Saturday, July 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Share your time, talent, and possessions with others. Understand what you have to offer.

Generosity in Action:
~Show kindness and compassion
~Express empathy for others
~Understand your ability to make an impact.
~Be willing to accept other people.
~Smile and look people in the eye that are physically or mentally disabled.
~"Rally" around a stressed family member.
~Choose secret pals within the family. Be generous in sharing your time with them.

If you have young children, here are some generosity coloring pages.

Two girls sharing a teddy bear

Sharing at the beach

The photo is one of my favorites and can be found at


  1. I need to work on being more generous with my time. That's good Kelli, Keep 'em coming.

  2. What a lovely post...generousity goes along way doesn't it!! Blessings to you...

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This is definately not one of my virtures. I'll have to work on it.


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