Friday, August 18, 2006

Old-Fashioned Pincurls

Recently, Mrs. Wilt from The Sparrow's Nest shared photos of her hair up in old-fashioned pincurls. This week I experimented on Grace and Emily's hair and we were all happy with the results!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The first 2 photos are of the first try and their hair was completely dry. I put it in a simple ponytail and then separated it into 4-5 individual strands, twisted them, and coiled them into mini cinnamon rolls. I secured each one with two bobbypins.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

For the second try, after putting the hair in a ponytail I wet down each individual strand with water and it really helped to keep the hair in place. It also stayed up much longer. Lots of hairspray helped too! :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

For more hairstyles and step-by-step instructions go to In Timely Fashion. My favorite is the first "regency" one with the ribbon. :0)


  1. Wonderful job! I know when my daughter and her friends put their hair up in "up do's" Aqua Net is the hairspray of choice (sometimes the whole can!) I appreciate your comments on my own blog, Kelli. Please continue dropping by and we'll have a cup of tea together.


  2. Oh how cute!! I bet the girls find the feminine hairstyle cooler too!

  3. Your girls have beautiful hair, Kelli. The new hairstyles look so pretty and feminine. I wish I had long, thick hair like them.

    Tell Emily and Grace I think they look very pretty!

  4. Lovely Kelli. I'm picturing you all having friends over for an afternoon tea. Everyone in beautiful dresses, holding glasses of lemonade or cups of tea....and everyone wears their hair up!

  5. The hairstyles turned out so beautiful! I just love how feminine they look. Please tell Emily and Grace I think they have beautiful hair:)

  6. When I was a girl my mom used to put my hair up in rag curlers, I then had soft pretty curls the next day. I even had a little old fashioned colonial~style cap I wore over the curlers at night to keep them in place. Your girls look lovely!

  7. That is just adorable, it looks beautiful. Now I'm going to go try it on my daughter's hair :)

  8. Great job Kelli. However, according to "Anne with an E", are they old enough to put their hair up? =)

  9. Revee their hair is beautiful! It looks so soft! I want to plunder in it!! I am trying to let my hair grow out again. I wish I could french braid my hair...I would wear it like that ALL the time!!

  10. Oh My I'm not at Revee's I'm at Kelli's!! Not enough coffee yet!! OK now you know who could have 2 sisters & where those pretty girls live too!! LOL!!

  11. Thank you everyone! I passed your messages along to the girls and they say, "thank you!!"

    It was a quick and easy way to help keep them cool in this hot weather!


  12. Your daughters' hair looks so pretty!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.