Thursday, July 27, 2006

Blog Tour of Homes

If you are looking for the "Blog Home Tour", you have found the right place! Welcome to my home.

Front door
Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is our living room. We watch movies, play games, read books and do alot of our schoolwork here.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is where all my blogging happens! I think it needs a little color. Do you think Phillip would mind if I added some pretty doilies and some flowers? ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Next up is the kitchen, where we spend alot of time cooking, baking and even making crafts!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My last photo is of a special kind of house. A fairy house! And as you can tell from their front door, they are very friendly.
My fairies like to tease their friends, the snappy snapdragons, cause lots of mischief bouncing off my fern leaves and staying up late, playing in the moonlight. They do have some good habits though, they enjoy a cup of tea at 4:00pm every afternoon!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you for visiting my home!

Go over to BooMama's to continue the tour and peek inside all of the wonderful homes!


  1. Wow! Your house looks like something out of a decorator magazine..

  2. Awwww, fairy house! I love the kitchen cabinets!!

  3. I so wanna come by and sit on your front porch!

  4. Your home is darling. I am going to come and sit on your rocker and bring some ice cold lemonade to share!

  5. Love your kitchen!! Beautiful home!
    Jennifer R.

  6. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Lovely house it's beautiful and I love the fairy house, my daughter would just love to make one.

  7. You have a beautiful home, Kelli! I love, love, love your kitchen. It has my favorite color. Your porch looks so cozy and inviting. I am especially fond of the fairy house. When I was a little girl my grammy would always tell me fairy stories!

  8. This is gorgeous, I would love to sit on that rocker!

  9. Oh, a fairy house! We have those! I love your kitchen, and you've decorated SO beautifully!

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    You have a beautiful house and I love the way you arranged your post so professionally. Great pictures.

  11. Oh it's very nice. And I love your header. I felt so at home here, that I added you to my "trial" folder, which means that I'll come back and look around when I have some more time!

  12. You`ve got both a lovely home & a lovely blog :-) This is my first visit here but I`ll make sure to come back!

  13. You have a beautiful home! I really liked the kitchen!

  14. Thanks so much for giving us a glimpse of your's beautiful and oh how I love the faerie house too:-)

  15. A pretty house and faeries, too?

  16. Very nice. Thanks for sharing:-).
    Have A Great Weekend!!!

  17. Lovely house. The living room looks oh so comfy. Mind if I take a quick nap? ;) I love the fireplace.
    Thanks for sharing your home!
    And thanks for coming by mine to take a quick peek. Feel free to visit again soon. :)

  18. love the fairy garden. Fun fun!

  19. Anonymous2:05 PM

    DO your fairies sprinkle Fairy dust all over and drop little gold coins?

  20. Your kitchen is so warm and inviting. I love it. And that little fairie house is too sweet. Thanks for letting me peek into your world.

  21. Nice to meet you and thank you for sharing your cozy home with us!

  22. Great pictures of your house Kelli --- it's beautiful! I think Phillip could handle a few doilies, right? :o)

    Love the fairy garden too.


  23. Nice to meet you! You have a sweet cozy home.

  24. Love your kitchen, but the fairy house really got me. We build them every summer at the lake. I'll have to post about them.

  25. Anonymous5:00 PM

    OK, so everyone is going to invite a fairy to take up residence in their yard! I know that I am! Thanks!

  26. Your house is just as I had envisioned it. You always share the best pictures so I was ecstatic to see what the rest of the house looked like.

  27. Beautiful home! Very warm and cozy.

  28. That is an awesome fireplace! Thanks for sharing.

  29. Beautiful house Kelli! Thanks for inviting us into your home. :) Revee

  30. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog during the Home Tour. I visited yours this morning (love the Fairy House!), but didn't leave a comment ... been trying to visit all of the homes today, but still haven't made it through the list - LOL!


  31. It was fun touring your home. :)

  32. Anonymous9:44 PM

    What a great living room! I love the walls!
    Thanks for the tour!!
    Blessings! ~Beckie

  33. Beautiful home! Thanks for the tour.

  34. Thank you for the lovely tour, and having the chance to meet you and see your fairy house.

  35. Lovely home! I love your fairy house, my daughter would think that was the greatest!

  36. YOu have a lovely home - the fairy garden is adorable

  37. Thanks for the tour. Loved everything--especially your kitchen.

    Thanks for having us!

  38. You have a pretty home. I am glad you let us peek in! :0)

  39. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Thank you so much for the tour! I love the front door & porch. Brick homes are just so pretty!

  40. What a lovely home! And fabulous kitchen wall color ;-) Thanks for the tour.

  41. Kelli, thanks for the look see. the kitchen is so inviting.

    We have many of the same interest according to your profile.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I do hope you will come again soon and see some more of my place, I'm working on it!

  42. Ok, this is so nosy, but when you say Dallas, is that Dallas proper or a suburb? I live in Dallas proper and was just curious. Thanks for the tour!

  43. I've never seen a fairy house before! How neat! :)

  44. Sweet pics...shows like a model home! :-)

  45. Hey Kelli, its Kelli! Amazing all the people who spell the way we do, I thought I was the only one! Your house is great, I love your kitchen.

  46. :) neat. The rocker at the entry way looks like it's asking me to sit down and rest!

    Love the fairy house too!

  47. :) neat. The rocker at the entry way looks like it's asking me to sit down and rest!

    Love the fairy house too!

  48. Anonymous9:25 AM

    For Robin, who asked above, we live in Carrollton, a northern suburb.

    -Kelli's hubby

  49. I love the brick and dark wood. So warm and comfortable... And the fairy house is too funny. Yeah, I would like to sip something on the porch too. It is beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing your place.

  50. Anonymous11:11 AM

    BEAUTIFUL house!

    BTW...this is my first time to your blog! Feel free to stop by and say hello at mine as well!

  51. I've been looking forward to making it to your home! It looks very cozy. Thanks so much for letting us come for a visit!

  52. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Lovely! Your front door is beautiful!!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.