Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cynthia's Heavenly Tea

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

3 Lipton family size or 9 regular teabags, tags removed
2 springs fresh mint leaves, plus mint sprigs for garnish
1 cup sugar
1 6 ounce can frozen lemonade, thawed
2 (11 1/2-ounce) cans apricot nectar
2 teaspoons almond extract

Place the teabags and the mint in a glass pitcher and pour in 2 cups cold water. Bring a kettle with 3 cups water to a rolling boil. Pour the boiling water over the teabags and cover the pitcher with a small plate. Steep for 10 to 15 minutes, then remove the teabags and mint leaves. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Stir in the lemonade, apricot nectar, almond extract, and 3 more cups of cold water. Serve over ice and garnished with a fresh mint sprig.

*I left out the mint and used 1 can of apricot nectar instead of 2. I can't find the smaller cans of frozen lemonade here so I use half of a 12 ounce can and save the rest for next time.


  1. Mmm...that tea sounds delicious!

  2. Yummy!! That tea sounds fantasitc! We love tea around here, so I'll have to give this a try soon!

  3. You'll have to let me know if you try it. It is perfect for a hot, summer day!

  4. Ihave this cook book and I have read all the Mitford Series Books by Jan Karon. I have made several recipes out of this being the Orange Marmalaide Cake. It is so good.

  5. I LOVE this tea! I guess I have Mitford on the brain because I just finished the Home to Holly Springs book today :) Thanks for the recipe!

  6. oh sounds so delicious! i adore your blog ^^


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