Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tuesday, July 11, 06

Hello everyone! The crafts at VBS are going well and everyone is having fun. Today, we helped 40 children paint T-shirts. We had lots of colored sharpies for them to use and then we used fabric paint and sea creature stamps to finish them. I will take pictures of all the crafts at the end of the week. Tomorrow we are making parrot glasses and the older children are making Island Journals.

I'm trying to keep dinners simple this week, so tonight we had spaghetti. Mrs. Wilt posted a Thyme and Cheese Biscuits and they were so good! Definitely a "repeat" recipe!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

You may be wondering why I have a photo of papertowel on my blog. Confession time here! I love paper products. Pretty napkins, plates, cups, etc. If someone gave me a gift certificate to Party City, I would be very happy!! Tonight I noticed that my papertowel has a really cute verse on it.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

flying a kite on a windy day...
collecting little treasures at the seashore...
riding in a little red wagon...
chasing butterflies through the meadow...
blowing dandelion seeds in the breeze...

I thought it was perfect for summer. :0)


  1. Sounds like you have been really busy and VBS is going really well. I like the theme.

    the biscuits look really good, may have to try that one. *Ü*

    Have a great Day!!!

  2. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I like the verse on your towels. It kinda takes you back.
    Throw me a biscuit!

  3. Anonymous6:45 AM

    I love pretty paper products too. I will always for go the plain white ones for the ones with the best designs.... I thought I was the only one....

    Have a great day.


  4. Tori, the Treasure Island theme has been my favorite one for crafts, so far!

    Dot, watch out for a flying biscuit! ;0)

    Judy, it's nice to know I have a "pretty napkins and plates" buddy!



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