Saturday, July 15, 2006

~Saturday: My Favorite "Rainbow" Things~

Sunbonnet Sue is busy baking. Did anyone else bake something yummy today?

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

My first favorite thing is a pin that I've had since age 7 or 8. I went to public school for all of 1st grade and half of 2nd. My class would have show-and-tell on a regular basis and I always brought this multi-jeweled butterfly pin. Everytime without fail! One of the blue stones is missing but I would still take it to show-and-tell if I could! :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Next is a vintage apron that I found at a yardsale a couple of years ago. I love the pattern all the colors make and the diamond shapes at the bottom.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Before Phillip and I were married, he bought me a crystal at the Del Mar Fair in San Diego, California. It is the middle one in the picture. Since then I have added a smaller one to my collection.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Last month my inlaws went back to San Diego for a visit. (They live in Texas now). I called my mother-in-law's cell phone to ask to borrow some dishes and she happened to be at the Del Mar Fair right at that moment!! I asked her how close she was to the crystal booth. She could see if from where she was standing!! So, she brought me back this gorgeous sun crystal that makes the prettiest gold balls on my kitchen walls. (They didn't show up in any of the pictures for some reason.)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

At about 6:00pm, my kitchen is full of tiny, dancing rainbows!!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Poor Fern tries to "catch" them but she hasn't had any luck yet!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.


  1. I love the rainbow makers as well. It just cheers you up to see them dancing on your walls. Thanks for sharing. Your sunbonnet Sues have been a fun addition.

  2. Oh I love those crystals. What a splended idea, and yea I seen Pollyanna!!!

    The apron is adorable too, but honestly it looks like it wouldn't fit around my leg. It's a June Cleaver apron!

  3. Kelli I love the pin too, whats the story behind it? I love the apron! I'm going to keep my eye out for some crytals now...I love the reflections they make!! Have I told you lately how much I love your blog??!!!

  4. Farm girl, they are very cheerful!! I was surprised to see how many didn't show up for the camera. There are about triple the amount you see in the photos in real life!!

    Tori, that is about how that apron fits me too..hehehe. It is very tiny!

    Tina, I'm going to have to call my Mom today and ask her about the pin. I can't remember who gave it to me or anything. I'll let you know what I find out!

  5. LOVE the rainbow makers, what a beautiful thing :)

    The pin is just gorgeous. Thanks again for sharing such beautiful things :)

  6. Hi Kelli,

    your "rainbow makers" look wonderful. I can spend hours watching the colors dancing around.


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