Wednesday, August 16, 2006

At Home With Friends

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Getting out and about to pay afternoon calls on one's friends and social connections was a pleasant duty for Victorians.
Hostesses, on their "at home day" were sure to provide a cake, sandwiches and of course tea. Guests supplied polite chatter and, just possibly, a scintillating bit of gossip!

Now that calling cards are a thing of the past and friends connect through email, we tend to look back on those stuffy parlour formalities with amusement. And maybe some envy?

Imagine having time just to sip and visit and nibble, to catch up on the doings of sons and daughters? So why not borrow the best of an old custom and annouce your own "at home afternoon?"

Simply get out pretty teacups and those little linen napkins you rarely use. Then brew the tea and light the candles. Friends are coming to call.

I copied these paragraphs from a book (I can't remember which one!) a few months ago.
Do you have a friend that you could invite over for a visit this week? Maybe someone you've known for a long time or someone you've been wanting to get to know better.

The print can be found at


  1. Hi Kelli,
    Maybe as soon as the weather cools you and Revee with your children of course, would like to car pool and come visit with me for the day.
    I would so love that.

  2. Yes, I would say with some envy.

    One of these days, we'll have the house in good enough condition to have you guys over. At the moment it's um...well...just not in good condition. :}

  3. I agree that taking time to sit and nibble is very good for us. We certainly have gotten away from though and it's time to bring it back!

    This print is one of my favourite pictures, by the way. :o)

  4. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Good thoughts. And if I may....

    Amanda, Please do not wait until "we'll have the house in good enough condition".....I know it's hard if your home is not what you want. Some women have been living in honest-to-goodness construction zones for years while their houses are being built with them in them! Don't wait!! My dear mother-in-love always said, "I'm not coming to visit your house, I'm coming to visit YOU!". Your friends will feel the same way - offer them a cool (or hot) drink and a plate of nice cookies and your fellowship. It's enough.

  5. Patty, I would really enjoy that! I will talk to Revee about it this week. :0)

    Amanda, I agree with Mrs. Linebarger (wonderfully put BTW!!). I would love to come and visit YOU sometime soon! I'm going to email you! :0)

  6. My dear friend June and I get together often, sometimes every day and it's fun to serve coffee and whatever dessert we've happened to make:-) It's always fun to have a gossip at the same time!! lol

  7. Meep...but but...the mess!

  8. This was a wonderful read. Thank you for discipling me in this area.

  9. Kelli I am so obsessed with Victorian times LOL

    I wish I could just sit and have some tea and visit, things seem to be so technological nowadays and we all forget what it's like to actually SIT down and visit with someone.

    Those were definitely easier times :)

  10. I enjoy your blog, especially like the "Thank you for Summer" prayer, and seashell poem!

  11. I have just spent a lovely half an hour looking through your blog - and what a lovely way to spend the time.

    I also clicked on some of the other links - its a bit like a journey visiting your friends - all linked through shared interests.

    Thank you one and all - I will return many times.

  12. Okay, I'll fix this for everyone. Y'all ALL come on over to my home and let's have tea together!! We'll have a grand ol' time chatting and getting to know each other.

    The door is always open for y'all!!

    Mrs. U

  13. You got my calling card - I LOVE TEA PARTIES - any time :)

    My Mom just bought me a tea set - tea pot, 6 tea cups with saucers and 6 luncheon plates - I CAN'T wait to have my tea parties with my friends :)

    We should all have home days where everyone and anyone stops in for a visit - one of the true blessings in life.

    God bless,

  14. Thank you Lady Laurie!

    Thank you for visiting allotment lady!! I'm glad you enjoyed your time here. :0)


  15. It's not fair that yall can go see PATTY!! OH I cant stand it!!!

  16. Great post and replies. Amanda, I agree with the other ladies, it's not what your house looks like - it's about you, your warmth, friendship, and hospitality. I've visited women who lived in immaculate houses and didn't feel welcome at all. Don't worry about your home - take the time to make memories!!

  17. Luv your "tea-time" picture - a wonderful depiction - rather like that of Beatrix Potter.

    Do check out my new blog on this theme and in particular do listen to the theme music - so beautiful like that of your blog.


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.