Saturday, June 24, 2006

"After" Closet Pictures

Sewing Things
Originally uploaded by pwinn.
I can see the floor again!!! I moved all the organizers that were in the bedroom into here.

On the top shelf are boxes of pictures, wedding dress, childhood papers and journals and completed schoolbooks from Grace and Emily.
The bottom shelf contain pillow stuffing, ribbon, felt, and candle making supplies. All of these things were given to me by my next door neighbor when she moved.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The rubbermaid containers contain fabric, alot of it given to me by my friend Elizabeth. I have very generous friends. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Now I need to go tidy up the rest of the house. It was clean when I started these projects but over the course of the day, things got very messy. Does this happen at your house too?!


  1. Looks much nicer.Does't a completed project make you feel good!

  2. OK I am really starting to feel guilty....I need to reorganize my kitchen something terrible & my closet is OK but I really need to get rid of some clothes. Kelli my plate is full for the next few weeks, think you could come over & do the job for me? I'll pay ya!!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.