Sunday, June 25, 2006

Making good use of my new table linens

I ironed up my vintage linens today and I'm thinking my iron is getting old because I had an awful time getting the wrinkles out. As you will see in the pictures, I gave up for some of the pieces!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

When I first saw this piece of cutwork I was thinking it was just a random pattern but as you can see there is a peacock and butterfly pattern all the way around! What patience and diligence this must have taken to do the same design over and over again. A lesson I can definitely learn!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Our breakfast dishes and a tea set on top of my piesafe.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I put two of the smaller pieces in our master bathroom.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Lastly, in the main bathroom. Now my candle will stop sliding to the back of the toliet and marking up the wall!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. Kelli they are all so pretty & I love how you are using them all!! What a find...I'm jealous!

  2. Kelli,
    Everything is so charming.

  3. Love those vintage many wonderful uses for them isn't there! Enjoy your day...Blessings!

  4. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I skipped over the Cutwork section in my embroidery book, but the Butterfly and Peacock piece will make me take a look at it. It's gorgeous. When you learn just a bit about something, you realize the work and love someone put into it, know what I mean?

  5. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Everything is lovely..They are all so beautiful! I especially love the lavender toilet display! This has prompted me to get out my box of vintage linens, iron and display them...Thanks!

  6. I am crazy about antique linens, but never thought of using a dresser scarf over the back of a toilet. What a neat idea.



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