Monday, July 31, 2006

Lemon Bars

Originally uploaded by pwinn.
I made lemon bars for church, Sunday evening. To get the flower and butterfly shapes on the top, I traced small cookie cutters onto paper, cut them out, placed them on top of the cut, cooled bars and dusted them with powdered sugar. Then, I gently lifted off the paper. I got the idea from Martha of course! ;0)


2 sticks butter, softened
2 cups flour
1/2 cup powdered sugar

2 cups sugar
1/4 cup flour
4 eggs
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 tsp. baking powder

1. Mix crust ingredients with a fork. Press into 9x13 pan. Bake for 20 minutes at 350.F

2. Mix filling ingredients and pour on top of crust. Bake 20-25 minutes at 350.F

3. Dust with powdered sugar. Cool. Cut into squares. (If you make the shapes on top you will want to cool, cut and then dust with sugar.)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Now I just need to learn how to cut even squares. :0)


  1. What a cute idea!

  2. Mmmm... I love lemon bars!

  3. Kelli, Mmmm, lemon bars are one of my Favorite treats. Your idea for the shapes on top is simply adorable:)

  4. Those are so pretty! What a neat idea!

  5. what a great way to decorate the lemon bars. Great at holiday time too

  6. Thank you for the recipe and the clever idea for decorating them.
    I love lemon bars.
    I really like your fairy house too!

  7. Kelli why is it that Sandra doesnt catch you with your feet up eating lemon bars?? Can I come over? I would eat a pile of these if you would let me!!LOL!

  8. Tina, I think the time difference helps. I do all my lazying around while she is still sleeping. ;0)


  9. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Well, how cute is that!!! Dani (dd) takes Martha's magazine. I think I need to sneak in there and borrow a couple of back issues!!

  10. Kelli, those look really good and the decorating is a great idea. You could use themes for whatever holiday it was or something special for that person, or baby things for a shower. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Thank you for the lemon bar recipe, Kelli. They look very yummy, besides so pretty.


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