Wednesday, July 05, 2006

July Simplicities

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Now that we are knee-deep in summer, we don't have to go far from home or jump in a canoe to indulge in summer's cheerful spirit of fun! Here are some ideas I found in Sarah Ban Breathnach's "Simple Abundance" and some summer issues of "Victoria" magazine. Feel free to share your own summer simplicities in the comments!

~Send a summery postcard to a friend, just to say "Hi."

~Make Sun Tea. Place 1 gallon of cold water in large glass jar. Add 6 tea bags. Close lid and loosen a little. Put in sun until water is dark, 3-4 hours. Remove tea bags, sweeten if desired and drink over ice.

~If you have a beach sojourn this month, try to enjoy it at different times: an early morning browse to collect shells before the crowds come, a late afternoon visit to fly kites after they've left. Save one evening for a moonlight walk. If you're not alone, hold hands.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~Hang up a hammock and enjoy a gentle swing and a snooze.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

~When was the last time you stargazed? One clear summer's evening lie on a big blanket in your backyard with a bottle of sparkling cider, cheese, biscuits, and fresh fruit. Find a star to wish upon.

~During a summer thunderstorm, sit in the middle of your bed in the dark and watch out the window or from a screened-in porch.

~Summer is the time for flavorful, peak-of-the-season foods. Bushel baskets of corn, peas, tomatoes, greenbeans and peaches make thier way from the farmer's market to the porch.

~Evening brings the sounds of cricket choirs and bullfrog solos. Find a spot to listen and enjoy.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank You For Summer

Thank you, God, for summer
With all its flowers gay,
And birds that sing, and green grass,
And butterflies that play
At hide and seek with clover,
And blossoms on the trees,
And sunshine bright, and showers,
And every cooling breeze.

Yes, thank you God, for summer
And always at my play
Help me, Thy child, remember
These gifts of Thine, I pray.

1 comment:

  1. Some beautiful reminders to enjoy the season! Thanks for such a lovely post Kelli!! Thank you also for your prayers....hugs to you dear friend!


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