Monday, August 21, 2006

Monday, August 21, 06

Good Morning! Is it Monday already?! We are going to start our schoolwork soon and then write letters this afternoon. I have potato soup on the menu for dinner and Benjamin has a game of baseball planned for this evening. :0) Oh, and Grace's doll Molly is scheduled for mouth surgery this afternoon. Just a quick and easy re-attachment of a mouth string. Nothing to worry about! ;0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

Today's photos are of my finds at the dollar store last night. I like this store because everything is either a $1.00 or under. I'm not amused when I go into some dollar stores and see price tags that say $7.99! LOL
I thought these little candle holders were perfect for the cooler weather. Grace has a similar one but it holds a long taper candle but it makes me nervous!! A small tealight would also be nice because it would hold all the melted wax in.

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

The girls and I went to some stationery stores Saturday, but we had the best luck at the dollar store. We even found pens to match the paper! :0)

Originally uploaded by pwinn.

I also found some fall decorations. For those of you who like to decorate for fall, do you wait until the first day of fall, which is the 23rd of September or do you start right after Labor Day (the 5th of September)?

Hope you all have a great Monday!!


  1. Great deals at the dollar store!! I love Autumn, but it is just too hot down here (usually through October) so it is hard to get in the "fall" mood. No room in the rv for decorations this year!

  2. I start now to welcome autumn in and get us in the mood for those cooler temperatures. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I love the colors, the smells, the trees, the smoke from campfires, the harvest, the PUMPKINS... I love anything pumpkin flavored. So go for it Kelli!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I am in the fall mood too. I am going to start next week decorating. I love $ stores too.

  4. Those are great finds Kelli :) I have to say that I decorate for fall as soon as I'm able to (without seeming crazy to others lol).

    So, I'm there with you, I'm starting to collect ideas and items so that I'll be ready for fall :)

    I'm SO glad you liked what yuo found on candlewicking, it's such an easy thing to do and you get such stunning results, can't wait to see what you come up with :)

    Have a great monday,

  5. Kelli, I am most definitely a dollar store gal, too! You found some wonderful treasures. The leaf candle holders will be the perfect start to your fall decorating and the writing supplies look so pretty! I usually start putting a few things out around Sept.1 and then around the middle of the month EVERTHING comes out!! I hope Molly surgery is successful:)

  6. Laurie,
    I have to admit, it feels a little strange putting a fall wreath on the door in 90+F heat!

    Farmgirl, I love anything pumpkin flavored too!

    Elizabeth, I can't wait to see your decorations. :0)

    Sandra, I'm going to try the candlewicking this week! Your pillow is beautiful!

    Susan, I think I will be putting out a few things September 1st too! :0)

  7. I start September 1st! I can hardly wait!!

  8. I love those pretty with the candles on them.
    I usually start with the Sept. piano display around the first week of Sept. I keep it simple though and try not to rush things, especially because it tends to be a warmer month here.
    October is my big fall decorating month.

  9. Wow, you did pretty good, your a good bargain shopper. I'm with you about the dollar store with 7.99 things. What's with that anyhoo?? I like Dollar Tree too, do they still have those in the DFW area?

    I love
    fall too. I wont be doing any decoratingthis year since we're leaving in November and we have tons of stuff happening.
    Looking forward to seeing your fall stuff though! :0)

  10. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Great finds at the dollar store!! Wow!!!

    I have a few "back-to-school" type decorations that I put it Labor Day weekend. Those stay up until autumn arrives later in the month, which is when I do my actual "fall" decorating. But, I combine my fall decorations with my Thanksgiving ones (so the pilgrims and such come out then, too). We enjoy these until they come down for Christmas decorating!

  11. Oh MY how in the world is Molly doing? Did the mouth surgery go OK?? Kelli, I dont know which of the candle holders I like better. I love the leaf ones because they remind me of fall but I love the other ones too because they have the place for your finger. Reminds me of the old candle holders, the green would look good in my bedroom (hint, hint) Not that I am trying to take them away from you or anything!! There was a few fall decor out at wal-mart but no one else has anything out yet. This is a topic for OFT! LOL!

  12. I think this year I'm waiting to decorate for fall until mid-September. I've always decorated the first week of September, but I want to enjoy summer as long as I can this year!

  13. Kelli, check out my blog!

    Something just for you & yours today!


  14. Well I know where I am going this afternoon ! The Dollar Store

  15. I usually start in as soon as school starts. This year that means tomorrow though! That does seem a wee bit earyl so I'll probaby begin Labor Day Weekend. Our school year in beginning so early because they want to get out early next summer to complete the building of our new middle school.

  16. It is refreshing to see a mother spend so much time with her children. I see many nannies walk the children in their care during the day and again after dinner I suppose as their parents are out making a living so they can live in these suburban neighborhoods.Material things are replaceable but a childhood is not. Many parents miss the BEST part of their childrens childhood as they run out to work leaving them in the care of the nanny.I applaude you for spending quality time with your children.We all have choices. Yours is a good one!

  17. I love finding treasures at the dollar store ~ I enjoy them so much more when I know they didn't cost a small fortune. The candle holders and stationery look beautiful. I usually start to decorate when the weather becomes cool ~ sometime mid to late September.

  18. Tori, the Dollar Tree is exactly where I went! They are all over the metroplex. :0)



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