Saturday, July 15, 2006

~Sunday: My Favorite Blue Thing

Sunbonnet Sue is on her way to church. I will be joining her shortly. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My Mom and Dad gave me this blue leather Bible case back in 1983. That would make me 7 at the time!! I loved to trace the velvet dove with my finger. Inside there are pockets and I remember lining up my pad of paper (for taking notes!) and pens up carefully. My sister, Jenny had a red one with a velvet cross. I'll have to call her today and see if she still has it. :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you so much for looking at my favorite things. I had alot of fun getting them out and remembering all of the memories that they brought back.

I would like to say a special thank you to my husband, Phillip, who has been taking the pictures for my blog since July 4th. He never once complained, not even at the 7 Sunbonnet Sue towels! He is such a great photographer!!!


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Phillips takes great pictures! Could it be at he never complained because a)He knows your favorite things are special to you, and b) because you are his favorite??? ;-)

  2. It has been gret fun seeing all your favorite treasures and a pleasure looking at them too! What a blessing you hubby is!!! thanks again for sahring with us...blessings to you this day....

  3. Kelli,
    I love your special blue Bible cover.

    This has been so much fun. *Ü*

  4. I've enjoyed seeing your favorite things!

  5. Mrs. Linebarger, you may be on to something there. ;0)

    Thank you for looking everyone!



I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.