Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dreaming of Bullfrogs

You may not know this about me, but I love frogs and toads. When I put in my small watergarden 2 years ago I just assumed I would have a bullfrog move in right away. Another thing you may not know about me is sometimes I'm not patient! (I'm working on it!) So, I actually went to a watergarden store and bought a bullfrog tadpole. It was so fun to watch him change into a frog! To our disappointment, as soon as he had all of his legs he hopped away forever. So, I bought another tadpole! The same thing happened again!! In the meantime, I met the neighbor behind us who has a huge watergarden and at night I can hear my bullfrogs croaking at her place!

This past Monday, I was sitting at my desk, writing some letters and I heard a very loud croak. I ran to get Phillip and I was so excited he had to remind me to breathe!! :0) The frog croaked every 10 mintues for 3 hours!

Tuesday night, we had a small storm here and our internet connection was lost. Phillip spent 2 hours on the phone trying to get it fixed, which involved going out to our electric boxes that are right across from my watergarden. Surely this would have scared the bullfrog away.

This bring us to the pictures. I decided my watergarden needed a few more plants around it to make it even more welcoming to a bullfrog. ;0)

Here is the before picture:

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

After picture. Much more "pond-like" I think!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Last night, the only croaking I heard was from the pond across the street and I am so hoping my little friend decides to come back.

Here is a photo of a bullfrog. Isn't he cute?!!?!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Photo of bullfrog from


  1. Evidently some of the species of frogs in Texas are getting close to being endangered. So much is being done in the way of developments that their homes are being wiped out and there's not enough watery places to lay their eggs.

  2. I didn't even think of that! There is alot of development going on in our area, plus with the drought, many of the ponds and creeks are drying up. Very sad.

  3. Hi Mountain mama,
    The bullfrog in the photo doesn't belong to me unfortunately! We named our tadpole's Jeremiah. I think there is a famous song about that but I can't remember it. My pond is too small for Heron and Racoons to visit but I'm sorry to hear they've been eating your fish!

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Jeremiah was a bull frog,
    Was a good friend of mine....
    Never understood a single word he'd say,
    But I'd help him drink his wine...
    He always had some mighty fine wine.

    Kelli - That was a HUGE hit in my teen years....I couldn't believe those lyrics were still imbedded in my brain! Yikes, that's pretty scary!

    Hopefully your Jeremiah will return, or lure his Mrs. to your pond, to have their family. I thought it was beautiful before, but your after pictures are even nicer.

  5. Love frogs, they are so cute :) I hope yours come back, it would be wonderful if they did. Wonder why they went to your neighbor, could it be there's something there that they like?

    Maybe you could find out what it is and put it in your pond LOL

    Have a wonderful day :)

  6. Love frogs, they are so cute :) I hope yours come back, it would be wonderful if they did. Wonder why they went to your neighbor, could it be there's something there that they like?

    Maybe you could find out what it is and put it in your pond LOL

    Have a wonderful day :)

  7. That is a funny little song, Copper's Wife!! LOL

    Sandra, that is a good idea. I'll have to visit my neighbor again and find out her secret!


  8. Your pond is lovely... The picture of the frog is nice... in that it's a picture. :) Heh. I am such a nature fanatic, but I really have a silly, hard time with frogs. Spiders, snakes, bugs, mice... don't bother me. But the frogs with their slimy, squishy bodies just DO something to me and it's completely reactionary!! We have a large pond in our back yard here in FL, so frogs are plentiful. We have a bullfrog that sings regularly and we've had a pig frog (he sounds just like a grunting pig!) all summer long. We also have our own native little, green tree frogs and the invasive whitish-gray Cuban tree frogs that actually like to hang out on our house!

    I think, because of my irrational fear, they show up frequently in my life in odd places. I put my foot in my garden clog one day and my toe bumped into a garden toad! Of course I screamed and freaked out, but I was laughing the whole time too, because I KNOW how foolish I am. Then I went back outside to check on the poor, little guy and I carried him (back in my clog, because I just can't bring myself to hold them yet) out to the yard.

    Then there was the frog in our TOILET that was there upon our return from vacation. DH had to free him into the pond. Poor little thing climbed right into the jar to be carried out of his little prison. And I was comforted by the fact that it must have been the lack of flushing for a week that allowed him up there in the first place! Otherwise, I might have some bathroom... shall we say... issues?!

  9. Kelli that is too funny!!! We have a pile of frogs here & sometimes they get so loud outside. It is weird, they start out with just a few croaks, then it gets louder & louder & then all of a sudden they quit! Danny & I get tickled. We have some HUGE ones, but my favorite are the little tiny grren frogs that I find on the windows.

  10. Mrs. Pivec,
    I draw the line at frogs in my toilet, there is nothing cute about that!! LOL I would scream for sure!
    I've never heard of a pig frog! I just asked Benjamin and Emily what color they think a pig frog is. They both said pink!!! LOL


  11. Tina, do you think you could fed-ex me a frog? ;0)



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