Thursday, August 03, 2006

Our Schoolroom-"After Pictures!"

Here is is! It's amazing, all the things I managed to squeeze into this room! It feels a little less cluttered though. After I was finished, Emily asked me for her "horse coloring book." I said, "It's in the white cupboard." She found it right away so I guess that is a good sign!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I LOVE having all of the book shelves together!! Speaking of sqeezing things in...some of the shelves are so full, it takes two hands to pull out a book!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My original plan did not have the white cupboard here. I should probably plan out my furniture moving adventures out on graph paper, but I prefer to cross my fingers and hope things fit! LOL

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

It didn't take as long as I thought it would. I started Monday night and finished Tuesday night. Of course, that's all I did on Tuesday, during the day. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thanks for looking! Oh, if you click on the pictures and scroll your arrow over them, there are little notes to read.


  1. A great big "WOW" all the way from Virginia:) Kelli, the room looks AMAZING! What a transformation and in just a day! Here I was telling you not to get discouraged, take it a little at a time, YADA YADA . . . What an awesome school room you have made:) Can I rent you out for a few days to help around here?? LOL

  2. Wow ... there is much more space in the room now.
    Maybe you want to visit me and organize my rooms ;)

  3. Looks great, Kelli! The room looks bigger than before. :)

  4. Oh it looks so nice and orderly now. Great job!

  5. You did a wonderful job Kelli. Want to come and help me for a week? =) I love the way you were able to highlight different things in the picture to give us more detail. GREAT JOB!!!!

  6. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Kelli, well done!!! All in a day's work, too. The room is airy and spacious, and very attractive. Isn't it nice to have everything organized and right where you want it??? Love that feeling, wish I experienced it more often ;-) BTW, I loved being able to click the pics and read your comments on them. Too fun!

  7. Looking good! I like the bookshelves together!

  8. Kelli the room looks so nice. You did good work. Now you are all set for school to start.

  9. Thank you everyone!! We have all been enjoying our new schoolroom. It is so easy to find things now!


  10. Kelli now you can come to my house and organize my office space!What a great example you are to your children. I have all these plans but never get around to doing it! Summer as you know I spend out in the garden!! P.S. your constant comments are greatly appreciated and I am pleased that you enjoy your visits with me! :)

  11. Looks nice! I love that feeling of being freshly organized!

  12. thanks for coming over to see me!
    I love your school daughter homeschools my granchildren so it all looks very familiar!
    I mentioned I bought the Ohio t-shirts...I also picked up some that said Teachers Pet...I didn't notice till I got them home that there is a small black "s" scribbled in between the e and the t making it into Teachers Pest. I hope my brilliant 6 year old grandson will not notice...he despised smart alek tshirts and refused to wear them...go figure!!
    Have fun in the new room and come see me any time!

  13. Kelli I couldn't get the pictures to come up, they would get stuck when I clicked on them, my slow internet! The room looks so nice, I love the old school desk! Do the kids ever use it? Kelli what about putting some of the books on top of the book case, might make it a little less snugg. I'll try & pull the pictures up again tonight!! BYEEEEEEEE

  14. Tina, Grace uses her desk all the time! The top opens up and she keeps drawing supplies inside it.
    Putting books on the very top shelf is a good idea! Thanks!

  15. Kelli, your room looks great!... and so neat and organized. You are very efficient!

  16. Anonymous6:13 PM

    It looks so neat and clean and organized. I want a schoolroom so bad but my only option is my basement where all my husbands junk is. You did a great job.



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.