Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sunday Dinner

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

We had a friend over from church for lunch today. Phillip grilled brauts and hotdogs and I made a vegetable quiche. We also had chips and salsa, strawberries, watermelon and iced tea.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

For dessert, we had clams and seashells. Ok, not real ones!! We used store-bought madeleines sandwiched between pink icing. (You can also use strawberry ice cream!), We decorated the edges by dabbing the edges with water and dipping it in pink sanding sugar. We rested them on a dune of crushed graham crackers and added some chocolate seashells.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The shell dessert was from a Kid's Martha Stewart magazine.


  1. Anonymous4:50 PM

    That looks different and delicious.

  2. LOve the shell desert! What a cute idea!

  3. The shell dessert is a great idea. I have been hearing about some pretty creative stuff lately. I am going to have to try my hand at it.

    I have a friend with a severely autisic son. He is allergic to wheat. For his birthday, they made him a knox blocks (finger jello) cake. It was blue raspberry jello. They put mandarin oranges in it for goldfish. Then they put slices of kiwi on top with a little pink clover flower from their yard as water lilies. They also put some gummy frogs on it. I told them to send me a picture of it.

  4. Mmmmmmmm! That's one beautiful quiche!

  5. Dot,
    I remember saying after we made them, "they don't look exactly like Martha's!" Phillip said she probably used photoshop. ;0)

    Thanks Susan!

    Farmgirl, the jellocake sounds so cute! I'd love to see a picture.

    Coffee and a muffin....I put orange bell pepper, basil, mushroom and onion in it. :0)

  6. Looks great and I love the desert! What a good idea.

    Oh yea when I make quiche, my family never eats it. My husband has a problem with food that has a french name. *Ü*

  7. delicious looking quiche and I just love the idea of the sea shell dessert. Wouldn't it be fun to have a sea side tea and use that as a centerpiece treat

  8. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Could you post the quiche recipe please it looks wonderful.


  9. Tori, sometimes I call it egg and cheese pie, hoping to trick them into thinking it's dessert. ;0)

    Patty, a seaside tea would be so fun!

    Judye, the quiche is also known as savory summer pie. LOL I have a link under my recipes. I just changed the veggies this time. I added some mushrooms and used orange bell pepper instead. I hope you like it!


  10. The vegetable quiche looks wonderful! I can smell it through the picture. :)

    The dessert looks fun!


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