Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Deep in the wood I made a house
Where no one knew the way;
I carpeted the floor with moss,
And there I loved to play.

I heard the bubbling of the brook;
At times an acorn fell,
And far away a robin sang
Deep in the lonely dell.

I set a rock with acorn cups,
So quietly I played
A rabbit hopped across the moss
And did not seem afraid

That night before I went to bed
I at my window stood,
And thought how dark my house must be
Down in the lonesome wood.
~K. Pyle

The print can be found at Posters.com


  1. That poem is great! I'm making a copy for my daughter's copybook

  2. Hi Kelli:-) Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, it was very much appreciated!! I so enjoyed the Tour of Homes also...every time I thought I was at the end, more would be added! lol Now I think I did them all!! I loved this poem, thanks so much for sharing it:-) Take care!!

  3. Kelli, I loved the poem. My grammy used to make up her own stories and one of my favorites was about the fairies that lived in the woods. I remember they danced under the mushrooms and then had a picnic and drank lemonade out of an acorn cup!

  4. The picture looks like it's from the Smokies! The poem remined me of growing up in Alabama. We had a lot of moss & I loved it. Green, soft & cool to the touch. Yes it was like outdoor carpeting!

  5. I love the poem, Kelli. Very serene and it brings back fond memories.

  6. I'm glad you all enjoyed the poem! I found it in Sarah Breathnach's "Reviving Victorian Family Traditions." She has a poem for each month of the year. :0)


  7. Kelli, I have most of Sarah's books. I just love Simple Abundance. Would you recommend the Victorian book? Do you get a lot of good ideas from it??

  8. Hi Susan,
    I *highly* recommend the book. Just for the pictures alone! LOL But it happens to be full of wonderful articles about everyday living with children, along with how to make holidays and the months of the year special. I think you would love it!



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