Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday, July 7, 06

Hello everyone! Did you all enjoy the shorter work week? I liked that the weekend came so fast! Our church is having their Vacation Bible School this coming week and I am in charge of crafts for preschool-3rd grade. I need to prepare 5 days worth of crafts for 30 children. I have the crafts picked out, I just need to go through the supply closet at church at gather them all together. I will be doing alot of cutting out and sorting things into ziplocks this weekend! I'm looking foward to it though!

I was cleaning out some drawers last week and found some Virtue calendar pages. It lists a virture, the characteristics of it, and things you can do during the month to put it into action. I'm going to share a different one with you each week. I'll start with Generosity on Monday.

Also, I'm going to pick a different color each day next week and share some photos of my favorite things around my house.

Last, but not least, I put up a mini poll right below my chatbox so please go vote!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I'll talk to you soon.


  1. Our week was about the norm, since Europe doesn't choose to celebrate the birthday of the greatest country in the world. *Ü*

    The generosity calendar sounds so neat. Where did you get it?

    Can't wait the see the pictures of color!

  2. Hi Tori, I must have picked it up at a yardsale long ago. The sheets are all loose, no cover. I should clean drawers out more often! ;0)
    There are lots of good virtues: Humility, Modesty, Responsibility, Loyalty just to name a few. I can't wait to get started! Oh, I'll have to do purple for one of the days. I found a little plant at the store today from Croatia! Tiny purple-like roses. They feel like tissue paper.

  3. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Kelli, I visit your blog every time I get on line which is probably 3-4 times per day just to see if you've posted any thing new. I did the poll but I just wanted you to know since the most I could pick was once a day.

  4. Hi Kelli - Thanks for adding my blog to your list! Your blog is pretty & I love the banner across the top. :)

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Thanks for posting the Preview of Coming Attractions! I'm looking forward to the virtue calendar page ideas as well as the photos of your favorite things. I really do enjoy your blog. Thank you for your hard work.

  6. Kelli, I just love your blog, you always make me smile, and you post pics of the nicest stuff.....looking forward to the Virtue Calendar. Can't wait.

    Hope you're having a good weekend.

  7. Wow! Thank you for all the wonderful compliments on my blog! You really made my day! :0)

  8. Kelli, I visit your blog several times throughout the day too! :)

    I'm looking forward to the virtue calender!



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.