm so sorry your own ring got stolen, but what a charming find! One hundred twenty three years old and still shining brightly with the warmth of its job, symbolizing the love of a husband and wife. Beautiful.

  6. That is so cool! I love antiques, and I'm sure the bride and groom are looking down and are glad the the ring is in good hands. So glad you found that!:-)

  7. What a precious thing to find! If that ring could only speak. I'm so happy for your treasure!

  8. Anonymous10:01 PM

    How neat. Wow! I am sorry that your band was stolen though.

  9. Hello, I love reading your blog-was missing your posts! I was so sad to hear about the loss of your wedding ring but at the same time-what a treasure you now have!! What a neat story!I'd be always wondering about the original owners and what sort of a life they had....!

  10. I am glad you found such a sweet replacement ring Kelli. If that ring could talk I am sure it would have many stories of love and committment.

  11. So beautiful! I love that you can dream about the stories of the previous owner. It goes perfect with your lovely diamond. Great to see a post from you!

  12. So sad about your wedding ring being stolen. But wow....what a find! Things like that always make you wonder what the history is behind it all. :-)

  13. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Hi Kell! I am so sorry about your wedding band being stolen but what a blessing to find the new one....a real treasure. I am sure the lady that wore it before would be very happy that someone as special as you owns the ring now. It is still beautiful....someone has taken very good care of it. Enjoy! Debbi

  14. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Hi Kelli!

    What a sweet surprise to read a new post from you. I was hoping everything was o.k. I love your "new" wedding band. What an interesting story it must hold. I am sorry to hear about the break-in. Have a great weekend.

    God Bless,

  15. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Wow! I am so sorry that your ring was stolen. But what a treasure you have found. It would be so neat to find out who it belonged to. It couldn't have found a better home. :)

  16. It's good to see you back again!

  17. Oh Kelli, what a sweet new/old band. I'm so sorry that your ring was so stolen. I too had my engagement ring stolen, and then later I foolishly lost my wedding band. It makes me sick to think about it. But you found a lovely way to appreciate a beautiful replacement, and I want to thank you for sharing the joy of the story!

  18. So sorry about your original ring but what a perfect match now! The two rings look so good together. I have been following your blog from Honduras where I have served as a missionary for the last decade. It is a touch of home in a far land. I check frequently and am glad to see a new posting.

  19. Hi, Kelli -
    It's good to hear from you again. I've missed you. I'm so sorry that your ring was stolen but if you have to replace it what better than a treasure like you found. Thank you for sharing these dear folks' anniversary with us.

  20. Wow, the new/old band is a perfect fit with your engagement ring! It really is beautiful.
    I love "old" things, the stories that ring could tell! What a treasure you have.
    I am sure it was heartbreaking to see your ring gone but how wonderful to find such a special new one!
    Thank you for sharing and like you I love this month too! : )

  21. So sorry your ring was taken! Your new ring however, is quite a treasure. How interesting that the ring has a date and initals in it.
    Good to see you posting.

  22. That is just beautiful! I love that it is unique and precious!

    (My wedding set is very old - belonged to my husband's grandmother... and I wouldn't trade it for a new one any day!)

    Have a great day!

  23. That is so sweet about new wedding band. It looks beautiful with your engagement ring! miss you guys!

  24. I am so sorry to hear about your Wedding band nut wow what a find, I know it will not replace wholely whar you lost but what you have is more prescious than a ring of gold xx

  25. Anonymous9:48 AM

    That is so great. What a lovely weddingband !!
    It's so sad about the break in though. Some people !!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the changing of the leaves !!

  26. Halloween

    The night is dark
    and the goblins are out,
    and the witches and black cats
    are prowling about.

    And costumed creatures
    the strangest I've seen,
    are knocking on doors
    'cause tonight's Halloween!

    Happy Halloween dear Kelli:-) Oh my, what a wonderful find that wedding band was to replace yours that was stolen. So perfect in every way!! xoxo


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.