Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4th of July Fun

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Our celebrations started on the 3rd. Phillip had the day off so we invited over some friends from church. We grilled spicy and sweet brauts, burgers and hotdogs. We also had pasta salad, spinach dip and crackers, deviled eggs, banana pudding and my friend brought over a delicious peach and blueberry pie!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Yesterday morning, we did some cleaning up before heading over to Papa and Nana's house. Uncle Caleb is in town from college for the summer, although he had to work until 9:00pm.

We did more grilling, this time bbq chicken. My sister-in-law made a gorgeous red velvet flag cake and this morning, I am still full from all the food we ate!

For anyone who has read the "Mitford" series by Jan Karon, I borrowed her cookbook from the library and made Heavenly Tea. Black tea, sugar, frozen lemon juice concentrate, almond extract and apricot necar. I could only find peach nectar at the store so it was very peachy. :0) I made it on Monday and it was a big hit, more popular than the soda so I made it again yesterday. I really should have read the labels on the tupperware containers at my mother-in-law's house. I got out a large one that *looked* like sugar but when I tasted the tea, it sure didn't *taste* like sugar!!!! 1 cup of SALT does not make for yummy tea!!! LOL

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Later than evening, Uncle Nathaniel and Uncle Caleb and Nana roasted s'mores with us. It had rained earlier in the day so it was nice and cool. We fired off some poppers (the legal kind!) and headed back for home at around 11:00pm. Grace, Emily and Bejamin fell asleep on the way home and didn't wake up again until 9:00 this morning. :0)

Yesterday, Daddy taught them how to make a human pyramid. Benjamin looks a little uncomfortable but he said it didn't hurt!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Pinwheels whirling round
Spit sparks upon the ground,
And rockets shoot up high
And blossom in the sky-
Blue and yellow, green and red
Flowers falling on my head,
And I don't ever have to go
To bed, to bed, to bed!
~Dorothy Aldis~


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

    I love the new look to your blog. It's great.

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Glad ya'll had fun. Loretta Lynn would call you sister! You know she once baked a pie and used salt instead of sugar. LOL

  3. Thanks for inviting us. It would have been nice to have gone, but we've both been rather ragged lately. :( I'm glad y'all had fun though!

  4. I hope you can make it next time Amanda! You'll have a new little one for us to meet. :0)


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