Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What did I get myself into??

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The layout and general clutter of our schoolroom finally got on my last nerve. My plan was to organize and clean out everything first, then move furniture. BUT, after Phillip moved the piano for me, I couldn't just stop there, so I moved other things and combined with the the drawers, cupboards and bookshelves I had emptied, I couldn't even move in there!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

What I really wanted was the table away from the window. It has been covered up for the past 7 years and I wanted the room bright and open. Since, the window had been blocked for so long, I was never able to properly clean the blinds or windows. There were so many dust bunnies flying everywhere, the the entire room and everything in it was covered with a thin coating of dust. YUCK!! I never knew dust bunnies were so talented!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Come back to see "after" pictures, coming soon!


  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    You've taken on a BIG project, but the outcome will be so wonderful!! This is a great summer project. Just imagine how wonderful your fall will be starting fresh in an "all new" school room! Yes, yes, yes, do post after pictures, but some "during" pictures would be fun, too.

  2. how lucky you are to have a real school room. We worked off the dinning room table for years. My kitchen walls plastered with chalk boards and charts.

  3. Don't feel overwhelmed, Kelli. I know sometimes when I start a project it feels so "big" I think I will never get it accomplished. With all this hot weather it is probably a good time to do this because you will be indoors a lot. Do a little at a time (set small goals for each day) so you don't burn out and before you know it you and your children will have a brand new school room for all to enjoy:)*You talked about having dust bunnies, around here sometimes we have dust RABBITS!LOL

  4. Thanks Flora!! It is nice to have a separate room!

    Mrs. Linebarger, I'm hoping a more organized and simple room will help us get more schoolwork done. ;0)

    Patty, it is actually our formal dining room that we decided wouldn't get enough use so we piled it full of books instead! LOL

    Susan, thanks for the encouragment and the laugh! Now that you mention it, they did look alot like dust *rabbits*! LOL

  5. Kelli it looks like a fun room to me. If you dont like it now then I cant wait to see it when you are finished!!!

  6. What a nice room. You are lucky to have that nice big window. I hope your organizing bug makes it's way to my house soon!

  7. I'm praying that our next house will have a room for school.

    I'll be back to see the finished product! :0)


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