Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Our Victorian Dollhouse

I haven't always loved dollhouses but when I saw this one out on my neighbor's patio getting rained on, something had to be done! :0) She wasn't sure about actually giving it to me so I said I would take care of it for her for awhile. It's been a year and half so I should call her and see if we can keep it for good. The girls and I would like to take off the old wallpaper, and put up some Victorian prints. Also do something more permanent with the carpet. We made all of the curtains and bedspreads. The pictures are cut out from magazines and framed with lace or ribbon.

So, let me introduce you to the Kent family.
As you can see, they live in a lovely three story home. Every inch of space is put to good use!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here we see Edward and Lillian spending some time in the livingroom. The children all take lessons on the grand piano. It seems that Elsie, one of the twins is having trouble settling down for the night.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Mrs. Kent loves to sit at her desk and write letters. She has lots of family that live in the next state over. She likes to keep them updated on how the children are doing.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Let's head over to the diningroom. The dinner dishes have been washed and put back on the table. Mrs. Kent enjoys a nice cup of tea, as do all Victorian ladies! :0) She has a lovely teaset with pink roses and gold trim.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Oh, what do we have here? Little Thomas is not in his bed! He has lots of fun things to do in his room. He enjoys a good game of checkers and flying his kite. When he isn't looking, his twin sisters like to get into his train set. He is a good brother though and always shares with them!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Clara is not a night owl like her brother, she is sound asleep. So is little Emma. In the morning, they will have lots of fun playing together on their rocking horse!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Let's head down to the first floor now and take a peek into the bathroom. Mrs. Kent has decorated it with her two favorite colors, pink and yellow.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Here is the master bedroom. It was a good idea that Mr. Kent put a cradle downstairs. It looks like Elsie will be using it tonight. I think she has a tooth coming in, poor little thing!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The last room on our tour is the kitchen. Such a fun room to be in. There is always something bubbling away on the stove and look at those delicious pastries for tomorrow's breakfast!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Uh-oh, it looks like the family kitty needs to wake up from her nap! I certainly hope the plum pudding is covered!!

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Thank you for visiting and come again soon!


  1. What a lovely home the Kents' have! Thank you for allowing us a tour inside. :)

  2. I always wanted a doll house. I think the Kent family has a beautiful home.

  3. Kelli, you should write a childrens book! I loved how you told the story:) The Kents' have a "mighty fine" home. Thanks for the tour!

  4. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Oh, Kelli, I loved the Kent's house!! I have ALWAYS wanted a doll house and this makes me want it even more!! Gwen

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    *Delighted applause* coming your way, Kelli! I'm with Susan P. You should be writing children's books. I loved the tour. Did the furniture and the "people" come with the house?

  6. What a great tour. I love how the Kents have decorated their home. Thanks for sharing!!!

  7. It's a lovely dollhouse. I also enjoyed your narration for the tour of the Kent's home.

  8. That is SO much fun! Lucky lil' Kents! We are in the planning process for a dollhouse at our place, too - although unlike you, I have always loved dollhouses.

  9. Too cute :)
    the Kent have a lovely home :)

    God bless,

  10. I love the dollhouse! The Kent family have some lovley items! I had one when I was a girl, sometimes I wonder what happened to of those childhood toys that just disappear.

  11. I lovely Victorian home for the Kent family. A great story too Kelli.

    I can't imagine this being left out in the rain. I'm glad you were able to rescue it.

  12. Anonymous10:30 AM

    She should be writing children's books. I heartily agree!

  13. What a pretty house! I wonder why she left it out in the rain?
    I'm glad it's been rescued!

  14. Thank you all for visiting our dollhouse! I'm so glad you enjoyed the little story. :0)

    Sabine, it came with a few pieces of furniture. We got the dolls at a dollhouse store. The best deals for furniture were found on ebay. I didn't want to invest a ton of money. I wanted it to be a "played with" dollhouse!


  15. Anonymous8:26 AM

    This was fun! I've always wanted a dollhouse but never had a daughter to share it with. Maybe someday I'll have a granddaughter. One older friend decorated a rectangular box like one room of a dollhouse -- that might be a good compromise.

    Thanks for sharing!

  16. Absolutely beautiful!

  17. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I stopped in and looked at your dollhouse today. What fun! Makes me want to do one. I built and furnished one when Elizabeth (Granddaughter) was too small to play without losing/destroying things. She had a ball, but it did not survive. It served its purpose. The next one will be for display. See you on sdq. MammyT

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    What a cool thing you did with that house!
    It inspires me to do something with the old dollhouse I have, just collecting dust.
    And, I'll give the Kents credit for inspiration!


I appreciate you stopping by for a visit and taking the time to say hi! I will try to answer any questions here in the comments.